[Ding, congratulations to the host, spend 50,000 merit points, exchange the magical power "Infinite Power"] [Ding, congratulations to the host, spend 50,000 merit points, exchange the magical power "

Doppelganger"] [Ding, congratulations to the host, spend 10,000

merit points, exchange the magical power "Invisible"] Tong Zheng continued: "System, spend 100 merit points

, the

force is infinite, invisible, The doppelganger was immediately cultivated. [

Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 100 merit points, cultivate the magical power "Infinite Power"] [Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 100 merit points, cultivate "Invisibility" into [Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 100 merit points, cultivate

the magical power "Doppelganger" suddenly


Suddenly, in Tong Zheng's mind, there were six more magical powers, and the foundation was improved again.

It's time to raise the Taiyi Slashing Immortal Sword Technique to perfection.

"System, spend merit points, and raise the Taiyi Slashing Immortal Sword Technique to perfection." Tong Zheng continued.

When you reach perfection, you can fuse with other sword techniques to become magical powers, and your power will increase greatly.

I don't know if the Taiyi Slashing Immortal Sword Technique can be fused with the Bagua Dao Method and turn into a powerful magical power, Tong Zheng secretly looked forward to it.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 10,000 merit points, and increase the proficiency of the Taiyi Slashing Immortal Sword Technique to perfection] suddenly.

Tong Zheng felt that his comprehension of the Immortal Slashing Dao had reached a new stage, a completely different stage from before.

Right now.

He cast the Immortal Slashing Knife again, the true Immortal Realm is complete, and he can also kill with one sword, even Xuan Immortal, and he does not dare to take his Immortal Slashing Dao.

[Ding, the system detects that the host has cultivated the Bagua Dao Method, the Taiyi Slashing Immortal Sword Technique to perfection, and can spend 1,000 merit points to fuse the two sword techniques into a Dao divine power, after fusion, the power is doubled, and the divine power can be increased with the increase of the host's level]

Heard the rumors.

Tong Zheng was excited, and he really could.

Tong Zheng said without hesitation: "Fusion." [

Ding, the two sword techniques are successfully fused, and the Dao Divine Power is obtained, "Chopping Immortal Eight Barren Knife"] [Chopping Immortal Eight Barren Dao

: Can cut out eight knives, one knife is stronger than one knife, the first knife can be superimposed with the second knife damage, if the cultivation is complete, eight swords superimposed, can cut eight wilderness six combinations, invincible in the universe. Good,


With this sword technique, Tong Zheng's strength has been greatly improved.

"System, spend merit points, raise the Demon Slaying Dao to the seventh order." Tong Zheng said to the system.


[Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 27,000 merit points

, increase the level of the Devil Slaying Daguan Dao to the seventh order, increase the attack power of all attributes tenfold, and obtain new attributes, knife momentum] Now, the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan Dao already has six attributes, armor breaking, demon slaying god flame, boundary breaking, holy breaking blade, knife intent, knife momentum.

Looking at the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan Dao that finally turned into a seventh-order in his hand, Tong Zheng nodded with satisfaction, reaching the seventh order, and the use of Xuan Immortal Realm was completely enough.

Now with the seventh-order Horse Chopping Daguan Dao, plus many magical powers, Tong Zheng is sure that he will be able to complete the True Immortal Realm and resist the Xuan Immortal Realm master.

Tong Zheng's face was full of smiles, and this feeling of opening and hanging became stronger was too cool.

I don't know if the leader of the Western camp, who has been blessed by the Western gods, has appeared now, to what extent he has grown, and whether he can resist his sword.


After seeing Tong Zheng beheading the Voodoo Daoist, his aura rose again, and he held the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife and smirked there.

I don't know what to care about.

Xiao Rou and Lin Jing'er, the three talents of the Daoist, the Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master, Yun Hao, Hua Lian and the others were all a little confused.

"Brother Tong Zheng." Xiao Rou came to him and said, "Is it solved." "

Hmm." Tong Zheng nodded and said, "It's solved." "

By the way, Xiaorou, Jing'er, take out the magic weapons of the two of you, as well as your magic weapons of Master Zu, I will upgrade you and exert more power in the future." Tong Zheng spoke.

Now there are more than 40,000 merit points left, and it is completely enough to help the three people upgrade the magic weapon to the sixth order immortal weapon.

"Okay." Xiao Rou and Lin Jing'er nodded, and handed the Heavenly Thunder Hammer and the purple electric cone to Tong Zheng.

Although the Sancai Daoist didn't know what Tong Zheng meant by adding some weapons, he still gave his giant axe to Tong Zheng.

Presumably, Tong Zheng should have a unique method that can quickly improve the grade of the magic weapon.

Tong Zheng took the magic weapon of the three.

Directly said to the system: "System, give me merit points, and upgrade these three magic weapons to the level." "

[Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 3000 merit points, increase the grade of the Heavenly Thunder Hammer to the fifth order, increase the attack power of all attributes by ten times, and obtain new attributes at the same time, Lei Yan] [Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 3000 merit points, increase the grade of the purple electric cone to the fifth order, increase the attack power of all attributes by ten times, and obtain new attributes at the same time, split the soul] [Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 1000 merit points

, and raise the grade of the

giant spirit axe to the fourth order, All attribute

attack power increased by ten times, while obtaining new attributes, broken blade] [Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 9000 merit points, increase the grade of the Heavenly Thunder Hammer to the sixth order, increase the attack power of all attributes by ten times, and obtain new attributes at the same time, Lei Yi] [Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 9000 merit points, increase the grade of the purple electric cone to the sixth order, increase the attack power of all attributes by ten times, and obtain new attributes at the same time, scatter] [Ding, congratulations to

the host,

Consume 3,000

merit points to increase the grade of the giant spirit axe to the fifth order, increase the attack power of all attributes by ten times, and obtain new attributes at the same time, open the mountain] [Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 9000 merit points, increase the grade of the giant spirit axe to the sixth order, increase the attack power of all attributes by ten times, and obtain new attributes, axe intention]

Seven prompts sounded.

In Tong Zheng's hands, the three magic weapons were upgraded to immortal weapons.

Seeing the three talented Daoists, they were shocked.

Tong Zheng returned the magic weapon to the three.

The Sancai Daoist held the giant spirit axe that had been upgraded into an immortal weapon, and he couldn't put it down.

The current ability of this disciple of his own is really too divine.

His third-order magic weapon directly upgraded him to the sixth order and turned into an immortal weapon.

The Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master on the side was immediately envious when he saw the magic weapon of the three talents Daoist upgraded to an immortal weapon.

Taking out his fourth-order magic weapon Ten Thousand Laws to brush the dust, he hinted at Tong Zheng and shook it.

But Tong was pretending not to see it.

Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master leaned in like Tong Zheng again, and shook the Ten Thousand Laws Dust towards Tong Zheng.

The hint is already obvious.

He also wanted to upgrade his magic weapon and reach the immortal weapon.

Unfortunately, Tong Zheng still didn't make any movement, as if he didn't see it.

Tong Zheng was amused in his heart, but he couldn't help it, now there was only a thousand merit points left, and there was no way to upgrade the magic weapon for the Ten Thousand Rune Heavenly Master.

Otherwise, it wouldn't hurt if Tong Zheng helped him.

"Next time, help you next time, this time to upgrade three magic weapons in a row to reach the immortal weapon, I am a little overwhelmed." Tong was facing the Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master.

Ease his embarrassment.

"Okay, okay, then there will be Laozhen Demon Ancestor next time." Wanfu Heavenly Master said excitedly, and he was relieved to have Tong Zheng's words.

For the immortal weapon, he is very eager for it, if his Ten Thousand Laws Whisk Dust is raised to the immortal weapon level, he can use this Whisk to fight against the early stage of the Immortal Realm.

"Hmm." Tong Zheng nodded, then looked at the Three Talents Daoist and the Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master, and said, "Master, did you two feel the opportunity to awaken when you came here this time." When

the two heard this, they replied with a wry smile: "No! "

They came here and never got their hands out once.

I've been watching Tong Zhengxiu.

Without the battle of life and death, how to comprehend the true meaning of awakening!

"It's okay, I'll be the head of the Japanese side later." Tong Zheng replied.


Tong Zheng looked at Yun Hao and Hua Lian and said, "You have also seen my skills, you awakened your memory, you must have known a lot, we Maoshan, now in the Huaxia Daoist system, can be regarded as more powerful, there are already many immortal inheritors of the Heavenly Court camp who have come to Maoshan to gather, if you have no place to go, you can go back to Maoshan with me, I can settle you in Maoshan and wait for the future war to gather you." "

These two people have awakened the immortal memory, and the speed of cultivation is increasing day by day, and Tong Zheng naturally has to find a way to gather them.

"Okay, let's go back to Maoshan with you." The two replied that their village had been wiped out and now there was nowhere to go.

Going to Maoshan, it is a good choice.

Tong Zheng nodded.

Casting the magic power of Tengyun to drive the mist, summoning an auspicious cloud, the seven people stepped on the auspicious cloud and returned directly to Maoshan.

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