Tong Zheng looked at the island country ghost emperor in front of him, and said lightly: "How many Yin-Yang Masters have you come this time, and what is the purpose?"

"You just destroy me, I won't say it, don't try to ask anything from me." The island country ghost emperor said hard.

So backboned.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly.

Then you go to die, holding the Devil Slaying Daguan knife in your hand, the power is running, and the terrifying immortal qi on your body is intertwined with the sword light.

On the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife, the dark red Devil Descending Rune lit up and instantly split out.

The Ghost Emperor immediately retreated underground.


The terrifying knife qi on the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife directly tore apart the place where the Ghost Emperor was located below, and this compound exploded, and the gravel and dirt flew around.

Smoke and dust!

Tong Zheng hurriedly fell below.


Tong Zheng felt a black qi and fled from the ground.

Tong Zheng was a little surprised, this ghost emperor would actually escape, no wonder his mouth was so hard, it seemed that he thought that he was sure to escape.

But can he escape?

Tong Zheng has the power of the five elements.

The Five Elements Great Escape is divided into the Five Elements Dao Method and the Five Element Escape Technique, including the spell of attacking and defending the enemy and the Five Element Escape Technique that can freely travel through gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and perform the method of restraining the Earth Escape Technique.

Can let the ghost emperor five laws escape.

Underground, the Ghost Emperor who was drilling into the ground was frightened.

He felt that there was a big net under the ground, which caught him, and he couldn't get into it.

Now he goes out, there is only one end, ashes!

What to do, what to do!

Wait online, it's quite urgent!

At this time, on the ground.

Tong Zheng directly slashed the entire ground and exploded, and a cracked pit hundreds of meters long appeared, and the body of the ghost emperor appeared in the pit!

Ghost Emperor: !!

This is exposed!

The Ghost Emperor only felt creepy!

Nima's, pervert!

"Slashing Immortal Eight Wild Dao." Tong Zheng shouted, and the Demon Slaying Daguan knife slashed out, blocking all directions.

Let the ghost boy in red directly have no way to escape.

The sword light slashed, the ground exploded, smoke and debris flew around, and the ghost emperor was covered by the sword light, submerged, and strangled.

The soul is scattered, never overborn!

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost emperor who has been practicing for

8,000 years, get 80,000 energy points, 800 merit points]

80,000 energy points, okay.

"Thank you Zhen Demon Ancestor for arriving in time to rescue my Guo family, otherwise my Guo family is afraid that it will be robbed today." Guo Wanqian, the head of the corpse family, spoke.

"Patriarch Guo is polite, let's go see the island god who was caught by you, and many things need to be learned through him." Tong Zheng spoke.

"Good." Guo Wankun nodded, and then led the way and took Tong Zheng to Guo's house.

The three talented Daoists, Lin Jing'er, and Xiaorou also followed Tong Zheng and Guo Wanqian to enter.

The people of the Guo family around saw the avenue outside their home, as well as the door wall, as well as the cut gate and the torn square, and they smiled bitterly for a while.

The Zhen Demon Ancestor is strong, but the destructive power is too terrifying, and after this fight, his Guo family has to work hard to repair it.


Tong Zheng urged Guo Wankun and said, "First go and see that type of god, the things there are the most important, I have a way to know the plan of the island country Yin-Yang Master behind that type of god."

Guo Wankun was in a trance, pretending not to hear the sighs of the people of the Guo family behind him, and took Tong Zheng and Sancai Daoist and others to the Zhen Demon basement of the Guo family's imprisoned god.

See the imprisoned Shikigami.

Tong Zheng's eyes narrowed.

The island country has twelve types of gods, which are noble, tengserpent, vermilion, liuhe, gouchen, green dragon, sky, white tiger, taichang, xuanwu, taiyin, and tianhou.

Noble-style god, the appearance is a transparent three-eyed whale.

Tianyi nobles are their own ugly Tuji generals. Lord of the twelve days. Blessings and dangers.

The Shikami in front of him, resembling a fish in size, with three eyes at the head, should be a descendant of the twelve Shikami nobles of the island country.

Tong Zheng came to this three-eyed fish-style god, cast a tracking soul-searching power, and prepared to search the memories of this three-eyed fish-style god to see what the purpose of this island country's yin-yang masters gathered in Huaxia and sacrificed tens of thousands of people in Huaxia townships and towns in blood.

And then.

Tong Zheng's tracking soul searching divine power had just been cast, and the divine soul of this three-eyed fish-style god directly blew itself up, and the soul flew away, killing him on the spot!

Didn't get any information, Tong Zheng waved his hand a little helplessly.

There should be some kind of prohibition in the soul of this three-eyed fish-like god, as long as someone forcibly searches for his soul, the prohibition will be activated and let it self-detonate.

"What now." Seeing that Tong Zheng's soul search failed, Patriarch Guo asked.

"Wait." Tong Zheng replied, and continued: "Burn the corpse of this three-eyed fish to see if you can lure out the mastermind behind the scenes." "

Tong Zheng has a guess, since there is a prohibition in the three-eyed fish type god's body, then the island country Yin-Yang Master should not be afraid to tell him the secret, so why did he go to great lengths to send the Ghost Emperor with so many ghosts to rescue him!

Tong Zheng estimated that there should be something in these three-eyed fish, which was very important to those Yin-Yang masters of the island country, and they would go to great lengths to come to rescue him.

Because of the combat power, this three-eyed fish-style god can only be equivalent to the combat power of the ghost king, and it will not sacrifice one ghost emperor and so many ghost kings, and the ghost will come to the rescue.

"The time for burning the corpse is set at three hours later, I will stay here to see if they will send people if we destroy the corpse of this three-eyed fish-style god." Tong Zheng snorted coldly.

"Good." Guo Wanqian nodded and said, "I'll arrange for someone to do it immediately." After

Guo Wanqian finished speaking, he arranged for someone to do it.

Three hours later.

In Guojia Square, the corpse of the three-eyed fish was tied to a stake, and dozens of barrels of gasoline were all poured on the body.

"Ignition." Tong Zheng spoke.

Everyone in the Guo family got the order and directly lit the fire.

The raging fire soon devoured the corpse of the three-eyed fish, burning it to a crackling sound.

Looked at.

Tong Zheng was a little puzzled, could it be that he guessed wrong, the Yin-Yang Masters of the island country would not come to save the corpse of this three-eyed fish.


A gust of yin wind appeared all around, carrying a gust of demon qi, blowing towards the fire that was burning the corpse, and the fire that was raging suddenly extinguished, revealing the corpse of the three-eyed fish that had been burned black.

Seeing this yin wind appear, a smile appeared at the corner of Tong Zheng's mouth.

It seems that he guessed correctly, the yin-yang masters of these island countries still can't help but come out!


A white mist appeared, in the white mist.

Six white-haired old men wearing island kimonos walked out of the white mist and stopped ten meters in front of Tong Zheng and the three talented Daoists, Guo Wanqian, Xiaorou, and Lin Jinger.

Feeling the fluctuations in the cultivation of the six people, Tong Zheng was a little surprised, these six people turned out to be masters in the early stage of the Immortal Realm.

What is the case.

This is the ancestor of the six Yin-Yang Master families of the island country, all gathered together.

The island country is no better than Huaxia, they have no Taoist inheritance, only the inheritance of the Yin-Yang Master's family.

There are six of the strongest Yin-Yang Master families in the island country, which is equivalent to the Seven Great Dao Sect of Huaxia, and the six old men in front of them all have the cultivation of the early stage of the Immortal Realm, and should be the strongest foundation in the cultivation world of the island country.


What is the situation of the island country this time, it actually gathered the strength of the entire cultivation world to come to Huaxia to do things!

I'm not afraid that if I am not careful, all the ancestors will fall, and the remaining forces will not even have the qualifications to be the younger brother of the Huaxia Daoist.


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