Seeing this, Tong Zheng snorted coldly, held the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, and looked at the Christian Holy Lord in front of him.

There was no unnecessary pressing, and the two fought directly in the air.

Beating this Christian holy lord, the arrogance of Westerners should almost be able to suppress it.

In the hands of the Christian Holy Lord, he held an angelic holy sword that was full of hot yang qi.

This sword is a fifth-order top quasi-immortal weapon, a treasure weapon belonging to the Christian branch, and can only be used by the Christian Holy Lord.

Tong Zheng's cultivation broke out, and one after another auspicious aura surrounded Tong Zheng, and the terrifying coercion suppressed the Christian Holy Lord.

The Christian Holy Lord used his mana to gather the sword qi and the holy sword in his hand, and an angelic phantom slowly appeared, wrapped around the holy sword.

"Angel Cross!" The Christian Holy Lord shouted, held the holy sword, and directly slashed at Tong Zheng.

He wanted to see how strong Tong Zheng had become.

Tong Zheng disdained, holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan, the mana in his body operated, blessed in the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan, and the light of the Zhen Demon Daguan Knife bloomed with terrifying coercion, and slashed out with a knife.


With a loud bang, the two attacks collided in the air, and the angel sword qi and the Zhen Demon sword qi strangled each other, and then spread around, strangling all the white clouds within a radius of 10,000 meters into nothingness.


The Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan Sword and the Holy Sword collided fiercely, sparks splashed everywhere, deafening, and the huge countershock force recoiled to the Christian Holy Lord.

The Christian Holy Lord was directly shocked and flew out upside down, flying hundreds of meters upside down before stabilizing his figure.

At the moment of stabilizing his figure, the Christian Holy Lord only felt the qi and blood in his body surge, and a mouthful of blood spit out, and then looked at Tong Zheng in horror.

Also attacked by the power of the countershock, Tong Zheng, indeed relying on his powerful cultivation, abruptly counteracted, and did not take a step back.

And he, flying upside down for a hundred meters, blood sprayed wildly.

Tong Zheng is not in the realm of the Holy Lord, or even the realm of the true god, and it is possible that he has reached the realm of angels.

Western holy lords to eastern immortals, western true gods correspond to eastern true immortals, and western angels correspond to eastern immortals.

Tong Zheng ignored the shock of the Christian Holy Lord, and continued to swing the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife in his hand, and at the same time the Immortal Slashing Eight Barren Knife was cast, and the Eight Desolate Knife communicated the power of heaven and earth and blocked the Eight Wilderness Space.

This knife, end the battle.

"Western Holy Lord, but that's it." Tong Zheng spoke, after speaking, he directly stabbed through the space, this knife contained in the terrifying lethality.

The Christian Holy Lord only felt a chill in his spine, and he wanted to dodge, but the surrounding space was blocked by Tong Zheng's Eight Desolate Power, and there was no way to dodge.

You can only carry it hard.

"Angelic Holy Array, block it for me." The Christian holy lord drank loudly, holding the holy sword, and crossed the front, and suddenly, the shadow of the holy sword spread, like an angel tightening his wings to protect him, forming a sword array to protect the Christian holy lord.

Tong Zheng slashed the demon sword light and slashed at the holy sword array of the Christian Holy Lord.

The Holy Sword Array was directly torn apart, and then, the big knife cut off half of the body of the Christian Holy Lord holding the Holy Sword on the spot.

The Christian holy lord's whole person was cut off and flew out backwards, his two halves of his body fell from the air, and blood continued to fall.

Holy Lord Christianity, defeat!

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the Holy Lord, get 300,000 energy points, 3,000 merit points] 300,000 energy points,

not bad.

Tong Zheng looked at the remaining ancestors of the vampire family and said, "It's your turn, baby."

The vampire ancestor looked at Tong Zheng, and said in a gloomy voice: "I'm five hundred years old this year, don't joke with me like this!" He


A terrifying blood qi erupted from his body, and an icy and piercing cold aura swept into the entire sky.

Suddenly let the Westerners below, like falling into an ice cellar, were all cold.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, surrounded by qi, easily dispersing the gloomy cold aura that the vampire ancestor erupted.

"Okay!" Tong Zheng raised the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife, and the sound of the knife roared, slashing towards the vampire ancestor.


"Ghosting." The vampire ancestor had already prepared and cast the special body technique of the vampire, which was extremely fast, dodging the sword light, so that many Westerners present could not see his movement trajectory.

However, his speed, in front of Tong Zheng in Xuan Immortal Realm, seemed to be slowed down, and Tong Zheng swung his big knife and slashed at him who was moving fast.

Seeing that Tong Zheng could see through his ghost shadow, he slashed at him.

"The black shadow is hidden." The vampire ancestor drank, and the figure suddenly turned into a black fog, and the black fog condensed into bats and flew in all directions.

These bats disappeared into the air.


On Tong Zheng's side, a sharp ghost claw suddenly converged and grabbed directly towards Tong Zheng's neck.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, this vampire ancestor is worthy of being an old North Nose who has lived for five hundred years, and he actually understands a lot of magical powers, and can have a few moves with him.

But it was still not enough, Tong Zheng's Demon Slaying Knife swept out and slashed towards the ghost claws that were slaughtering him from the side.

The terrifying Zhen Demon Knife Light directly slashed at the ghost claws, cutting off the ghost claws of the vampire ancestor!

The vampire ancestor screamed miserably, retreated sharply, condensed his figure, and looked at Tong Zheng with fear.

What a quick reaction!

The Vampire Ancestor continues to change.

The body erupted with blood light in the air, turned into bats, and in the air, formed a blood array, one after another six-pointed star blood map, gathered the surrounding dead qi, formed an evil spirit skeleton, and flew towards Tong Zheng.


Tong Zheng's body has a protective god pattern, and these evil spirits can't get close at all.

As soon as it approached, it hit the god tattoo, and it burned directly.

The vampire ancestor was unwilling, constantly waved his hand, condensed the evil spirit attack, hit the protective god tattoo outside Tong Zheng's body, and was burned into nothingness.

Tong Zheng looked at the vampire ancestor in front of him and said lightly: "It's up to me."

Tong Zheng raised his finger, pointed at the vampire ancestor in front of him, and shouted: "Fixed!" "


The power of the surrounding heaven and earth was emptied, turning into the binding power of the divine power fixing the divine spell, binding the vampire ancestor in the air.

When Tong Zheng raised his hand, the vampire ancestor felt bad, but he didn't know what the danger was, so he didn't perform the black mist transformation technique in time.

Who knows, the next moment Tong Zheng's Body-fixing God Spell is cast.

The vampire ancestor found that he was bound by a powerful force, unable to move, and unable to cast the black mist form.

Tong Zheng's Body Fixing Spell has been upgraded to a Divine Power Body Fixing Spell.

The mantra is Bodhi's supreme magic method, when cast, it can determine all objects, powerful people, even mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars, and can restrain the enemy, so that the enemy cannot use the magic power to escape.

The vampire ancestor fell directly from the air and smashed on the ground.

All Edinburgh Westerners are shocked, and the Orientals' mysterious means are really too many to prevent.

He can even use magical powers to fix people.

Not only their Western churches, but also their Western vampires.

This moment.

Countless Westerners are very skeptical of life, and the arrival of three Eastern immortal cultivators today will cause a sensation in the Western world!

Tong Zheng and the three fell in front of the vampire ancestor, Tong Zheng showed a cruel smile on his face, and the Devil Slaying Daguan knife in his hand was held high.

Feel the terrifying fluctuations emanating from Tong Zheng's big sword.

The vampire ancestor desperately burst out the blood qi in his body, wanting to break free from the shackles of this body-fixing spell, he felt a deep despair and lived

: "You can't kill me, in this Western world, the power of the nicotine family is not what you can imagine, you kill me, kill an ancestor of the nicotine family, I guarantee that you can't get out of the Western world." The vampire ancestor felt the killing intent from Tong Zheng, and said in fear.

"Yes, then I would like to see what your nicotine family can do if you kill you!" Tong Zheng said lightly, and then slashed at the vampire ancestor.

The dazzling blade light slashed at the vampire ancestor's neck.

Vampire ancestor corpse separation!

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the vampire ancestor, get 350,000 energy points, 3,500 merit points] 350,000 energy points,

more powerful than that Christian Holy Lord.

Now, the killing is almost done, it's time to go back.

Otherwise, if you kill a little longer, the ruler chosen by the Western gods may really come out and start a war in advance.

At present, it is not the time

, Tong Zheng summoned an auspicious cloud, and the three stepped on the auspicious cloud, ready to return to the east.

Before leaving, Tong Zheng did not forget to say: "Welcome the citizens of Edinburgh to come to the East to learn Taoism." "


-The author has something to say:

tomorrow the wonderful continues

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