The three ghost emperors of the True Immortal Realm came from different regions of Huaxia and went straight to Maoshan.

Tong Zheng did not wait for them in the Maoshan Hall.

Instead, he came to a barren mountain near Maoshan and waited for the three.

Although the three of them are the ghost emperors of the prefecture camp, they are ghosts after all, and many ordinary Maoshan disciples do not know the secret behind the terrifying recovery, if they let them see three terrifying ghosts coming to Maoshan.

After all, the impact is not good.


The ghost emperors of the three true fairylands, Lin Chong, Wu Song, and Li Kui came to Tong Zheng and knelt down and bowed, "See the Lord of the World."

"Well, get up." Tong Zheng nodded and said, "There is a reason for resuscitating the three of you in advance and recruiting the three of you.

"I don't know what happened to the Lord of the earth to revive us in advance." Lin Chong asked.

"The clash between the Eastern and Western camps has begun." Tong Zhengdao: "I expect that during this time, the Western camp will arrange ghosts to take action against our Chinese city and destroy the faith of the Chinese people in us."

"I want each of you to gather the ghost's subordinates and branch them in various cities, and notify me as soon as you find that there are ghosts in the west that have begun to wreak havoc in a certain city on a large scale, or that people from the Western Holy See have appeared in a certain city." Tong Zheng arranged.

"Obey." After the three took orders, they turned and left.

When they reach the True Wonderland, they can naturally control many ghosts and let them control the ghosts to prevent the Western world.

It's the best thing.

After the three left.

Tong Zheng took out the Ten Thousand Soul Flag. Looking at it, there are also hundreds of ghost emperors of the Immortal Realm, which can be revived in advance.

These ghosts have a characteristic.

That is, if they are not revived in advance and let them continue to be nurtured, their Taoist practice will become higher and higher, and if they are revived in advance, their Taoist practice will stop growing.


After Tong Zheng revived Lin Chong, Li Kui, and Wu Song, he did not continue to revive other ghosts.

Let them slowly recuperate, and with the recovery of terror, their strength will become stronger and stronger.

The next time.

Tong was staying on Maoshan Mountain, going down every day to check around for information about Western church troublemaking.

At the same time, he practiced with two women every day.

The cultivation of the two women, in just half a month, broke through to the early stage of the True Immortal Realm, and was well nourished by Tong Zheng.

Half a month.

The Dao Alliance has been completely established, replacing the position of the Spirit Bureau, with Tong Zheng as the alliance master, and the masters who have reached the Immortal Realm as the elders of each Dao, sitting in Huaxia.

In the Huaxia region, all the cultivation forces joined in.

There are also many awakened ones.

Suddenly, the power of the Dao Alliance was highly concentrated and constantly expanding.

Daomeng has opened branches in every city in China to deal with supernatural events of terrorist recovery.

Thanks to the participation of the Dao Commanders and the people of all forces, the Dao Alliance has enough manpower, even if the ghosts in the Huaxia region become more numerous, they are enough to deal with it.

Huaxia region.

These strange ghosts were actually released by the Western world camp, and the resentment was released there, affecting the ghosts in the Huaxia region and causing them to change, so they acted strangely.

And the prefecture, naturally, also put a lot of ghosts, go to the Western world to make trouble, affecting the development there.

It's a tug-of-war.

It depends on who on both sides can survive to the end.

And the border of China in several cities.

Three Western Heavenly God messengers, suspended in the sky above the city, and in the city below, many powerful ghosts were dormant.

Just wait for his order, and then carry out the destruction and massacre.

And the three of them will appear at the most critical moment to disperse these ghosts and establish an image of an angel for the Chinese people.

"Do it!" The three Heavenly God messengers ordered.

Suddenly, several cities below.

Countless ghosts began to stir up.

These ghosts are killing people and destroying buildings in the streets.

For a while, several cities fell silent in boundless fear.

"Mom, it's so terrifying, these things, save me!"

"Wife, run!"

"Hurry up and report to Daomeng!"

One by one, the ghosts are killing madly, the weakest of these ghosts are red-clothed ghosts, most of them are ghost generals, and some ghost kings and ghost emperors.

Led by more than a dozen ghost emperors.

These ghost armies are the three Heavenly God messengers, gathered in this half month, the purpose is to destroy this great destruction in the future.

The moment they launched the massacre, they destroyed the Dao Alliance branches in the three cities, leaving the Dao Alliance masters in the Huaxia headquarters unable to know the situation here.

At the same time, an enchantment was set up to envelop the three cities, so that the people inside could not escape.

Then came the massacre.

When their ghosts slaughtered a third of these Chinese people, killing these Chinese people desperately, knowing that the Dao Alliance would not come to save them.

The three of them, then appeared in the image of Western angels, to save these Chinese people, and so on.

It can reap a wave of Chinese people's faith and undermine the Chinese people's support for the Taoist League.


They did a thousand calculations and missed a little.

In all the cities in the entire Huaxia, not only the branches of the Dao Alliance existed, but also the ghost little brother arranged by the ghost emperor of the three true fairy realms.

These western ghosts can destroy the branches of the Dao Alliance in the first place, but they can't destroy the younger brothers of the three True Immortal Ghost Emperors who remain in the three major cities.

After all, they are all ghosts, and it is difficult for them to distinguish who is who is their subordinate.

That's it.

At the moment when the Dao Alliance branch in the Three Great Avenue Alliance City was destroyed, the younger brothers of the three True Immortal Ghost Emperors in the three cities spread the news.

After Lin Chong, Wu Song, and Li Kui learned about it, they immediately reported to Tong Zheng.

Maoshan Zhong.

Tong Zheng did not hesitate to contact the two true immortals of Kunlun at the first time, as well as the true immortal sect leader of Shushan and Emei, and asked the four of them to take the masters under the door to two of the cities.

Hou Tong Zheng took Lin Jing'er and Xiaorou to one of the cities.


Tong Zheng ordered Li Kui, Wu Song, and Lin Chong to rush to the three cities as soon as possible, attack the enchantment, and find a way to prevent these Western ghosts from slaughtering the Chinese people.

The three True Immortal Ghost Emperors got the order, and the branch quickly rushed to the three cities.

Yangguicheng is one of the three major cities that the Western Heavenly God planned to massacre this time.

Wu Song came to Yanggui City, saw the scene inside, and immediately began to roar up to the sky.

At this time, Yanggui is in the city.

The number of people slaughtered by ghosts has exceeded 10,000, and it is still increasing rapidly, and countless people are eager for the Dao Alliance of Huaxia to come and deal with these ghosts.

But the branch of the Dao Alliance was destroyed in the first time, and it was impossible to come.

The whole city is full of boundless fear, like hell on earth.


In the air, a Western angel appeared, he looked at the slaughtered people in the West, and spoke: "It is impossible for the Huaxia Dao Alliance to come to save you, in this world, only God will have mercy on the world, believe in God, and have eternal life."

"The Lord will bless each of His children, and if you kneel and pray, the Lord will come and save you!"

"As long as there is the Lord in the heart, the Lord is omnipotent, and the Lord is omnipresent." One sound after another, like brainwashing.

Looked at.

Outside the city.

Wu Song hurriedly bombarded the enchantment, causing the entire realm to tremble.

However, this realm was laid down by the Western Heavenly God Messenger, and this Heavenly God Messenger is also a true fairy cultivator.

Therefore, if Wusong wants to break through the enchantment, it will take a certain amount of time.

There is no way to break the enchantment.

Wu Song burst out into a terrifying cultivation and roared: "Don't believe the words of these Westerners, these Westerners have set up an enchantment to prevent the outside world from knowing the situation inside, these ghosts were sent by them to slaughter my Huaxia people."

"These Westerners first sent ghosts to kill ordinary people, and then appeared as saviors, the purpose of which was to make you believe in their Christianity." Wu Song's voice spread into the city.


The whole city exploded.

It turned out to be a conspiracy of Westerners, no wonder it destroyed the Dao Alliance in the first place, so that the news could not be transmitted, and the Dao Alliance could not come to the rescue.

They also made them believe in Christianity and in God.

It turned out to have been premeditated.

In an instant, all the Chinese people in the entire city looked at the Western Angel in the air with resentment.

Westerners die and my Chinese heart does not die.

This time, he actually came up with such a resentful method.


-The author has something to say:

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