"In the Yin and Yang Tomb, the ghosts raised can continuously accumulate and absorb the Qi with the help of the double tomb and improve the Dao." Niu Zhentian said: "Especially here is still a yin vein, coupled with the resentment of terrifying recovery, the ghosts in these two tombs, the speed of cultivation must be thousands of miles, the tomb owner is estimated to be at least a true fairyland, I am not an opponent."

"Got it." Tong Zheng nodded and looked at the ghosts above the twin tombs, circling and flying, crying miserably.

"Crying so sadly, I really can't bear it, it's just that I overtake you." Tong Zheng's voice said compassionately.


Above the double tomb, the ghosts who were about to pounce and bite Tong Zheng's four people were a little dumbfounded.

Tong came to overtake them, so kind.


A tomb on the left, in the Yin tomb.

A gloomy and cold voice came out: "Duplicity, surpassing us, I want to see, how many ways you have, dare to say the degree of us!"

Tong Zheng shook his head, the owner of this Yin Tomb didn't seem to believe that his Dao could surpass them.


Then you can only show her the real thing.

"Divine Thunder, fall." Tong Zheng drank loudly, exerting control over the five thunder gods, and suddenly, not only near the Yin Yang Tomb, but even the Black Mountain behind the two tombs was covered by thunderclouds in the air.


One after another terrifying thunder and lightning began to fall.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

"Zhinima, this forced excesses actually make us lose our souls!"

"Dog day, we fought with you!"

"Ah, this divine thunder is so powerful, I don't want to lose my soul!"

Countless screams rang out all around.

Under the destructive power of thunder and lightning, the ghosts around the two tombs on the Black Mountain were all scattered on the spot!

None of them escaped.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost for two thousand years, gain 20,000 energy points, 200 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost for 2,500 years, get 25,000 energy

points, 250 merit points]


[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a 3,900-year-old ghost king, gain 39,000 energy points, 390 merit points]

Nearly 30,000 prompts sounded.

Let Tong Zheng obtain more than 600 million energy points.


This is no different from picking up energy points.

If there were a few more such ghost domains, wouldn't he be able to break through to the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and with the Great Luo Golden Immortal cultivation, he would not be afraid of those races in the forbidden area.

After a thunder god passed.

The two tombs in front of me and Montenegro are honest.

It seems that he was scared.

The four stepped forward, and Tong was looking into the tomb on the left.


The tomb on the left exploded.

A Yin Ghost Emperor covered in black gas and wearing a black costume flew out of the tomb.

The Yin Ghost Emperor's claws suddenly stretched out and killed Tong Zheng.

"It seems that the thunder and lightning just now did not let you see who is in control of the situation now!" Tong Zheng spoke.


The Yin Ghost Emperor's claws have already caught Tong Zheng's protective god pattern, suddenly burst out dazzling golden light, the Yin Ghost Emperor's ghost claws contact the protective body golden light, it is like touching a burning iron, emitting a moisturizing sound, and then directly by the terrifying return shock force, directly broken, inch by inch!

"Ugh!" The Yin Ghost Emperor let out a miserable scream and hurriedly retracted his claws.

Tong Zheng shook his head, teleported, came to the Yin Ghost Emperor, directly grabbed her neck, and the terrifying immortal power turned into fairy fire and burned.

"Ugh!" The Yin Ghost Emperor was burned and screamed, and his face was directly distorted!

"Let me go, I don't need you to go overboard!" The Yin Ghost Emperor begged.

"No, no, no, the excess still has to be exceeded." Tong Zheng smiled, and then suddenly forced, directly pinched the Yin Ghost Emperor's neck abruptly.

The Yin Ghost Emperor is a corpse and a ghost cultivator, so she has a physical body and a child's sense.

"Ugh!" The Yin Ghost Emperor's eyes burst out in pain, full of blood, and the resentment on his body skyrocketed.

Seeing that the Yin Ghost Emperor was so uncomfortable, Tong Zheng smashed the Yin Ghost Emperor to the ground.

The whole corpse was blown into pieces, and the soul was scattered, never surpassing.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the Tomb Ghost Emperor, get

600,000 energy points, 6,000 merit points] 600,000 energy points, not bad.

Tong Zheng smiled and looked at the other tomb!

With this glance, Tong Zheng directly saw the other mouthful of tomb black qi and did not dare to take risks.

Niu Zhentian wondered, this Yin Yang Tomb should be a husband and wife tomb, why was the female ghost of this Yin Tomb killed by Tong Zheng, and the Yang Tomb was indifferent, as if nothing had happened.

Shouldn't you rush out and fight with Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng was also a little puzzled.

Tong Zheng came to the front of the tomb, looking like in the tomb, the Yang Ghost Emperor was in the tomb, looking at Tong Zheng with a smile, very kind.

There was no eerie feeling of the Yin Ghost Emperor just now.


The Yin Ghost Emperor was destroyed in a few strokes, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back to fight him and avenge the Yin Ghost Emperor.

Is that to take revenge.

That's to give heads.

"Hi." The Yang Ghost Emperor forced himself to smile and greeted Tong Zheng.

"Hi." Tong Zheng also gently greeted the Yang Ghost Emperor.

"Actually, I have nothing to do with the Ghost Emperor who offended you just now." The Yang Ghost Emperor explained with a smile.

"Oh, yes." Tong Zheng said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm a person who has always had clear grievances and grievances, and I won't affect my family." "

Is that good?

Great, this big guy.

"But, brother, seeing you suffering here, the old brother can't bear it." Tong Zheng was sad and humane: "So, I also overtook you by the way." "


The Yang Ghost Emperor suddenly collapsed mentality!


Lao Tzu doesn't need to be excessive!

Don't be sentimental, Lao Tzu is very happy here, very happy, and doesn't want to be overdone!

If only it were ordinary excessive.

Konyima's, are you super!

The Yang Ghost Emperor had a resentment erupt in his body, and he had to resist.

"Divine Thunder, fall!" Tong Zheng drank.

A terrifying thunder and lightning fell from the sky and slammed on the head of the Yang Ghost Emperor, and the body of the Yang Ghost Emperor exploded on the spot and turned into a corpse.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the ghost emperor, get 600,000 energy points, 6,000 merit points]

This is right, the husband and wife must be neat.

Your wife is dead, how can you live alone.


Tong Zheng looked up at the Black Mountain between the two tombs.

That Black Mountain was so frightened that he immediately collected all his demon qi.

Tong Zheng said to Niu Zhentian: "On the way here, I seem to have heard a certain mountain say that this is my end."

"That's right." Niu Zhentiandao.

Black Mountain Demon Emperor: ???

Just say my name!


The Black Mountain Demon Emperor panicked!

He didn't expect that Tong Zheng was so powerful, a thunder law destroyed all their ghost little brothers, and the last two moves solved the Yin Yang Ghost Emperor.

Now, that's all he is left with.

Weak and helpless.

He had already seen Tong Zheng's violence with his own eyes just now, and he didn't want to provoke this wolf!

Tong Zheng said, "How do you want to die." When

the Black Mountain Demon Emperor heard this, he could see that Tong Zheng would not let him go, and it was useless for him not to be an enemy with Tong Zheng.


Let's fight.

The entire Black Mountain began to tremble, and then the stone mountain deformed and condensed into a giant Black Mountain giant, hundreds of meters high, looking very powerful.

"Good boy, it's quite big." Tong Zheng spoke, bigger and smaller, who wouldn't.

The size was as expected, and Tong Zheng's body began to grow larger, but in just a moment, Tong Zheng's body rose to a thousand meters high.

The Black Mountain Demon Emperor, who was still imposing just now, suddenly became a younger brother, only Tong Zheng's knees were high.


-The author has something to say:

tomorrow wonderful continues

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