A terrifying resentment erupted in the body of the Resentful Demon Emperor, forming a shield and wanting to resist.

Unfortunately, the sword light cut directly through his shield and then tore through him, leaving him in a state of disarray.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the Demon Emperor, get 600,000 energy points, 6,000 merit points]

There is not even a chance to escape.

Looking at the remaining two Ghost Emperors, Tong Zheng was excited, holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, and directly teleported to the front of the Blood Demon Emperor.


The light of the Immortal Slashing Sword roared, and directly slashed the Blood Demon Emperor to death, never surpassing life.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the Demon Emperor, get 700,000 energy points, 7,000 merit points]


Seeing this, the ghost lord was dumbfounded.

In the blink of an eye, only he and the Demon Devouring Emperor remained.

He hurriedly controlled an army of 100,000 ghosts to attack the enchantment.

At the same time, the ghost lord ordered the Demon Emperor: "Stop him, stop him for me." "

The Demon Loving Emperor is second only to his existence, and his cultivation has reached the late stage of the True Immortal Realm.

The Demon Loving Emperor nodded, roared directly, and the momentum on his body exploded, and he cast the Devouring Technique, which could suck human essence blood through the air.

He swallowed directly towards Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, and the talisman pattern on his body flashed with light, shaking the Demon Devouring Emperor's devouring power back, and then directly raised the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife and slashed at the Demon Loving Emperor.

Devil Slashing on the Knife.

The terrifying Zhen Demon Rune flashed red.

Seeing this, the Demon Emperor wanted to dodge to the side, just now Tong Zheng killed the power of the three Demon Emperors, he knew that hard only death.

It's a pity, Tong Zheng's sword light.

How could he avoid it in the late stage of a true fairyland.

The next moment.

Tong Zheng's sword light slashed at him, and the Demon Loving Emperor was directly cut apart by this knife, and exploded into pieces of meat, which was shocking.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the demon emperor, get 900,000 energy points, 9,000 merit points]

to get it.

Tong Zheng smiled and looked at the ghost lord.

"It's up to you." Tong Zheng stepped into the void and walked towards the ghost lord.

I saw Tong walking towards him.

"Break it for me!" The ghost lord roared, and even harder to control the ghost things to break through the enchantment, and let the army of ghosts enter the enchantment, which was his only hope.

Under the control of the ghost master, the ghosts blocked by Tong Zheng in the enchantment all went crazy one by one, and one after another bloody demonic qi burst out from their bodies, and the entire killing formation was filled with the smell of blood.

"Are they your hope?" Tong Zheng sneered, then!

Tong Zheng's divine sense communicates the power of heaven and earth, and directly exerts control over the five thunder divine powers, covering the ghosts in the enchantment outside the killing formation.

Just extinguish your hopes.

Murderous heart, best.

In the sky.

The five thunder qi gathered, the thunder roared, and above the nine heavens, the thunder qi was led down, forming the most terrifying heavenly thunder and divine thunder, directly bombarding the ghosts outside the soul devouring array.

The ghost lord was stupid, Tong Zheng's thunder law directly covered his army of 100,000 ghosts!

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Under the terrifying power of destruction that controls the five thunder gods, kill 100,000 ghosts outside the formation, and their souls will be scattered on the spot!

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill two or seven hundred year ghosts, get 27,000 energy points, 270 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a 3,700-year ghost, get 37,000 energy

points, 370 merit points]


[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a 4,000-year-old ghost king, get

40,000 energy points, 400 merit points] More than 100,000 prompts sounded.

One controls the five thunder gods, the center of the ghost domain, except for the ghost lord, a hundred thousand army, all annihilated.

Let Tong Zheng obtain more than 2.4 billion energy points at once.

At this time, Tong Zheng's upgrade to the energy point of the Taiyi Golden Wonderland was also enough.

Ghost Lord: "!! "

Well, there is no hope at all.

The army of 100,000 ghosts and creatures was destroyed, and without soul sacrifice, there was no way to open the soul devouring killing array.

Relying on him alone, there is no need to resist directly.

"It's over!" Tong Zheng said lightly: "Don't come to Huaxia to make trouble in the next life." Tong

Zheng raised his hand and pointed a finger and cast a divine thunder attack.

Above the nine heavens, a thick divine thunder descended from the sky, carrying panic and heavenly power, killing all the evil in the world.

Bombardment on the ghost lord.

Under the destructive power of the divine thunder, the ghost lord will be destroyed and will never surpass life!

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost master who has the perfection of the true fairyland, get 1,000,000 energy points, 10,000 merit points]

At this time, the ghost world of South Korea carried the handle, the ghost domain, and was erased since then.

[Ding, the system prompts that energy points have accumulated to 3.143 billion, and spending three billion energy points can raise the realm to the perfection of the Taiyi Golden Wonderland, whether it is improved. ] "

Ascension." Tong Zheng said without hesitation.

[Ding, consume three billion energy points, raise the realm to the Taiyi Golden Wonderland Perfection]

The system prompt tone ends.

In Tong Zheng's body, a terrifying energy erupted, raising his realm and reaching the Taiyi Golden Wonderland.

It is only one step away from the Da Luo Golden Wonderland.

Feeling the skyrocketing cultivation in his body, Tong Zheng secretly sighed, this time the ghost domain did not come in vain.

"System, how many energy points will be needed to raise the realm to the Great Luo Golden Wonderland next time?" Tong Zheng asked.

"Ten billion." The system spoke.

"Ten billion!" Tong Zheng suddenly took a breath of cold air, so much, when will it accumulate!


Only when the fourth blood moon reappeared would it be possible.

The fourth blood moon reappears, the level of ghosts will increase again, at that time, it should be that the ghost emperor is as many as a dog, and the ghost king is gone.

Only the Ghost Emperor is barely a master.

Coupled with the opening of the forbidden area, he can quickly accumulate energy points.

"You have accumulated a lot of merit points now, I have updated the items in the system mall, you can see if there are any favorites." The seductive voice of the system sounded.

"Good." Tong Zheng replied and directly opened the system mall.

Now you can indeed exchange some new things, otherwise you can't fight with those big clans in the flood wilderness.

In my head, a page appeared.

System Mall

: [Item 1: Donghuang Bell, which can imprison time, suppress space, and bounce the attacks of any treasure divine weapon and the damage of all magical spells. Attack and defense are integrated, and the top is undefeated. Need 100 million merit points]

[Item 2: Taijitu, fused with the merit of opening the sky, can defuse all attacks, ignore any defense, and unfold can turn enemies into ashes. Need 100

million merit points] [Item 3: Pangu Banner, fused with the merit of opening the heavens, has the power to tear the chaos of Hongmeng, the power to smash the time and space of the heavens, the power to control the mysteries of ten thousand laws, and the ability to open up the universe of heaven and earth, need 100 million merit points] [Item

4: Nine-turn Xuangong, the supreme divine skill of the flesh, after the achievement of nine turns, you can peel off the yin of the day after tomorrow, showing the innate true yang. Refine the three innate souls and seven spirits, nine turns into one, from then on the flesh will live forever, become a road, the yuan god will never be dispersed, ten thousand calamities are not bad, and merit points are needed

10 million points] [Item 5: , Immortal Pill, need merit points 10,000 points]


[Item 99: Turning the Sky Seal, Need 10 Million Merit Points] [Item 100: Heaven and Earth Xuanxian Tower, Need 20 Million Merit Points]

Look at the things that the system mall has just updated.

Tong Zheng was directly dumbfounded.

Nima's, Donghuang Bell, Taijitu, Pangu Banner are all sold.

The system is probably too awesome.

With these things, are you afraid of the remnants of those flood races, and directly suppress and break through the forbidden area.

There are also the rookies of the Western world, all suppressed.

However, the current merit points are only more than 44 million.

There is no way to exchange these Pangu Banners, so I can only retreat to the second place, first redeem the Nine Turns Xuan Gong of the Exercises, the Heaven Turning Seal and the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda.

These three add up to exactly 40 million merit points.

There are more than four million left, which can be exchanged for

four hundred immortal pills, and one immortal pill, after taking it, it can make the Dao Alliance give birth to an immortal realm powerhouse, and four hundred can cultivate four hundred immortal realms.


-The author has something to say:

tomorrow wonderful continues

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