This day.

Tong Zheng was in the main hall of Maoshan, teaching the way of cultivation to some strong people in Maoshan who had just advanced to the True Immortal Realm.


Several Maoshan disciples hurriedly came to the main hall and reported: "Master, it's not good, you come out and see, in the sky, another vision has appeared."

"Vision?" Tong Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly, finally here.

"Well, the Blood Moon has reappeared in a vision!" The disciple who came to report replied.

"Blood Moon reappears!" Hearing this, Jing Xu Heavenly Master, Clear Void Heavenly Master, and Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master all stood up directly.

They remembered that Tong Zheng said that the fourth blood moon reappeared, the degree of terror recovery intensified, and the forbidden area was about to open.

Tong Zheng, Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master, Clear Void Heavenly Master, Jing Xu Heavenly Master and other high-level people walked out of the hall.

Come to the outside of the Maoshan Hall.

Look at a blood moon in the air.

At this time, many masters of Maoshan were also staring at this round of blood moon.

The Blood Moon appeared at the same time.

Everyone could clearly feel that the concentration of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi around them began to increase rapidly.

"Catastrophe is coming." Tong Zheng spoke, "All Maoshan disciples, leave and sit on the spot, and quickly rely on the strength of the Blood Moon to regain your strength to cope with this change." "

The appearance of the Blood Moon Vision will bring huge energy, which can be broken through by chance.

"Yes, Master." The Maoshan disciples present took orders one after another.

"I'm going to Daomeng to sit now." Tong Zhengdao.

The catastrophe is coming, and he must sit in the Dao Alliance to cope with the changes.

Three days passed.

The vision of the fourth Blood Moon reappearance had receded, and the entire cultivation world had received a huge boost because of the Blood Moon Energy.

In the past three days, although nothing major has happened, it is very peaceful, and it seems that everyone is silently improving their strength.

But Tong Zheng knew that a bigger storm was brewing.


At this time, Tong Zheng's divine sense sensed that several Dao Alliance Heavenly Masters were rushing to the Dao Alliance headquarters with a worried expression.

On them, Tong Zheng felt a faint demonic aura, and they seemed to have fought with monsters.

Tong Zheng made a big move, used his means, and directly moved several people in front of him.

Several people were startled, and when they saw themselves suddenly appear in front of the Dao Alliance headquarters and the alliance master, they hurriedly said: "See the alliance master, a few of us are rushing back, there is something to say." "

Hmm." Tong Zheng nodded, and his eyes swept over several people: "What happened, why do you have demonic energy on you?"

A Heavenly Master said, "A few of us, one of the Heavenly Masters who were ordered to sit in Kanto City, felt that there was an abnormal situation around Kanto City today, so I went to investigate and found that the villagers of a village on the border of Kanto City were all killed by monsters. "

Monster!" Tong Zheng was shocked, no wonder they were contaminated with demonic qi, could it be that the Flood Wilderness Demon Race was born.

"Yes, in that village, the magic aura is strong, so I was very uneasy when I arrived, so I didn't venture in to check, leaving the two of them to stare at the same place in the village, so I came to report." One person replied.

"I know, you did a good job, if the demon race is born, you go in to check, it is to send people's heads, I will go there myself." Tong Zheng replied.

After speaking, Tong Zheng flashed and disappeared in front of several people.

Now with his Taiyi Golden Wonderland complete strength, walking around, shrinking the ground into inches, extremely fast, he can directly rush to the place of the incident.

Several Heavenly Masters looked at each other and were shocked, is this the strength of the alliance master?

They were all newly promoted to the realm of Heavenly Master, and they had not participated in the previous border wars between China and the West, so they had not seen Tong Zheng show his skills.

Now for the first time, I saw Tong Zheng exerting his magic powers, and I was shocked.

Tong is coming to Kanto City.

Divine Sense covered searched, and soon found the village that several Heavenly Masters said had been slaughtered by monsters.

Tong Zheng came to the outside of the village.

The two Heavenly Masters who were guarding in the distance hurriedly stepped forward and saluted, "See the alliance master." "

Hmm." Tong Zheng nodded and said, "You guys are guarding outside, I'll go in and take a look." "

Obey." The two nodded.

Tong Zhengxian opened his eyes and looked at the village, the entire village was covered by the blood ape demonic qi, and the divine sense could not explore the situation inside, which showed that the monsters were not simple.

Tong Zheng slowly walked in.

As soon as he entered the village, Tong Zheng felt a sense of oppression rolling in, and the corpses lying all the way were lying vertically and vertically, all of them were sucked dry of essence and blood.

All the way into the village.

When arriving at the center.

The abnormality in front of him occurred, and a demon qi suddenly appeared underground, condensing into a girl in black in the air ahead.

The girl's body is full of magic patterns, and the terrifying aura on her body is surrounded, and she actually has Xuan Immortal Realm cultivation.

The girl's face was cold, seeing Tong Zheng's arrival, she did not choose nonsense, a thick blood mist gushed out from her body, and suddenly a claw tore towards Tong Zheng.

"It's really the Demon Clan!" Tong Zheng's eyes narrowed, and the forbidden area of the demon race opened and began to invade the world.

The Devil Slaying Daguan knife in his hand appeared, and suddenly slashed forward, directly splitting the girl's blood claw into a blood mist, only to hear a miserable cry in the fog, and the girl's figure flew out backwards and hit the wall of a courtyard in the village.

Tong Zheng disdained, Xuan Xianjing was just that.

If it weren't for Tong Zheng trying to search her divine soul and learn about the information of the demon race, she would have died with that stab just now.

This girl has a Xuan Immortal Realm cultivation, presumably in the demon race, her status is not low.

The girl raised her head, her eyes showing fear, and suddenly, she raised her head and roared upwards, "The phantom demon still won't save me!" "

Phantom Demon!" When Tong Zheng heard this, he looked around.

Suddenly, a not weak aura locked him, it was the breath of the Golden Wonderland.


Underground, a black shadow slowly condensed from the demonic qi, such a strange appearance, it was very uncomfortable.

Tong Zheng looked at the black shadow in front of him, just now his divine sense was nearby, and he did not find this thing.


It seems that the power of the demon race should not be underestimated.

"When did your demon clan come out, and where is your forbidden area headquarters!" Tong Zheng said lightly.

The demon shadow did not answer, but grabbed the girl, turned into black qi, and fled into the distance.

He was very smart, and with his cultivation, he was not Tong Zheng's opponent at all, so he chose to run away directly.

Tong Zheng shouted, "Where to go!" Tong

Zheng held the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife and rushed straight up.

However, Tong Zheng did not pursue them with all his strength, but intentionally or unintentionally let them run ahead.

It's easy to catch these two.

Tong Zheng was able to tie the two back with a bundle of immortal ropes.

However, Tong Zheng was not prepared to do this, he wanted to see where the headquarters of the Demon Race Forbidden Zone was, and he was also ready to explore the reality of the Demon Race.

The forbidden area has just opened, presumably the terrifying monster cannot appear.

At most, the strong man of the Golden Wonderland appears, which is a good time to explore.

The two sides chased and fled, gradually moving away from the village!

Soon, we came to a mountain range.

In the middle of the mountain range, a canyon is treated like a crack in the earth, and the bottom is bottomless, which is an endless abyss.

At the edge of the valley outside the abyss, the phantom demon flying with the girl is ready to fly into the abyss.


"Set the divine spell, bind the immortal rope." Tong Zheng drank.

The Fixing God Spell was cast, fixing the phantom demon and the girl, and then binding the fairy rope and offering it, directly tying the two back.

"I thought you could run away." Tong Zheng snorted coldly, looking at the phantom demon and girl who were tied up in front of him.

The binding fairy rope was extended, tied to one end and one person, and levitated in front of the child's front.

"You bastard, let me go." The girl's face was slightly red, and Tong Zheng's binding fairy rope tied her posture, completely hooking her figure, showing it in front of Tong Zheng, making her very ashamed.

Although she is a demon race, she should have everything, and the white rabbit on her chest is bigger than Xiaorou's, which really surprised Tong Zheng.


-The author has something to say:

tomorrow wonderful continues

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