The inheritors of these people are not weak in combat power, placed in the third echelon, acting as law enforcers in person, and have the right to kill the demon race or demon race that endangers Huaxia and invades China, or the strong people in the Western camp.

The fourth echelon is the immortal generals of the Heavenly Court: Lei Gong, Electric Mother, Feng Bo, Rain Master, You Yi Lingguan, Yisheng Zhenjun, Mighty Ghost King, Seven Fairies, Taibai Jinxing, Barefoot Great Immortal, Marshal Tiancang, Marshal Tianyou, Nine Heavenly Xuannu, Twelve Golden Birds, Nine Obsidious Stars, Day Wandering God, Night Wandering God, Taiyin Star Jun, Sun Star Jun, Wude Xingjun, Yousheng Zhenjun, Tota Heavenly King Li Jing, Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Three Altar Sea Meeting Great God Nezha, Giant Spirit God, Yue Lao, Zuo Fu Right Bow, Erlang God Yang Jian, Taiyi thunder should transform Tianzun, Wang Shanwang, Lingguan, Sazhenren, Ziyang Zhenren, Wenchang Emperor, Tiandeaf, Didumb and others.

When they met in the Heavenly Court, they each performed their duties and supervised the heavens and the earth, and now awakened their memories, Tong Zheng also let them

finally be, the Three Official Emperors, the Four Heavenly Kings, the Four Worth Gong Cao, the Four Heavenly Masters, the Four Square Gods, the Four Dragon Gods, the Four Great Marshals, the Five Directions of the True Lord, the Five True Monarchs, the Five Emperors of the Five Mountains, the Five Dipper Star Lords, the Six Dings and Six Jia Lords, the South Dipper Six Star Jun, the Big Dipper Seven Star Jun, the Eight Immortals, the Nine Stars, the Twenty-eight Stars, and the Thirty-Six Heavenly Generals.

These people, the combat strength is uneven, there are strong and weak, but the overall strength, grow up, kill the Western Six-Winged Angel, easily, they are placed in the fifth echelon.

Then came the awakened people of the prefecture camp.

Although the awakened people of the Earth Mansion are not as good as the Heavenly Court, they have an extremely strong existence.

For example, Houtu Niangniang, who ranked first in combat power, the existence of later sainthood, the only saint in the prefecture, and the Jade Emperor and others whose combat power was higher than that of the Heavenly Court, second only to Sanqing.

The second is the Northern Yin Emperor, whose combat power is not weaker than the existence of the Jade Emperor

, followed by the Five Directions Ghost Emperor, Luo Yu Six Days, these ancient gods who entered the West, comparable to the Prince of the East of the Heavenly Court.

The rest are the ten temple Yan Kings, King Qin Guang, King Chujiang, Emperor Song, King Guan, King Yan Luo, King Pingping, King Taishan King, King Chengdu, King Bian Cheng, King Zhuanlun

and the chief judge Cui Fujun, Zhong Kui, Black and White Impermanence, Bullhead and Horse Face, and Meng Po God.

The prefecture camp, Tong Zheng did not divide them into echelons, and then let the heirs of the Houtu lead them, separate them, and press the Western Hell camp to fight in the future!

After arranging all the immortal heirs of the Heavenly Court and the immortal heirs of the Earth Mansion, the development of the Dao Alliance was officially on the right track.

The previous Immortal Pill was given priority to the inheritors of the Heavenly Court and the Earth Mansion.

The rest was given to the rest of the inheritors of the Dao Alliance, and what surprised Tong Zheng was that because of the human catastrophe, the luck was re-divided, and the cultivation potential of these immortal inheritors could surpass the realm that they could not reach before.

Tong Zheng may be able to take them with him this time. Go to unprecedented heights.

This will.

In the Demon Abyss Forbidden Zone, a doppelganger of the Western Allah entered it.

Entering the forbidden area of the Abyss World, he naturally will not be stupid, send his real body in, if the negotiation fails, and he is accidentally destroyed by the demon race, it will not be worth the loss.

In the abyss, the central hall of the demon race.

"Demon Ancestor, I advise you to think about what I just said." The Western Allah said: "Now in the human world, the power of the Eastern Dao Alliance is already very strong, although your demon race is strong, but the power that can be sent to the world now is just the Xuan Immortal Realm, there is no way to invade the past, the best way is that we join forces, cooperate inside and outside, and gradually defeat the Dao Alliance masters in order to win the victory."

"Why should we trust you." The Demon Princess said, if Tong Zheng was here now, he would definitely be able to recognize that this Demon Princess was the one he had bound with immortal ropes before.

As the Demon Princess spoke, she sounded that the forbidden area opened a few days ago, she sneaked out curiously, was caught by Tong Zheng, and was shamefully bound with a fairy rope, and suddenly a blush appeared on her face!

This damned scoundrel actually tied her up in such a shameful way, and still grabbed her in front of her to watch, and when she went out again, she must kill this disciple prodigal son.

"Cooperation, I naturally came with sincerity, don't hide from you, before coming to the forbidden area of the demon race, I have already been to the forbidden area of the demon race, the demon ruin, and the forbidden area of the witch clan, and have already cooperated with them." The West Allah and said, "You help me deal with the Huaxia Dao League." The captured cities and fortune of Huaxia all belong to you, how.

"Yes." Above the main hall, the Demon Ancestor spoke, "But, how can we cooperate?"

"It's very simple, although you can't send a strong person who transcends the Xuan Immortal Realm to the human world, you can trick the strong man of the Dao Alliance into the entrance of the forbidden area, or establish a passage from the world to the forbidden area." The western Allah said: "You first send a part of the Xuan Immortal Realm to the world, and then ambush near the spatial passage leading to the forbidden area, and our western camp will attract the powerhouses of the Dao Alliance, and you will kill them."

"Yes, no problem." Demon Ancestor said, "If you go out and arrange, we will send a group of Xuan Immortal Realm powerhouses to support you."

"Good." Western Allah nodded and disappeared into the Abyss Forbidden Zone.

"Grandpa, I want to go out this time." The Demon Princess said, "The prodigal son of the Terran disciple who lightly bound me a few days ago, I'm going to kill him."

"No, you go, not to kill him, but to be killed by him!" Demon Ancestor said lightly.

"Hmph, ignore you." Princess Demon Zu pouted, thinking in her heart, don't let me go, I'll sneak out myself.

It's over.

Soon, the baptism opportunity brought by the fourth blood moon slowly disappeared, and a month had passed since the fourth blood moon reappeared.

This month.

The strength of the Dao League, further, now the Dao Alliance already has six strong people in the Golden Immortal Realm, respectively Xiaorou and Lin Jing'er, as well as the heirs of Sanqing and the heirs of the Houtu.

The eighty-nine strong people of the Xuan Immortal Realm are the Kunlun Palm Sect who had broken through to the Xuan Immortal Realm before, as well as the second echelon of the Heavenly Court that caught up behind, the six Taoist emperors, the five elders of the five sides, the ten Yan Kings of the prefecture, the heirs of the Jade Emperor and others, as well as the Five Directions Ghost Emperor, Luo Yu Six Heavens, etc., as well as some Dao Alliance masters who had reached the True Immortal Realm before that.

At the same time, this time, the Dao Alliance has newly born more than three hundred true immortals, and most of these true immortals are the third and fourth echelon immortals of the awakening immortal memory of the Heavenly Court camp this time.


The 4,800 Immortal Yuan Pill Dao Alliance powerhouses handed down by Tong Zheng before were cultivated to the Immortal Realm after taking the Immortal Yuan Pill.

Coupled with some Immortal Realm realms who did not take Immortal Yuan Pill, but broke through in the blood moon energy, now the Dao Alliance already has more than 10,000 Immortal Realm powerhouses.

The Heavenly Master Realm has more than 100,000 statues, and the powerhouses of the Earth Master Realm have exceeded one million.

Coupled with the fact that the Dao Alliance has begun to popularize the practice exercises, so that everyone in China can practice, today's Dao Alliance and Huaxia, the cultivators of the whole people, are no longer the people who allow other races to invade and have no power to resist.


-The author has something to say:

tomorrow wonderful continues

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