[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a true immortal and demon general, get 700,000 energy points, 7,000 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a true immortal and demon general, get 600,000 energy points, 6,000 merit points]


[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a true immortal and demon general, get 500,000 energy points, 5,000 merit points]

More than forty prompts sounded.

One controls the five thunder gods, and below, except for the princess of the Abyss Demon Race and the leaders of the six Xuan Immortal Realm Demon Races, all the other demon races have been destroyed.


The remaining Abyss Demon Princess, although not destroyed, but also very embarrassed, her realm is only Xuan Immortal Realm, although she desperately resisted thunder and lightning, but also very embarrassed, her body was tattered by thunder and lightning, plump and delicate, many key places, has loomed, very nosebleed.

"Rogue, dengtian prodigal son, you must have done it on purpose!" The demon princess's cheeks were red, and she hurriedly covered the dew spot, eager to find a seam and get in.

This time, after the thunder and lightning, the bloodthirsty array in the Soul Sealing Village was forced, and the entire village was no longer in danger.

Tong Zheng entered it and directly sacrificed the binding immortal rope to bind the Demon Princess again.

The princess of the demon race was already in tatters, and then she was tied up by Tong Zheng like this, and suddenly her plump delicate body and looming key parts were full of temptation.

The Demon Princess was dying of shame, she was. He was tied up again by this prodigal son.


Tong Zheng looked at the bound demon princess in front of him, his face was serious, and he spoke: "Say, how many demon clans have you come this time, and what is the purpose?"

"You just destroy me, I won't say it, don't try to ask anything from me." The Abyss Demon Princess said with a hard mouth.

Is it so spineless?

The corner of Tong Zheng's mouth, a strange smile, controlled the binding immortal rope, challenged the binding method, tightened a little, and directly bound the Demon Princess in front of him in a shy way.

"Ah, you stop, don't look!" Princess Demon Zu was so anxious that she cried directly, ashamed and angry, she was actually bound in front of her by a man in such a shameful posture.

In the future, she will still establish her prestige in the demon race like this!

"Say or don't tell." Tong Zheng sneered.

"Terran cultivator, let go of our princess." At this time, in the Soul Sealing Village, the remaining six demon leaders of the Xuan Immortal Realm flew into the air, levitated in front of Tong Zheng, and spoke.

"With the six of you, you are not qualified to let me go." Tong Zheng said lightly, his Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm cultivation completely broke out, the terrifying coercion covered all around, and the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife in his hand flashed with demonic light.

"You are Taiyi Golden Wonderland, how is this possible!" The six Demon Xuan Immortals of the Abyss were all shocked by the realm that Tong Zheng burst out.

Taiyi Golden Wonderland, that is, in the abyss of their demon race, it is also a patriarch-level existence, and there are such strong people in the world.

How so, didn't the people in the Western world say that as long as they lay out a large array, they can reap the strong in the world!

No wonder those in the Western camp just saw Tong Zheng coming, they were frightened, finished, and were pitted by the guys in the Western world.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly and said to the Demon Princess: "If you don't say it, if you don't say it, I will destroy the six of them." "

Don't say." The Demon Princess still said with a hard mouth.

"Good." Tong Zheng said, "It's your princess who doesn't want to save you." Saying

that, Tong Zheng looked at the Demon Xuan Immortal in front of him, and the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife was raised, and it was directly slashed out, slashing towards this Demon Race Xuan Immortal Perfection.

The blood-red sword light slashed horizontally, and the speed was extremely fast.

Slashed on the body of this Demon Xuan Immortal, the terrifying power of the Demon Suppression directly cut the Demon Xuan Immortal to death, and never exceeded life.

With his current strength, he can easily kill a person who has completed the Xuan Immortal Realm, so that the other party does not even have a chance to escape.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a demon Xuanxian Perfection leader, get 1,500,000 energy points, 15,000 merit points]

In Tong Zheng's mind, a prompt sounded.

One and a half million energy points, which is really good.

Looked at.

The remaining five Demon Race Xuan Immortals were consummated and directly retreated, fleeing in five directions.

Just kidding, this situation does not escape, staying here is death.

As for the princess, it is still in the hands of the enemy.

Don't worry, princess, first wronged you to contain the enemy, and when you return to the abyss, you will call someone to rescue you.


Tong Zheng was not ready to let them go at all, the divine consciousness communicated the power of heaven and earth, and directly laid down the enchantment, the enchantment arranged by the Taiyi Golden Wonderland, and these demon leaders wanted to break it.

Tong Zheng held the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife, and the Immortal Slashing Eight Desolate Knife was cast, and the slash came out horizontally, and the Zhen Demon Dao light with the power of blockade slashed a Demon Xuan Immortal Perfection leader who fled forward.

The sword light tore directly from him, causing him to scatter his soul and destroy his spirits.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a demon Xuanxian Perfection leader, get 1,500,000 energy points, 15,000 merit points]

Another prompt sounded.

Looking at the remaining four Demon Race Xuan Immortal Cheng leaders, Tong Zheng continued to slaughter, holding the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife, and suddenly slashed out.


The Eight Desolate Dao Qi blocked all directions, and the Zhen Demon Dao Light split in two, roaring past, directly cutting off the two Demon Xuan Immortal Perfection leaders, never surpassing life.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a demon Xuanxian consummation leader, get 1500000 energy points, 150000 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a demon Xuanxian consummation leader, get 1500000 energy points, 150000 merit points]

Two more prompts sounded.

Now, only the last two leaders of the Demon Race Xuan Immortal Perfection who had been in chaos remained.

Looking at Tong Zheng suspended in the air.

The two Demon Race Xuan Immortal Perfection leaders were extremely terrified in their hearts.

They really regret it now, coming out of the abyss and coming to the world to do evil, and now I am afraid that they will not be able to go back.

Tong Zhengke ignored their regrets, and slashed at these two Abyssal Demon Xuan Immortals, and the sword light directly tore through them, causing his soul to scatter and destroy his spirits.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a demon Xuanxian consummation leader, get 1,500,000 energy points, 15,000 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a demon Xuanxian consummation leader, get 1,500,000 energy points, 15,000 merit points]


Only the Demon Princess who was bound by him remained.

At this time, Lin Jing'er and Xiaorou came to Tong Zheng's side.

Tong Zheng looked at the Demon Princess.

"To say or not to tell." Tong Zheng sneered: "If you don't say anything, I will strip you of your clothes and take them around the street for public display!"

"You, you pervert!" The Demon Princess was so ashamed that her face was red to the base of her neck.


The Demon Princess gritted her teeth and said, "I said."

"That's right." Tong Zhengdao.

"Your western camp in the world, united with the demon race and the witch race, has arranged a lot of bloodthirsty arrays in your Huaxia, preparing to gradually introduce the masters of your Dao Alliance into killing and weakening the power of your Dao Alliance." The Demon Princess pouted, "I said, you can release me now." When

Tong Zheng heard this, the killing intent flashed in his eyes, and the Western camp played wishful thinking, which was really a wolf ambition.

But now, already known to him, it is of little use.

Tong Zheng looked at the Demon Princess with a sneer and said, "Release you, when did I say what you said, I will release you."

"You, shameless!" The Demon Princess was furious!


-The author has something to say:

tomorrow wonderful continues

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