"Well, it should be the power of the formation, so that the other end of the formation controls her." Tong Zhengdao, surrounded by Taiyi immortal qi, looked at the strange demon princess in front of him.

Prepare for battle.

"Only the fourth blood moon has reappeared, and the world has such an existence as you, which is amazing." The Demon Princess spoke, and the tone was the same as that of the previous Demon Princess.

"Who are you?" Tong Zheng spoke.

"You are the lord of the world, last time at the entrance of the abyss, you tied my granddaughter with this immortal rope once, and this time again." The princess of the demon race said lightly: "Lord of the world, this time my granddaughter came out, broke the plan of the three races, let you win a game, don't be proud, the power of the three races is not what you can imagine, when the degree of the great tribulation is higher, when our three races can go all out, it will be the purgatory of the entire world, the human race, can only talk about our blood food."

After that, the Demon Princess began to activate the formation and teleported.

"I want to go!" Tong Zheng drank cold.

Holding the Devil Slashing Daguan Knife, he slashed out with a slash, the Demon Slashing God Skill, the Immortal Slashing Eight Barren Knife was cast, and the Zhen Demon Dao Light carried the power of Slashing Immortals, slashed the demon attribute, and slashed towards the Demon Princess in the Great Array.

Seeing this, the Demon Princess showed disdain, and around the formation, terrifying demonic qi formed magic patterns, condensed outside the large array, forming a shield to protect the operation of the large array.

Tong Zheng's sword light slashed at the magic pattern, making the entire large array tremble, but there was no way to break the large array.

"I can't do it yet, turn the seal of the sky, break it for me." Tong Zheng just summoned the next Lingbao, turned the heavenly seal, suddenly sent it, and smashed it towards the big array.


The Fixing God Spell was cast, trying to fix the Demon Princess.

It's a pity that the Fixing God Spell last time, it actually failed, there was no way to enter the formation, fixed the Demon Princess, and the heaven-turning seal was also blocked by the magic pattern outside the formation.

The entire formation was smashed by the Heaven-Turning Seal, but it was not broken.

The Demon Princess saw the Heaven-Turning Seal, and was a little surprised: "Heaven-turning Seal, good boy, I can't imagine that you even have this kind of spirit treasure, but unfortunately, the other end of this formation is connected to my Abyss Demon Clan, you are just a Taiyi Golden Wonderland, it is impossible to break it, if it is the Da Luo Golden Wonderland, it is still possible." He


The body of the Demon Princess became more and more illusory, and it seemed that she was about to teleport back.

At the last moment, she seemed to be able to control her body by herself, and opened her mouth and said: "Big bad, big rogue, dengtian prodigal son, I won't let you go, next time I come out, I must help you tie up and beat your ass hard!"

Saying that, her body disappeared into the large array and entered the abyss world.

The Demon Princess disappeared, and the formation also stopped operating, after all, it was a cross-border formation, if it were not for the Demon Race to save their princess, it would definitely not have cost a huge price to maintain.

Building such a formation, consuming countless resources, saving the princess, the demon race naturally gave up.

Tong Zheng's eyes were boiling with killing intent, and he actually let her run again, from the attitude of the demon race this time, it seems that the princess of the demon race is very important to the demon race, otherwise the demon race will not spend a huge price to save her.

The next time you catch her, you will definitely not let her run away again, and you have to make good use of it.

The big array disappeared, in the village, the leaders of the hundreds of demon races Xuan Immortal Realm, and thousands of true immortals of the demon race, tens of thousands of demon demon warriors, the formation naturally could not take them away, after all, taking away a demon princess consumed a lot of energy.

These demon races naturally all stayed.

"The Demon Princess is gone, you left, let's be buried for her." Tong Zheng shouted, today he wiped out all the strongholds of the witch race and the demon race, and he has already gained a lot of energy, and in destroying these demon races, he should be able to gather ten billion energy points.

Until then.

He was able to raise his cultivation to the Great Luo Golden Wonderland.

Tong Zheng directly exerted the control of the five thunder gods.

Suddenly, the surrounding wind and thunder were raging, and one after another thunder and lightning converged in the air, and then turned into thunder and lightning, directly slashing down towards the remaining demons in the village.

From the terrifying existence that suddenly appeared in the body of the Demon Princess today, Tong Zheng understood that the strength of the Demon Race and the Witch Race, and the Demon Race in the forbidden area was probably unfathomable.

Only if he has the strength of the Great Luo Golden Wonderland can he protect the people around him.

The terrifying thunder and lightning keep falling, thunder and lightning is the nemesis of all evil things, and the demon race is the same, whether he turns into demon qi or the body, under the slashing of the power of five thunders, there is nothing to hide!

Boom, boom, boom!

After the lightning, the ground in the entire village was directly split by the lightning, and countless large pits appeared.

The rest of the demon race, except for the leader of the Xuan Immortal Realm, the rest were accurately struck by lightning, and under the destructive divine power of all five thunders, all forms and gods were destroyed, and they would never surpass life!

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a blood demon with a true fairy realm Dao, get 700,000 energy points, 7,000 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a demon with a fairy realm Dao, get 200,000 energy

points, 2,000 merit points]


[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the demon who has the immortal realm, gain 150,000 energy points, 1,500 merit points]

in the mind.

Tens of thousands of prompts sounded, and Tong Zheng suddenly obtained more than 3.9 billion energy points.

There are also hundreds of leaders of the Demon Race Xuan Immortal Realm, who control the five thunder god powers in a large area, and they can't kill the masters of the Xuan Immortal Realm.

However, Tong Zheng was not ready to let them go, the divine consciousness communicated the power of heaven and earth, and directly laid down the enchantment, the enchantment arranged by the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm, and these demon Xuan Immortal leaders wanted to break it.

Tong Zheng held the Devil Slashing Daguan Knife, the Immortal Slashing Eight Desolate Knife was cast, and the slash came out horizontally, and the Zhen Demon Dao light with the power of blockade turned into dozens of ways, slashing at the leaders of the Demon Xuan Immortal Perfection who fled around.

Even the scattered sword light was enough to kill Xuan Immortals, and the sword light directly tore through them, making them scatter their souls and destroy their spirits.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a demon Xuanxian consummation leader, get 1,500,000 energy points, 15,000 merit points]


[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a demon Xuanxian Perfection leader, get 1,500,000 energy points, 15,000 merit points]

Dozens of prompts sounded.

Looking at the remaining fifty or so Demon Race Xuan Immortal Perfection leaders, Tong Zheng continued to slaughter, holding the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife, and suddenly slashed out horizontally, and the sword light scattered towards these Demon Race leaders.

Brush, brush, brush!

The Eight Desolate Dao Qi blocked all directions, and the Zhen Demon Dao Light was divided into dozens of parts, whistling past, directly cutting off all the remaining leaders of the Demon Race Xuan Immortal Perfection, never surpassing life.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a demon Xuanxian consummation leader, get 1,500,000 energy points, 15,000 merit points]


[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a demon Xuanxian Perfection leader, get 1,500,000 energy points, 15,000 merit points]

Dozens of prompts sounded.

Now, the remaining demon races have also been killed by him.

Tong Zheng hurriedly glanced at the attribute panel, wanting to see how much energy points had accumulated.

[Host: Tong Zheng

] [Realm: Taiyi Golden Wonderland Grand Completion

] [Energy Point: 10845226000] [Merit Point: 42891300]

[Control Tiangang Divine Power: "Flowers Blossom in a Moment", "Moving Stars for Fights", "Pointing to the Ground as Rigid", "Scattering Beans into Soldiers", "Big and Small Ruyi", " Golden Light of the Earth", "Control the Five Thunders", "Soaring Clouds and Driving the Mist", "Fixing the Body God Curse"..."Resurrection from the Dead"] [Control the earth's

magical powers: "Slashing the Demon", "Over the Mountains and the Sea", "Tracking and Searching for Souls", "Doppelganger", "Invisibility", "Infinite Power", "Stargazing Divination", "Tongyu" ... "Turning the Valley"]

[Mastering special magical powers: "Talisman God Pattern", "Eight Desolate Swords of Cutting Immortals", "Nine Turns Xuangong"


There are 10.8 billion energy points and more than 42 million merit points.

Nima's can finally raise his cultivation to the Great Luo Golden Wonderland.

Tong Zheng turned around and said to Lin Jing'er: "Jing'er, Xiaorou, we will return to the Dao Alliance now, I will break through the Daluo Golden Wonderland in retreat, and you will give me a protector." Tong

Zheng's words.

Lin Jing'er and Xiao Rouren were extremely shocked.

So soon, it is about to break through to the Da Luo Golden Wonderland.

How long has it been since this broken through the Taiyi Golden Wonderland, as the lord of the world, the power of Tong Zheng's brother or the blessing of the gods is too perverted.

"Okay, Brother Tong Zheng." The two replied.


-The author has something to say:

tomorrow wonderful continues

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