"Lord, this is not true, our Holy See did not collude with foreign races, was not forced into the world, it was the trickery of cunning Orientals!" There are dead believers of the Western Holy See who murmur.

"The church will not do this, will not be complicit with aliens!" A Christian fanatic's voice trembled: "The Oriental is slandering our Holy See. "

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, too lazy to explain, and if he didn't believe it, let's die with your Holy See."

Tong Zheng held the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife and looked at the countless ghosts in front of him and these missionaries in the church.

The terrifying immortal qi on his body erupted, and on the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, the Demon Destroying God Flame burned brightly, and suddenly slashed out.

The missionaries in front of them and the ghosts they released, the terrifying immortal slashing knife qi and the demon exterminating flame directly tore apart countless buildings in the church, and this church area was filled with smoke and dust!

The missionaries of the entire city of Will and their ghosts were slashed and bloodied.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost that has practiced for 4,000 years, gain 40,000 energy points, 400 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a missionary with 6,500 years of skill, get 65,000 energy points, 650 merit points]


[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost that has been practicing for 8,100 years, get 81,000 energy points, 810 merit points]

More than 2,000 prompts sounded in a row.

Killing more than 300 missionaries and the ghosts they raised with one sword allowed Tong Zheng to obtain more than 100 million energy points.

In the church area, all the buildings were slashed down and left in ruins.

The Westerners in the entire city of Will were all frightened, too terrifying and bloody, and the Easterners directly killed them.

"Devil, you are the real devil." Countless Westerners said one by one in fear, they had already believed the words of the Holy See just now, and it was these people in the East who colluded with the three races in the forbidden area, not their Holy See.

Their Holy See is innocent.

This is the trajectory of the Easterners, the trajectory set by the Easterners in order to destroy them in the West.

"We are the devil!" Tong Zheng said coldly: "Your church is the biggest deception in this world, coaxing the whole world, coaxing you, they are the cancer of the world." "

Shut up." One by one, Westerners retorted that Tong Zheng could no longer be allowed to talk, the church was destroyed by them, and now they dare to slander their Holy See.

They are the evildoers of the world, the aggressors, and God will punish them.

"You'll understand." Tong Zheng said, "Let's continue to the next city and slaughter the people of the Western Holy See, and today, I will kill the entire Western world trembling." "

Not killing civilians is Tong Zheng's bottom line.

Today is coming, the Holy See in every city in the West, don't want to stay alive.

Come to the next Western city.

Tong Zheng was suspended in the air, along with Xiaorou and Lin Jing'er, and the humane behind him: "You guys also do it, destroy this city papal area, and turn it into ruins." "Good

." The two women nodded.

This city, called Ron City, Xiao Rou took out the Heavenly Thunder Hammer, Lin Jing'er took out the purple electric cone, and the two burst out with momentum.


The entire sky over the Holy See area of Ron City was covered by thunder and lightning, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

"How did the sky break through and there was a thunderbolt, what's going on." In Ron City, someone exclaimed.

"God, look in the sky, under the thunderclouds, there are people, are they Orientals, suspended above the church, what are they going to do!" There are Westerners who speak out.

The Westerners of Ron City had never seen the existence of the Thunder Law Divine Power, and they couldn't believe that two women could control such a terrifying thunder and lightning.

I saw two women in the air, the heavenly thunder hammer and the purple electric cone frequently bombarded down, and the terrifying thunder and lightning soon turned the entire building of the Holy See area into ruins.

In the entire church area, not a single church person survived, and all died at the hands of the two women.

"God, are they still human!" Countless Westerners were shocked.

"Lord, these two women, why destroy our Holy See!" Some members of the Western Holy See said angrily.

"The Western Holy See, colluding with the forbidden area demon race, demon race, witch race, invading the world, the crime is unforgivable, today, come to destroy the Western Holy See!" Little judo.

Finish speaking.

Tong Zheng took them to the next western city.

The entire people of Ron City were shocked that the church actually colluded with foreign races and invaded the Terrans, is this to be anti-human!

Coming to the Holy See in the next city, Tong was concocted by the law, directly made a big move, destroyed their Holy See, and then told Westerners about the sins of the church.

Don't give them the opportunity to quibble, so that they can directly kill people.

After destroying the Holy See in several cities in a row.

The masters of Christianity have finally come, and not only Christianity, but even the masters accumulated by the vampire family during this time have come.

But it's a pity that the strength disappointed Tong Zheng, and it was just a few true fairy lands and vampire ancestors who came.

The True God messenger who came to intercept Tong Zheng and the others spoke, "Dao Alliance Lord, is this preparing to exterminate humanity and suppress my Western Church."

Tong Zheng replied lightly: "The Western Holy See, colluding with the demon race, witch race, and demon race, the crime is unforgivable, and it must be exterminated today." After

that, Tong Zheng's immortal qi surrounded the Demon Slaying Daguan Daguan Knife in his hand, and the Demon Destroying Light and Demon Extinguishing God Flame flickered.

Look ahead at the few True God messengers and vampire ancestors who came to intercept him.

Tong Zheng raised the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, and the Devil Destroying God Flame attached to it, directly slashed out, and the sword light of the Divine Flame slashed horizontally, the speed was extremely fast, these true god messengers and vampire ancestors, there was no way to resist.

The sword light slashed on the first of them, and the terrifying Demon Extinguishing God Flame and the Zhen Demon Knife Light were intertwined, directly cutting them in half, and the Demon Extinguishing God Flame stained on their two halves of the corpses, burning, and after a while, directly burned their two corpses to ashes.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the vampire ancestor with the true fairyland, get 800,000 energy points, 8,000 merit points]


[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a true god messenger, get 700,000 energy points, 7,000 merit points]

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, several true immortals, also dared to stop him.

It seems that the Western Holy See is really not good now, after being crippled last time, it is estimated that the losses are heavy, and there should be few Xuan Immortals now.

Except for the Allah who had returned to the realm of the six-winged angel, the others could only be slaughtered by the Dao Alliance.

Tong Zheng's team is advancing very quickly, I am afraid that the other eight teams are not weak, after all, they are all led by nine Xuan Immortal Realms, and they are definitely invincible, and no one is invincible.

Today, it can certainly be pushed to the center of the Western world.

And at this time.

In the Western world, the headquarters of the Holy See.

The nine teams of the Dao Alliance entered the Western world, city after city, and the picture of the big killing appeared on one screen.

In front of the screen.

It was the hundreds of true God messengers of the Western Holy See, as well as the six two-winged angels, all clenched into fists.

Today, they have suffered an unprecedented slaughter in the Western world, and Western Allah are equally angry watching the picture of the Taoist League massacring Western city churches.

"Allah, are we really not going to deal with these Orientals?" A two-winged angel spoke.

The west Allah said: "They have so many masters, you will also be sent to death if you go, I am already contacting the angels and archangels of the heavenly realm, as well as the demons of hell, they will find a way to come to the world to help us, otherwise with our strength, there is absolutely no way to deal with this crisis."

"Yes, if the angels want to come to the lower realm to the world, they will not be afraid of these Dao Alliance masters, and when the time comes, they will come to the headquarters and let them come and go." The two-winged angel responded.

"Hmm." The Western Allah continued: "Before that, it's time to take advantage of the vampire family and let them send some experts to intercept the people of the Dao Alliance and delay time for us."

"Okay, I'll arrange it." The two-winged angel said.


The author has something to say:

500,000 words, thank you for your support all the way, three changes today, tomorrow wonderful continues

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