"Okay, then spend merit points, practice the ninth turn of the Nine Turns Xuan Gong." Tong Zhengdao.

Anyway, now there are more than a billion merit points.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, spend one billion merit points, cultivate the ninth turn of "Nine Turns Xuangong"]

The system prompt tone ends.

Tong Zheng felt that his physical body began to change completely, the ninth change, which was different from the previous eight changes, and the ninth and ninth changes were changes that were all holy again.

The endless Xuanhuang Qi and Chaotic Qi still constantly shaped Tong Zheng's flesh, and the terrifying Chaotic Qi burst out, surrounded by Xuanhuang Qi, after the transformation.

On top of Tong Zheng, there are three flowers, the flower of essence, the flower of qi, and the flower of God, and on each flower, a villain is born, and three villains who are exactly the same as Tong Zheng are the three corpses of Tong Zheng.

Three corpses appear, as long as the three corpses are cut off, they can be sanctified.

After cultivating nine turns, Tong Zheng's physical defense, as well as the strength of the divine soul, were all raised to the level of a saint.

"Awesome." Tong Zheng was excited, this feeling of opening and hanging was really cool, making him deeply trapped in it and unable to extricate himself.

"Your body and soul have now reached the realm of saints, not crossing the realm or in the late stage of the Daluo Golden Wonderland, if you want to become holy, there is still a long way to go, I have updated two exercises, you can directly preach sanctification after you cultivate these two exercises." System Dao.

"What exercises?" Tong Zheng asked.

"You will know when you open the system mall." The system replied: "In addition to this magic weapon, I have also laid out the last three Chaos Supreme Treasures for you, if you can exchange them all, you will be invincible in the world." When

Tong Zheng heard this, he hurriedly opened the system mall.

[Item 1: The Genesis Green Lotus is the first treasure of the three innate chaos supreme treasures, in the chaos, the green lotus gave birth to the supreme treasures of the three Chaos Demon Gods such as Pangu, Nuwa, and Taiyi, with merit points of 30 billion. 】

【Item 2: The creation jade disk, which is the second treasure of the three innate chaos supreme treasures, and is owned by Hongjun Laozu. The Creation Jade Disc contains the supreme treasure of the Three Thousand Avenues of Mysteries. Because of the creation jade disk, Hongjun Laozu proved the supreme avenue, and the merit point was 20 billion. 【

Item 3: Pangu Axe, the greatest treasure of Pangu God's preaching. It was with this innate treasure that the Pangu Great God split the heavens and the earth. Because Pangu opened the sky, the heaven-opening divine axe was boosted by the merit of opening the heavens, and it turned into the three supreme treasures, the axe blade turned into the Pangu flag, the back of the axe turned into the Taijitu, and the axe handle turned into the chaos clock. The Pangu Axe became the third treasure of the three innate chaos supreme treasures. Need 10 billion merit points]

[Item 4: "Preaching with Force" Pangu's preaching method, 1 billion merit points are needed. 】

【Item 5: "Cutting Three Corpses and Preaching", the preaching method of Sanqing, requires 1 billion merit points. 】


Seeing the system update, Tong Zheng was directly dumbfounded.


Chaos Green Lotus, Creation Jade Disk, Pangu Axe!

There is also the Pangu Great God's method of preaching with strength, and the method of preaching by cutting three corpses for three thousand, which is awesome.

To know.

At present, there are three recognized methods of preaching, the most powerful is Pangu's preaching with force, followed by Sanqing's preaching of three corpses, and finally the most inferior meritorious preaching.

"System, these things are good, but now there is no merit to buy ah." Tong Zheng pressed bitterly.

"Come on, there will be merit points, and a few more forbidden areas will be destroyed." The system said: "I am optimistic about you, but at present, the Buddha Gate should have to make a move on you, and you will finally exchange a few powerful orders to deal with it."

"You're right." Tong Zheng nodded.

Open the system mall, exchange the area where the order is given, and prepare to exchange a few tokens, preferably at the level of the Jade Emperor, so that he has no worries.

List of orders

: [Item 1: Taishang Laojun gives an order, can let Taishang Laojun go down to the mortal, Taishang Laojun, cultivate to the saint realm, cost: one billion merit points] [Item 2: Yuan Shi Tianzun gives an order, can let the Yuan Shi Tianzun give the mortal, Yuan Shi Tianzun, cultivate to the saint realm, need: one billion merit points] [Item 3: The Lord of the Tongtian Sect gives an order, can let the Lord of the Tongtian Sect descend the mortal, the Lord of the Tongtian Sect, cultivate to the saint realm, the cost: one billion merit points].

[Item 4

: The Jade Emperor gives an order, can let the Jade Emperor go down to the mortal, the Jade Emperor, cultivation to the Manifestation Saint Realm is complete, the price: 100 million merit points] [Item 5: The Ziwei Emperor gives an order, can let the Ziwei Emperor give the mortal, Ziwei Emperor, cultivate to the Manifestation Saint Realm is complete, the price: 100 million merit points] [Item 6: The Immortal Emperor gives the order, can let the Immortal Emperor go to the mortal, the Immortal Emperor, cultivate to the Manifestation Saint Realm Complete, the price: 100 million merit points]


Item 7: The Eastern Pole Qinghua Emperor issued an order, which can let the Eastern Pole Qinghua Emperor go to the mortal, the Eastern Pole Qinghua Emperor, cultivate to the Manifestation Saint Realm is complete, the price: 100 million merit points]


"In addition to the first three can not be exchanged, the latter can be exchanged, there are more than 700 million merit points, first exchange four, the rest of the merit points are saved, and later buy Dao exercises and several chaotic treasures." Tong was planning.

"System, exchange the orders of the Jade Emperor, Ziwei Emperor, Qinghua Emperor, and Immortal Emperor." Tong Zhengdao.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 100 million merit points, exchange for the order of the Jade Emperor ×1] [Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 100 million merit points, exchange for the order of the Immortal Emperor ×1] [Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 100 million merit points, exchange for the order of the Ziwei Emperor ×1] [Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 100

million merit points, exchange for the order

of the Qinghua Emperor ×1]

"Comfortable, with the

orders of the four emperors, The two bodhisattvas from the west are coming, and it is not worthwhile. Tong Zheng thought to himself.

And at this time.

In the sky above the forbidden area of Lion Moose Ridge, the Buddha was full of light, and two bodhisattvas descended from the sky.

It is Manjushri and Puxian among the four bodhisattvas of Buddhism, the strongest four people under Buddha, all of whom are strong people in the Manifestation Realm.

"Sin Barrier, why did you invade the Lion's Moose Ridge Forbidden Area and kill my two mounts!" Manjushri spoke.

"It's hypocritical to say this, everyone is an understanding person, there is no need to waste time by saying these hypocritical words, let's do it, see the truth under your hands." Tong Zheng said coldly.

"Well, you are a sinister who killed my two apprentices, and you dare to be so rampant!" In Wen Shu's eyes, killing intent flickered, and his cultivation burst out.

His own strength was completed in the Manifestation Saint Realm, and he was suppressed in a great realm, and now only the Great Luo Golden Fairy Realm was complete, and his cultivation broke out, and he was full of Buddha light, and the terrifying coercion covered all directions.

Behind him, the shadow of an ancient Buddha appeared, and Buddhist texts surrounded him.

Behind Tong Zheng, under this coercion, the 100,000 Forbidden Army swept and vomited blood, and knelt down to Wen Shu.

Including Lin Jing'er and Xiaorou, they are not enough to see in front of the completion of Da Luo Golden Wonderland.

"Da Luo Golden Wonderland is complete!" One by one, the bodies and souls of the 100,000 Forbidden Army trembled.

These are the two bodhisattvas of the Buddha Sect, even if they suppress a great realm, and the cultivation of the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm is complete, can their alliance master still be the opponent of these two!

"What are you rampant for me!" Tong Zheng looked at the people around him who were being suppressed by Manjushri and vomited blood on their knees, and roared, the momentum of the saint's flesh and the momentum of the saint's divine soul burst out, shrouded in chaotic qi, and the three flowers on the top converged, and the three villains produced were radiant, suppressing the coercion of Manjushri in front of them, and extinguished all the coercion of Manjushri.

Wen Shu was so shocked that he took several steps back, and looked at Tong Zheng in disbelief: "The power of the saint's flesh level!" "


-The author has something to say:

tomorrow the wonderful continues

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