The corner of Tong Zheng's mouth showed a sneer, holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan, the mana in his body was running, blessing in the Devil Slaying Daguan Dao, and the light of the Zhen Demon Daguan bloomed with terrifying coercion, and a knife slashed out.


With a loud bang, the two attacks collided in the air, and the angel sword qi and the Zhen Demon sword qi strangled each other, and then spread around, strangling all the white clouds within a radius of 10,000 meters into nothingness.


The Devil Slaying Daguan Sword and the Angel Holy Sword collided fiercely, sparks splashed, deafening, and the huge countershock force recoiled to the law enforcement angel, chopping it upside down and flying out, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and then looked at Tong Zheng in horror.

"Devil Slaying Daguan Dao, how can you have the weapon of the Dao Alliance Lord." The law enforcement angel said in shock.

"You can see this, so you die." Tong Zheng's Demon Slaying Daguan Knife in his hand continued to swing, as if other masters came to support and wanted to solve the opponent.

The Eight Barren Swords of the Immortals are cast, and the Eight Barren Swords communicate the power of heaven and earth and block the Eight Barren Space.

"I only have the initial cultivation of the Golden Immortal Realm, and I can defeat you by relying on Lingbao, but when your masters come, I will be in danger, first kill you and I will run away." Tong Zheng spoke, after speaking

, he directly stabbed through the space, this knife contained in the terrifying lethality.

Let the law enforcement angel only feel a chill in the spine, the day after tomorrow Lingbao, has been born treasure spirit, has the characteristics of automatic attack lock, his cultivation is now suppressed, can not resist at all.

But he wanted to dodge, but the surrounding space was blocked by Tong Zheng's Eight Desolate Power, and there was no way to dodge.

"Holy Grail, Guardian." The law enforcement angel drank, and suddenly a holy grail appeared, protecting the law enforcement angel.

Tong Zheng slashed the light of the demon sword and slashed it on the Holy Grail of the Law Enforcement Angel.

The Grail was directly torn apart.

"You are rampant for a short time, and I will take you to be buried when I die." The law enforcement angel shouted and sent a message to the archangel who went out together.

"Encountered the Dao Alliance enemy in the Seal of the Hammer, the enemy is only in the early stage of the Golden Immortal Realm, and he has discovered our secret, come and kill it quickly!" After passing this message, the law enforcement angel sneered.

When the Holy Wing Angel comes, it is Tong Zheng's death period.

At this time, Tong Zheng's big knife also fell on him, and the terrifying knife light directly cut the law enforcement angel and flew out backwards, the law enforcement broke, and his body turned into two halves and fell from the air.

Law enforcement angels, fall!

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a celestial angel, get 5,000,000 energy points, 50,000 merit points]

The law enforcement angel died, leaving the Red Moon Angel, and his face was very ugly.

Although Tong Zheng had the element of relying on weapons, the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan Knife in Tong Zheng's hand was also impossible for him to resist.

"Although the realm is not as high as you, now, I must also kill you, otherwise I will not be able to escape when your support comes." Tong Zheng continued to pretend to be weak.

The Red Moon Angel looked at Tong Zheng, and said in a gloomy voice: "The Holy Wing Angel came out with us, not far away, his cultivation has already reached the Taiyi Golden Wonderland, and when he comes over is your death period, I just need to drag you now!" He


A terrifying red moon erupted from the Red Moon Angel's body, and a blood-red piercing aura swept towards the entire sky.

Tong Zheng pretended to run his power, and his body was surrounded by qi, and he dispersed the gloomy and cold aura that erupted from the Red Moon Angel with difficulty.

"Look at the Lingbao in my hand!" Tong Zheng raised the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, and the sound of the knife roared, slashing towards the Red Moon Angel.


"Red Moon Doppelganger." The Red Moon Angel was shocked, the breath of this spirit treasure made his scalp numb, and he hurriedly cast the special body technique of the Celestial Realm, and the figure suddenly turned into a red mist, and the red mist condensed into red moons, flying in all directions, avoiding the sword light.

"This kid's blooming cultivation aura is not high, but the magic weapon in his hand is powerful, there is no need to collide with it, as long as it delays time." The Red Moon Angel, who had regained his figure, thought in his heart.

Tong Zheng sneered, really when he cultivated only the Golden Immortal Realm, the matter is almost over now, destroy him, that holy wing angel should be almost there.

Tong Zheng's Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan Knife reflexively slashed out.

The Red Moon Angel hurriedly changed, and a stream of blood light erupted in the air, turning into a red moon, and in the air, forming a blood array, one after another six-pointed star blood map, gathering the surrounding holy qi, forming a blood-red moon, flying towards Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng disdained, the body fixing god spell was cast, and the power of the surrounding heaven and earth was emptied, turning into the binding power of the divine power fixing the body spell, binding the red moon angel in the air.

"Not good." The Red Moon Angel was shocked, and when Tong Zheng raised his hand, the Red Moon Angel felt bad, but unfortunately, it was over, and Tong Zheng's Body-fixing God Spell was cast.

The Red Moon Angel found that he was bound by a powerful force, unable to move, and unable to cast the Red Mist Form.

"Damn." The Red Moon Angel cursed secretly, Tong Zheng showed a smug smile on his face, and the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife in his hand was held high.

Feeling the terrifying fluctuations emanating from Tong Zheng's Daguan Dao, the Red Moon Angel desperately burst out the power of the Red Moon in his body, wanting to break free from the shackles of this body-fixing spell, but unfortunately it still couldn't, he felt a deep despair.

"You can't kill me, now that the Holy Wing Angel has come, you will die today if you kill me." The Red Moon Angel felt the killing intent from Tong Zheng, and said in fear.

"If I don't kill you, can he let me go when he comes!" Tong Zheng sneered: "Don't be funny"

Then, Tong Zheng slashed down at the Red Moon Angel, and the dazzling knife light cut on the neck of the Red Moon Angel, the Red Moon Angel's body was separated, and the Demon Destroying God Flame burned its body into ashes!

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a four-winged angel, get 5,000,000 energy points, 50,000 merit points]

At this time.

The Holy Wing Angel, who possessed the six-winged Heavenly Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm, just arrived and saw the scene of Tong Zheng killing the Red Moon Angel.

The Holy Wing Angel's face was gloomy, and he was still one step late.

"You look for death." The Holy Wing Angel spoke.

When Tong Zheng heard this, he smiled and said, "No, it's you looking for death." "

Look at my Holy Wing Sword." In the hand of the holy wing angel, holding a long sword full of hot holy qi, the six-winged realm is running, the holy qi on his body surrounds, and a round of angel divine light appears behind him, and the terrifying coercion presses around.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, the cultivation of the Da Luo Golden Wonderland erupted, and three flowers appeared on the top, and one after another auspicious aura surrounded Tong Zheng, easily recoiling the coercion of the Holy Wing Angel.

"Da Luo Golden Wonderland, you are the Dao Alliance Lord.!" The Holy Wing Angel was extremely shocked

, from the coercion that Tong Zheng had just erupted, he felt that Tong Zheng's cultivation was the realm of the Great Luo Golden Immortal!

Now in the Dao Alliance in the world, only the Dao Alliance Lord has reached this realm.

What is the situation, didn't the law enforcement angel say that the enemy here is a golden fairy realm early stage, how can it be the Dao Alliance Alliance.

"Not surprised, not surprised." Tong Zheng sneered.


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