A light appeared from the darkness as if a new hope was born from despair. Light grew bigger and brighter till everything became clear.

"Aawah ! What the hell happened to me" Silver woke up with his right palm in left part of his forehead. As he removed his hand from his forehead and looked at it, it was marked red with his own blood. "What ? blood..."

"Why the hell am I in the pit trap" he asked himself and looked around. All the herbs he had collected were scattered all around the ground. "Hum! let's see, I was chasing a doe and then I don't remember anything —I must have fallen into this trap and hit my head —Hope I wasn't out for very long —Others must be worried sick about be."

He tried to use his magic immediately after but there was nothing. "That's a relief, that means I wasn't out for very long. I'd better hurry up and head back."

Then he climbed out of the pit and tend to his wound in his forehead. Afterwards he walked all the way through the forest and reached the lake. There were none at his sight. Childrens were not playing in the lake, men and women were not to be seen anywhere. It was completely isolated. It seemed as if once a lively village has now somehow died.

Silver couldn't withstand the restless feeling that he was having then and so he hurried back to the castle gate. He couldn't see anyone even while he was going to the castle gate. He finally reached the castle gate. The sight was just unbearable. All the villagers were piled over one another. Their bodies were completely covered in cuts and bruges, completely dried with blood as if they were sone kind of trash ready to be thrown away.

His mind completely went blank. He couldn't think anything. He was not even able to cry. All of the sudden he remembered of his mother and rushed to the castle hall looking for. It was lady Kara's favorite hanging place.

" A-ah! ,..... " he screamed as if somebody had just cut his limbs off. Hundred of people were being hung upside-down in the hall with cuts all over their bodies. Their bodies were also completely drained of blood just like others. The floor was tainted red by blood. The royal families were piled at one of the corners of the hall with their heads severedfrom their bodies. Even the small child had suffered the same fate. He screamed, cried his eyes out and even puked at such a sight. He couldn't hold himself for it wasn't a sight any fourteen years old boy can handle.

In such a situation all he could think about was of his mother. He looked around; left—right and then at the balcony. There see was laying on the balcony next to Ser Thomas. He rushed to the balcony next to his mother. Her throat was slitted. He held her in his arms, she was not breathing and her heart had stopped. He was trembling with anger, fear and sadness all at the same time. His feelings were completely twisted. He himself couldn't understand what he was feeling. Even the heavens were angry and wept tears for as dark clouds covered the sky and began to downpour with gloomy thunderstorms.

"Mother, Ser Thomas, and every single one of you, I fill find out who did this to you and avenge you all —There will be blood for blood, I will kill them all" he made a oath at that very moment as tears flowed through his eyes. "A-ah!... "his visions became blur and then he slowly passed out. Someone hit him hard in his neck from behind.

"Foolish boy ! you should have stayed hidden.Ser Jones picked him up. "Everyone bury all of their bodies —We will be leaving after that."

"Tsh! what the hell do you mean bury them?" Ser Vlad shouted. "It's much too work and it will take forever to bury them all —Why not just burn them where they are ? It will be lot easier that way (sighs) —Oh! I know, our little Ser Jones must be feeling sorry for this lot after killing them ruthlessly —I guess you are not as ruthless as you thought you were —I'm disappointed in you," he bragged.

"Shut it, you lazy ass ! and listen to the cause or have you forgotten our true objective —If we burn their bodies their souls will be freed —and we need their soul bounded to this land for our cause and burying them is absolutely necessary to bind their soul —And of course you should carve the words; Ser Jones doesn't feel sorry for any one —in that thick scull of yours —one more thing, If you ever again call me little I will gouge your throat out or maybe chop your head up"he threatened Ser Vlad.

"O-oh! I completely forgot about that,"he replied with embarrassed voice.

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