Terrors Of Wishes

7 You i-di-ot!!!!!??

"Seriously! You killed them Just like that?"said col.

"Yup!" Silver grinned. He dragged both of their bodies at the top of the cell using his magic.

He also killed the one riding the wagon. The horses kept pulling the wagon and kept it's pace without making any hoo-ha! So no one noticed anything.

"What kind of black magic can do that?" Col screamed. "Why would you do something like that?"

"It's not black magic. Water is my element and I can control anything that has water. And I snapped his neck.... it's simple water magic" he bragged " Wait, what do you mean why?"

"Why did you have to go do that? You could have just knocked them out or you know something like that."

"How can you say that? They attached your village, tricked you to surrender and abducted your families and they freckin' slaughtered my entire village."

"No matter what they have done they don't deserve to die. How are we any different than them if we kill to get what we want."

"Wow!" Silver was completely amazed. "How can someone be so...so... I don't even know what to say. Even after what had happened to them" he thought. "I would really hate to loose someone like you who doesn't have any hatred" he said

"Don't get me wrong, I do hate them and every single bones in my body wants to rip them off..... but I won't do that."

"So basically you hate them and want to kill them but you won't. That does make sense" he nodded.

"Stop teasing me" His face turned red.

"Enough of that, we have to find a way to sneak out of here" he jerked his head and lookedaround.

"Why not just leave that part to me. I need you to duck right about.... now!"

"What do you mea.... A-ah!" he screamed.

Silver evadedthe chains whish appeared out of nowhere. Chains were black in colour with a sharp arrow head. It was linked in series of rectangular metal studs with sharp edges, strong enough to cut through anything. Wagon was completely destroyed —Col jumped out of the wagon. A chain with the bold edges enveloped Silver and pulled him out of the wagon before it completely collapsed.

Neeei—ghhhh! horse jumped around and ran away.

"What the hell? I almost died there!"Silver yelled.

"It's not my fault that you have slow reaction" Col claimed. "You wanted us out of there, didn't you? You should be thanking me instead of yelling at me."

"Should be thanking you, my ass!" Silver smacked him in his head. "Whole point of sneaking out meant escaping without being noticed. Because of your stupidity we will most certainly die."

Almost everyone noticed the collapsing wagon and slowly approached towards it.

"What the hell happened here."

"Wait, look isn't that Ser Vlad and his Companion under those wreck."

"Are they dead?"

" How can kids kill someone like them?"

"I can't believe it what kind of monsters are they?"



Soldiers muttered amongst themselves. They were being cautious not to approach them carelessly. After all they were able to kill both of them and didn't have a single scratch on their bodies.

"Col, I have a good news for you," silver said while he looked around as they were being surrounded. "We won't be able to kill them even if wanted to —we have no way of creating fire to kill them —nor can we chop their head off considering their physical strength —you should be happy I won't be killing them" he said all that very fast.

"We are screwed, aren't we?" asked Col

"Totally, what do we do now" he looked at col.

"Don't look at me, If you hadn't killed those two we wouldn't be in this mess."

"What do you mean by if I hadn't killed them..., it's your fault that they even noticed us — hadn't you busted us out of there, they wouldn't have noticed us."

"So it's my fault, is it?"

They shouted at each others throats completely forgeting the mess they were in.

"I'd had enough of you" screamed a vampire. He was as fat as one could get and his short fat neck connected his round head, like a pig

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