Terrors Of Wishes


A snoring sound came from the room. Silver jerked his head towards the wardrobe. He heard it again.

"What the hell" Silver walked to the wardrobe and opened it. Someone fell right on his feet.

"Aaw!!" Said the girl with blonde hair.

"April!!! why the hell are you in my wardrobe? Better question, how did you get to republic city? —and why?"

"he-he-heh" She stood up nervously reaching out to her head with right hand. "I couldn't help myself, I've always wanted to come republic city —I'd heard that they have all sorts of rare book for healing arts" she replied fingering her nails. "So I kinda followed you."

"And slept on my wardrobe" silver replied. "What about your brother, what if he comes back?"

"You needn't worry big brother, I've left him a note".

"Argh!!!" silver jumped around. " ok you need to calm down" he said to himself. With his both hands on her shoulder he said, "listen to me carefully alright, I've to go out for a while so you stay here — don't go anywhere wondering, 'k! — If you get hungry you can get something to eat at the kitchen downstairs."

"Yes, big brother" she replied.

Silver then went out of the door, down the stairs and outside of the house. On his way to the hunting association he stumbled at a small potion shop. He opened the door. He heard a bell ringing as soon as as he opened it. His mouth fell wide open, and his eyes glowed with excitement. It was huge inside. There were varieties of cauldron for sale. Thousand of potions were stacked on hundreds of shelf. In the middle of the room there was a cracked black cauldron through which escaped white fumes. There were few chairs next to it. It was surrounded by a round shelf with small opening. It was holding glass jars containing herbs, frogs, lizards and other insects.

"How may I help you, hi-hi-hi?" said a shore voice and someone patted on Silver's shoulder from behind.

"A-ah!" Silver jumped high and looked behind. "Where did you came from, you starteled me."

"Who? -me? —hi-hi-hi, I'm Merlin, owner of this shop, a potion master, hi-hi-hi.

Silver glared at him. He had long powder-white hair and beard. His eyes were watery and face seemed energetic but was wrinkled and faded. Fingers were crooked and twisted with long nails, polished black. His back was slightly bent and he couldn't walk steadily. He looked like an evil wizard from his dreams that he used to have. Even his laugh was malicious.

"Wicked" said Silver.

"I'm not wicked, I'm Merlin, hi-hi-hi, a potion master and a trickster, hi-hi-hi."

"So old man,..."

"I'm not old, hi-hi-hi" he snapped. "On the contrary I'm 210 years —see how young I'm, hi-hi-hi."

"Whatever" Silver muttered. "So young-old man...."

"My name isn't Young" Merlin said. "It's Merlin, the magnificent potion master, hi-hi-hi." He paused for a while and Silver didn't know what to say. "For your arrogance, I shall turn you into a toad, hi-hi-hi" he paused again. "Kid-ding, hi-hi-hi" he said waving his index finger.

"Heh!" Said Silver.

"Don't heh me or I'll change you into a leech... just jo-king, hi-hi-hi."

"Argh! will you shut, old man" Silver snapped.

"Shhhh....!!!!" Said Merlin with index finger in his lips.

"I'm gonna look around if you don't mind."

Silver looked around the shop. There were potions that he had never seen or even heard of. He was so excited that he lost track of time. It had already been three hours. Silver bought few potions and finally made it to the association. There were only seven people including Alisha, for such a large organization. Three of them were reading paper, one was eating and two were talking to each other. Silver approached Alisha.

"Out of curiosity, why is this place so empty? — I thought it was supposed to be largest organization in the world."

"You don't know what happened" She replied in surprised voice.

"No?" said silver curiously.

"Well, it was largest organization governed by six kings of allied nation. Till three years ago that is. We were attacked by everlastings. Thousands of our members were killed and many of them left us after the war, only three of you has joined us ever since, including you. All other branch organization was also shut down. Now there is only two branch organization with total of 893 hunters."

"Humm! I knew there was war three years ago but didn't realize it was that bad" he said. "That bastard refused to help them, why would they help us now? I'd better keep my identity secret —or they will kick me out"

"By the way do you want to work solo or in squad?" asked Alisha.

"Doesn't matter to me."

"Well it.... might! Take a look at the book of hunter —we call it book though it's just a simple piece of paper." She handed a piece of paper to the Silver.


1. We are not responsible for the death of anyhunter during their mission.

2. Hunters are paid 80% of coins paid by our clients if mission is completed successfully. 20% is used by our department.

3. Hunters may forfeit their membership if they so wishes. But they may not share our personal information to outsiders, such treachery is punishable by death.

4. Hunters may go on any unofficial or personal mission. There will be no payment for such mission. If any loss innocent lives is caused by hunters in such mission their ID will be terminated permanently.

5. All hunters must support us in case of national emergencies or wars.

6. Hunters may work solo or in squad.

Solo: Solo hunters may only go on D rank missions. After completion of 200 D ranked missions they'll be eligible for C or B ranked mission. After completion of 300 B ranked mission they are eligible for A ranked mission or even S rank depending on their abilities.

Squad : Squad members may go on any ranked mission except S ranked after having four or more members. Eligibility for S ranked mission will be determined by the department depending on their teamwork and efficiency abilities.

7. All are eligible to join the association regardless of their origin as long as they don't break the national laws after accepted as a member.

8. Hunters are strictly prohibited to harm another hunter. They may duel with each other officially.

— by department of Hunters

"Working solo sounds boring, why would anyone want to work solo? Said Silver.

"I guess, solo workers go on missions to earn living, not for the thrill of adventure" Alisha replied.

"So how many squads are there, I wanna be in squad."

"43, including from other two branches —unfortunately only one of them is open. After all no one wants new members without knowing them" she said.

"I don't care just assign me to a squad."

"Whatever you want. Wait here for a while I will be right back" She turned to the wall behind her and tapped the wall with a stick and a door appeared. She opened the door.

"Where are you going?"he asked.

"To second floor."

"Wait..... there is second floor?"

"And third.... where do you think our department is?" she said and went inside and closed the door.

The door disappeared.

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