Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 104 Yingmei: What is the relationship between my brother and the abyss?

The ruins site was in chaos. Most of the members of the Knights were injured. The ground was littered with dark empty shells of armor and the corpses of beast-land hounds.

At this time, Yingmei was fighting a huge hunter, and Kaiya was exchanging fire with six dark empty shells at the same time, but it looked like they couldn't last long.

Shen He stood next to Su Han and asked, "What should I do?"

"You go help Kaiya, the man with the eyepatch, and I will assist Ying. Remember, our mission is to evacuate quickly!"

"no problem."

Two people dispersed from the sky.

Kaia, who was fighting six dark empty shells, knelt on the ground due to lack of physical strength. Just when he thought it was over, a strange figure blocked the enemy's attack out of thin air. The opponent's body turned ice blue. Like an ice slime, the whole body exudes endless chill.

"This is?"

Kaiya looked confused, and then a silver-haired woman descended from the sky. She held a crystal blue talisman in her hand and shouted: "Follow the law!"


As the white light exploded, endless frost instantly covered all enemies. The dark empty shells that were extremely arrogant just now turned into ice sculptures.

Everyone in Kaiya was dumbfounded. Where did this master come from? He must be too strong.

Shen He, who had frozen the enemy, saw that Kaiya was still not retreating, so he frowned and said, "Quickly! The time I can stop them is very short."

"Huh? Yes, thank you young lady for your help."

After Kaiya woke up, he naturally understood that the other party was here to help him, so he ran away without looking back. Soon the dark empty shells broke free. They locked their eyes on Shen He and launched their attack again. But it was quickly frozen again by strong frost.

The Yingmei on the other side.

After a whole day of fierce fighting, even the powerful travelers could hardly bear it any longer. The most important thing was to protect the injured.

The little Paimon next to him was very anxious, because there were too many monsters nearby, and the wounded could not be evacuated at all. Just when the little guy was worried, a terrifying thunder fell from the sky.

Although the hounds in the beast realm were extremely fast, they had no way to dodge in the face of the thunder. Soon they fell to the ground with serious injuries. Ying, who was fighting, realized that this was a good opportunity and quickly followed up with a last-ditch attack. Soon the monsters were howling. perished one after another.

Just when Yingmei was wondering who helped her, she heard Paimon cheering next to her: "Wow, it's Su Han! Why are you here?"

Yingmei raised her head and saw a familiar voice in the sky waving to her.

"Hey, long time no see. But now is not the time to reminisce about old times. Let's evacuate with the people below first."

"Well, I understand. Everyone, retreat quickly."

Upon hearing this, the injured knights helped each other to evacuate. Although there were monsters approaching nearby, with Su Han using thunder to help, they could no longer stir up any waves. After half an hour, everyone finally left the Wind Dragon Ruins.

When Su Han was wondering where Wendy had gone, a violent wind suppressed the center of the Wind Dragon Ruins, and then he saw Wendy slowly falling from the sky, but at this time the other person's expression was a little uncomfortable. How beautiful.

"You went to see Tvarin? How is the situation?"

Facing Su Han's inquiry, Wendy shook her head slightly. The matter was more serious than he imagined.

"Tevalin has been cleared of two cancers. I thought I could get closer now, but when I sneaked in, I found that the ruins were all filled with abyss energy and evil magic circles. These guys actually wanted to transform Tevalin into their own. Although I destroyed most of the magic circle inside, I also woken up Tewarin. You also saw what happened next. In order to prevent it from coming out again, I had no choice but to seal it. "

Paimon listened for a while and asked doubtfully: "So, the problem is still unresolved?"

"Yes, but Tevalin's power has dropped a lot now. You don't have to worry about it coming out to cause trouble for at least a week!"

After listening to Wendy's answer, Su Han said to Kaiya: "Under the current situation, I suggest retreating. Although I still have some strength, I can no longer continue fighting. The same is true for Ying."

"Then withdraw, everyone."

Kaiya has great trust in Su Han. Since he said so, he must not be able to continue exploring.

On the way back, the cavalry captain asked about Mond. When he heard that Qin was seriously injured and was saved by him, the other party stopped.

"Thank you so much, brother. Without you, Mondstadt would probably be in chaos."

"Instead of saying thank you, let's think about how to deal with the current situation. Qin won't be able to work at all for at least two months, and the Fools who were once ready to move have no news since the Knights reformed. I can tell you that they will not stop. "

Facing Su Han's reminder, Kaiya put away his usual laziness and said incomparably: "Don't worry, we won't let Qin down. Tell her to have a good rest. As for the Fools' affairs, Diluc has been secretly investigating , we will never let them come back to life.”

"As long as you have this confidence." Su Han smiled faintly, then turned to Yingmei and Paimon and suggested: "Would you like to fly back? It will be much faster."

"Really? Then let's fly back together. If we leave like this, we won't be able to get home even after dark."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Originally, Ying did not intend to fly back with Su Han, but seeing the tired look on Paimeng's face, and the traces she found in the ruins, she agreed to go with the flow, because Ying found her brother's footprints in those traces!

After seeing Yingmei agreed, Su Han stretched out his hand to embrace the two of them, and soon rushed into the sky.

Arriving above the clouds, Paimeng looked at the scenery in front and couldn't help exclaiming: "Wow, the sunset is so beautiful, Ying. This is the first time I find the sunset so beautiful!"

Yingmei, who was in a trance, heard Paimeng's reminder and came back to her senses. She looked at the golden clouds and couldn't help laughing and said: "It's very beautiful. This is the first time I see such a scenery."

In the past, when they were at Zhuhai Beach, although the sunset was very beautiful, they had never felt it so directly. The feeling above the clouds was indeed extraordinary.

About half an hour later.

Su Han took Yingmei and Paimeng back to the roof of the comic book store. There were still many customers below, but no one noticed their return.

Paimong looked at the two people who looked tired and volunteered: "You have worked hard today. How about I go buy something for you? What do you want to eat?"

"Then let's have a Mond grilled fish! And a pie by the way."

"What about you, Su Han? What are you going to eat?"

Faced with Paimong's question, Su Han thought for a while and said: "For me, a tomato beef brisket with noodles will be fine!"

Paimong wrote them down one by one with a notebook, and then went to work. Until her figure disappeared, Su Han turned his head to look at Yingmei.

"You seemed to be worried just now. Can you tell me what you want to ask now?"

"Su Han, what is the relationship between my brother and the abyss?"

When she said this, Ying's voice trembled.

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