Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 109 Big Gossip!! Our executive brought a man back to the hotel (Subscribe)

"Are you serious?"

After Rosaline realized what was happening, she still couldn't believe her ears. Although her lover Rustan had died long ago, every woman loves beauty. Her mind became more and more distorted, and her appearance was partly due to it!

Su Han smiled and nodded, "Yes, Rosaline. Although I don't know most of the spells, I really know the Star Shifting Technique."

After getting his confirmation again, Rosaline felt that she had hit the jackpot. Her appearance had been ruined for five hundred years, and she didn't dare to look in the mirror every time she washed herself. Could it be that she could be healed today?

Rosaline said in a trembling voice: "Can Dou Zhuan Xing Yi really heal my face?"

"I'm not sure about this, but I can at least try it. By the way, I need your cooperation, such as how you were disfigured. Otherwise, even if your appearance is restored, there may still be a risk of being disfigured."

Rosaline's heart tightened when she heard this. She was wondering whether she should tell Su Hanhe the truth. The two looked at each other calmly. After a long time, the witch smiled with relief and then talked about her own problems.

"My face was burned by the power of the hellfire. This is a liquid flame. Its power is dangerous and powerful. If I didn't have this white magic weapon next to me, I would have died long ago. As for your concerns, I think it should be nothing. After all, the power of this magic weapon is quite strong."

"Well, let's try it. If it fails, I'll think of other ways."

Su Han reacted at this time. He almost forgot that Rosaline had an ice evil eye to suppress her body. The reason why she was disfigured before was because she couldn't suppress the power of the hellfire in her body. Now that she has the evil eye, it shouldn't be a big deal as long as she doesn't risk her life.

Rosaline asked: "Where to go for treatment?"

"Well, why not go to your place? Anyway, as long as it's quiet enough."

Su Han thought about it and felt that his home was not suitable. There are many people upstairs in his comic book store now, Walnut, Paimon, Ying, Shenhe and Qin. If they go there, it will become a training ground in seconds.

Rosalin nodded and said, "No problem, I will definitely keep quiet."

The two stood up and walked towards the Goethe Hotel. When they arrived at the door, the nearby Fatui were stunned. Even the elites could not believe their eyes.

Su Han looked at the five-star hotel in Teyvat and said, "So this is where you live? It's quite luxurious."

Rosalin smiled and said, "Do you like it? If you like it, I will give you a VIP suite."

The two talked and laughed, and soon disappeared into the door.

The nearby Fatui woke up from their dreams at this time. They looked at each other and felt unbelievable. The executive officer who always hated men was talking and laughing with men today.

This is really a super gossip! ! !

"I said, wasn't I dreaming just now? The executive officer actually brought a man back."

"I thought I saw it wrong, but it's really the executive officer. That evil eye can't deceive people."

"It's unbelievable that the executive officer can chat with a man so intimately."

"Shush, stop chatting, be careful that the executive officer's hellfire will burn you all to death. Think about the guys who angered the executive officer before. Now the grass on their graves is as high as a person."

As soon as these words came out, the fools calmed down. Although they wanted to gossip, it was better to be obedient compared to death. After all, this witch's temper is not very good.

When Su Han came to the hotel, he was attracted by the decoration inside. This is a classic Western medieval decoration, which reveals the atmosphere of art everywhere. It can be said that even a chandelier is worth a lot of money.

"My room is on the second floor. Please follow me. The hall below is not very quiet."

"No problem."

Su Han came back to his senses and followed Rosaline to the second floor. After a while, they came to a room.


As the door opened, a refreshing fragrance floated out from inside.

After Su Han entered, he found that the witch's bedroom was very tidy. It was a classic European princess style, with a white carpet on the floor. Except for the lack of a dressing mirror, it basically had everything that aristocrats had.

Rosalin closed the door and said, "What should I do next?"

"Well, find a place to sit down, or lie down on the bed, because treatment takes time, and the face may take a long time."

Hearing Su Han's answer, Rosalin said without hesitation: "Then let's go to bed, it's more convenient."

Then she took off her shawl and gently spread her hair. When her fingers touched the mask, the witch paused for a moment, and finally she sighed softly, and then slowly took off the mask.

Looking at the burned face, Su Han finally understood why her personality was distorted. It was fine to lose her lover, friends, and everything she cared about at the same time, but she even lost her most cherished face in the end. If it were someone else, it would probably become even more crazy.

Thinking of this, Su Han couldn't help but feel distressed, and his eyes softened. When the witch lying on the bed noticed the change in his eyes, the magic power in her body gradually dissipated.

Su Han didn't know that he had just been to the gates of hell. Although the two of them had a good chat in the past few days, how could a twisted mind be easily changed? Rosalin was thinking about one thing in her heart when she took off her mask.

If Su Han had any disgust or something like that when he saw her face, Rosalin would definitely make him regret it.

As a result, Rosalin found that she had thought too much. There was no disgust in the other person's eyes, but only pity.

"It may be painful for a while before I heal you. After all, your face has been destroyed. I must remove the necrotic flesh on it, and then derive new flesh and blood for you. Is that okay?"

"Well, don't worry about this little thing."

She could withstand the burning of hellfire, and now it's just removing some flesh and blood, so Rosalin is naturally not afraid.

Having said that, Su Han was still very careful. He took out the surgical tools he had recently purchased and began to disinfect them, and then removed the other person's dead skin. The whole process was a bit bloody, but Rosalin did not show the slightest expression. On the contrary, her eyes were always on Su Han's eyes.

Obviously, he was treating an unrelated person, but he actually felt sad. What an interesting person.

It took Su Han a full twenty minutes to clean Rosalin's face. Thanks to the other person's evil eye, there was no heavy bleeding, and then it was slowly repaired.

Su Han used his strength to press his hand on the other person's face. As the white light fell, Rosaline suddenly found that her right face, which had long lost consciousness, could feel a little pain and itchiness.

"Don't move, the treatment is not over yet. The flesh and blood have just recovered, but the nerves inside are not yet! You don't want to be a person who can't laugh, do you?"

Listening to Su Han's commanding speech, Rosaline couldn't help rolling her eyes. This guy is really too proud of himself, but considering how hard he works, I'll forgive him this time.

There will be two more chapters after I come back from dinner. Thank you will be in the back. Love you guys.

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