Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 127 The Adventure King comic that is popular in Liyue Harbor, Sister Lan takes the initiativ

Everyone followed Sister Lan out of the Adventurer's Association with their gifts. Seeing the large number of new members who came to sign up, everyone's eyes were full of excitement. Who would have thought that the Adventurer's Association would have such a noisy day.

When they came to the main street, they found that everyone's comics had been replaced with Adventure King. It's not that the other three comics are not popular, but Adventure King is really suitable for all ages, and you can even find all kinds of novel adventures in it, which is what other comics can't do.

Imagine that every small chapter is a different landscape, different customs, and different humanities. Wouldn't it feel particularly novel?

And this is the charm of Adventure King!

"Wow, there is a candle fruit. Boss Su's imagination is really amazing, right?"

"I thought the explosion fruit was very powerful at first, but there is always someone stronger than the strong. The smoke fruit before was also very interesting. I think it would be very interesting if a smoker could master it."

"Yes, and the animal-type fruit is also very interesting, but is Chopper's fruit really a devil fruit? It feels ordinary, like an ordinary person!"

"Hahaha, why not call it the animal-type·human-human fruit·mythical beast·ordinary person form."

"Pfft, Chopper will be sad to hear it."

"But it is really weak."

"After all, it is a group pet."

Sister Lan and others couldn't help laughing when they heard these people's remarks, because the topic was really interesting.

On the other side, people were discussing Luffy's moves. For example, a boy used a wooden stick as a long sword to imitate Zoro, and another boy played with his feet. In short, everyone was very happy.

When the members of the Adventurers' Association saw this scene, they couldn't help but sigh: "Boss Su's comics are really great. I even feel like I'm back to my childhood when I see them."

"Yes, all kinds of strange dreams! There are also various islands, which are really interesting."

"Sometimes I think that the so-called devil fruit should be something in people's imagination. After all, for example, some people want to gain the power of a tiger, and some want to gain the power to control smoke."

"That should be the case. I really look forward to what the next volume will be about."

Everyone chatted along the way and soon arrived at the Yujingtai branch. Sister Lan reported her name to the guard and said that she was giving a gift to Boss Su. Soon the guard went to report.

Sister Lan and others waited for a few minutes below, and the guard came back.

"Hello, our boss is receiving guests inside and it is not convenient to come out. Please sit inside."

Hearing the words of the guard, the people of the Adventurers' Association frowned. What kind of guest could make Boss Su such a big star? It was only when they went in that they found that he was really busy.

The first person that caught their eyes was Ganyu, the super secretary of Yujingtai, followed by Yanfei, the top secretary of Liyue. Then they saw Yuheng Keqing, one of the seven stars of Liyue. As for the rest, they were all well-known figures.

For example, Master Hu of Wangshengtang, Xingqiu who recently opened Liushui Chamber of Commerce, and Chongyun, the son of the exorcist family, were all here.

Su Han saw the people from the Adventurer's Association coming and said with a smile: "Please sit down. I don't know why you are here. If it's a private matter, we can talk about it in another place."

Sister Lan glanced at them and smiled bitterly: "No, there are not so many things. This time I came first to thank you for promoting our Adventurer's Association, and secondly, I want to talk to you about something."

"Do you want to buy comics on behalf of me?"

"Yes, but we want the comic Adventure King to become the representative of the Adventurer's Association, and at the same time we want to use it to promote the deeds of our adventurers."

Since the comics are so popular, Sister Lan naturally doesn't want to waste this good opportunity for promotion.

But Keqing frowned and said, "Will there be any impact on public security with so many adventurers all of a sudden? I mean, if they explore ancient ruins crazily, there will definitely be all kinds of chaos."

Faced with her question, Sister Lan was speechless for a moment, because she had never thought about this question, and those who followed Sister Lan also looked bitter. This question was really sharp, but what she said was not wrong.

After all, once there are more adventurers, there will definitely be people who are unwilling to be lonely, just like there are many bad guys in the story of the Adventure King.

"You can't say that. Although the increase in adventurers will lead to an increase in the risk of Liyue, I have a way to minimize this risk and use these adventurers to serve Liyue."

"Hmm? Is there really such a method? Mr. Su Han, please tell me clearly."

Sister Lan is now in urgent need of solving the problem given by Keqing, otherwise if the official interferes, no matter how hard the Adventurer Association tries, it will be useless. This is the shortcoming of civil organizations.

Su Han smiled slightly, pointed to the chair next to him and said: "Let's sit down and talk slowly."

"Thank you."

After Sister Lan and her group sat down, Su Han finally expressed his thoughts.

"In fact, the answer is very simple. For example, when there are more adventurers, do they want to do something to prove themselves? Then why can't we guide them? This will not only prevent them from doing anything wrong, but also help the public."

"Do you mean to assign tasks to the adventure team?"

Sister Lan guessed Su Han's thoughts at once, and Keqing's eyes lit up when she heard this. This method is absolutely amazing!

Su Han nodded and said, "Yes! Maybe you think that this restricts adventurers, but don't forget that adventurers also need Mora to survive. The more commissions they accept, the stronger their survival ability will become. At the same time, I can promote the official to release some dangerous commissions! What do you think?"

Sister Lan immediately smiled and said, "That's great. We are willing to serve Liyue!"

"Well, since you think it's okay. Now I can give you another suggestion. The current Adventurer's Association is very vague about the strength of adventurers and adventure groups, so you can completely formulate a points system based on the commission. Strong adventure groups can easily receive tasks and obtain corresponding information, while low-level adventure groups need to complete more tasks to improve their strength."

Su Han talked about the settings of some online games, but won the unanimous approval of the top leaders of the Adventurer's Association!

After that, Keqing said that the official will release tasks more frequently, including escorting supplies, cleaning monsters, and even exploring ruins.

When Sister Lan and the others heard this, they were naturally very grateful and said that they would never let down the official trust. They originally planned to obtain the publicity permission from Boss Su and send a thank-you gift, but they didn't expect that he would give them a big gift first.

If they really do what Su Han said, the Adventurer Association will grow in no time, and even its influence will gradually expand. By then, they, as the branch president, will be remembered in history.

Thinking of this, Sister Lan's smile became even stronger.

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