Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 140 A battle invitation from Beidou, Fengyuan Manye becomes Su Han's servant (fourth up

Su Han slept until the afternoon before getting up. Looking at the sunshine outside the window, he was still a little unbelievable. Who would have thought that Shen He, who was usually extremely cold and cold, would be so entangled once he fell in love.

"Fortunately, I have advanced cultivation, otherwise it would be a big shame."

Su Han stood up and stretched his muscles, but he was thinking about how to face the immortal. After all, he had eaten up his apprentice and wiped it clean. It would be unreasonable not to give him an explanation, but after thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of a perfect solution. s answer.

At this time there was a knock on the door outside.

"Boss, Captain Beidou is outside. Do you want to meet him?"

"Beidou? She's quite fast. Tell her I'll go out right away."


Su Han didn't expect Beidou to come back so soon. In this case, the next shipment should be opened.

When he came downstairs, Su Han discovered that the other party did not come alone, but actually brought Maplehara Manyo with him.

"You're still sleeping in broad daylight. Boss Su is really leisurely."

"Anyway, I went to Mondstadt recently and got a little injured."

Su Han naturally wouldn't say that he was squeezed dry, so it was great to say that he was injured!

Sure enough, when Meng Meng was mentioned, Beidou immediately frowned and said, "I heard from Ningguang that your skills are very good. It's not that easy to get you injured. Could it be said that you intervened in the dragon disaster?"

"Not only that, the Dragon Calamity was wiped out by me. I even ran into the leader of the Abyss Religion, but now I'm strictly prohibited from going out by Ning Guang."

"What? You solved the dragon disaster in Mondstadt!"

Maplehara Manyo was extremely shocked. When he came here some time ago, he did not come to visit, but chose to wander around Liyue for a while. He also learned about Mondstadt's dragon disaster from others.

Although I have never seen it with my own eyes, so many people discussed it and put Mond in crisis for a time. It must be a very powerful existence.

And such a powerful guy was defeated by the boss in front of him, so how strong must he be.

Beidou felt itchy after hearing this, and immediately asked: "How about your injury? When will it heal?"

"It will probably take a while. What do you want?"

"Of course you want to fight with me! A master who can even conquer giant dragons, I naturally want to meet him in person! Don't refuse in a hurry. If you beat me or let me beat you to my heart's content, I will agree to you for free on one condition. ?”

Su Han wanted to refuse, but when he heard this, he became interested. He smiled and asked, "You can make any conditions?"

"Of course! I do everything I do, as long as you can beat me or let me beat you up!"

Beidou's personality is similar to that of Dadalia. They are the type of people who like to challenge masters. Unfortunately, in recent years, Beidou has found it difficult to meet people who can arouse her fighting spirit. Su Han can be said to be the first one.

Su Han thought about it and said, "Well, let's make an appointment tomorrow night!"

"You don't need to wait a few more days? Let's agree in advance that if I don't have enough fun, there will be no reward."

"Don't worry, I won't let you down."

Seeing that Su Han didn't look like he was joking, Beidou finally believed what he said, so he nodded and said: "Well, you can find a place tomorrow night and let us have a good time. By the way, this time I'm here to tell you about the comics. , there’s one more thing I’m wondering if you can help me with?”

"Please say."

"The thing is like this, the little brother next to me used to belong to a wealthy family of Inazuma, but due to family changes, he eventually fell to me and became a sailor. Recently, he read your comics and was unwilling to be decadent, so he I want to revitalize the family! What I mean is whether you can help him or not, as for the terms, you two can discuss it and don’t care about me.”

Listening to Beidou's story, Su Han finally understood her purpose. To put it simply, Maplehara Manyo wanted to revive the family, but no one could help him, so he ended up asking for it.

Su Han turned to look at Maplehara Manyo, who immediately knelt on the ground and said with great respect: "As long as you can help me revive my family and fulfill my friend's long-cherished wish, I am willing to do anything. "

"Even if you sell yourself into slavery?"


Maplehara Manyo no longer wants to be a coward. This is the responsibility he should bear, even if his father gave him the option of retreat.

Su Han smiled softly when he heard this and said: "Well, I can agree to it. The condition is that from now on, the Fengyuan family must obey my orders for generations to come. What do you think?"

"no problem!"

Maplehara Manyo had been mentally prepared before he came. He wanted to revitalize his family all by himself, but he would have to pay a heavy price. Otherwise, who would kindly help a stranger.

After the matter was finalized, Beidou said with a smile: "I feel relieved now that you can work with Su Han. Work hard. I hope to see the Feng Yuan family reappear soon. By the way, I haven't told you about Ina Wife yet." What's going on? I've already established a relationship with Miss Gong Si, and the sales of comics are no problem. Do I still need to continue shipping comics?"

"Of course, the comics business can't stop! You have to help me at least in the next few months."

"How many months? Are you crazy? If I have to wait for you for two more trips at most, I will have to go to other business. Don't use me as your transportation captain."

Although Su Han's comics are very profitable, Beidou's other businesses also need to be maintained. If it continues for a few months, other regular customers will not only complain, but their business may even be taken away by others. Beidou naturally does not want to see this scene.

But Su Han naturally didn't want to let her go, so he immediately said: "How about the condition of our competition is to serve as the transport captain for me for four months?"

"You...you are really persistent." Beidou was so angry that he laughed, and immediately said: "Okay, as long as you can beat me tomorrow, let alone four months, even half a year doesn't matter."

"Then it's a deal."

Seeing that there was nothing else to do, Beidou got up and went out to drink. After all, Su Han and Fengyuan Manye were not good at drinking, so her invitation was useless.

Seeing that only Fengyuan Manye was left in the yard, Su Han said to her: "You can find a room on the second floor to rest first. Today you and I will sign a contract. Later, I will teach you many methods. As for how to revitalize the family, you just do it according to what I say."

"Yes, sir."

Fengyuan Manye is very obedient. Basically, he does whatever Su Han says, and he won't have any other ideas.

Later, Su Han taught him three methods, namely: Golden Light Mantra, Paiyun Palm and Bingxin Jue. As for the Observation Haki, there is no need to worry for the time being, and he will teach him sooner or later.

In fact, Beidou's request this time was a favor to him. Su Han had originally considered setting up Inazuma, but there was really no suitable candidate. Fengyuan Manye's arrival filled this gap.

Not only was the other party a local of Inazuma, but he also had to sign an eternal contract with Su Han. In addition, his strength was not bad, so he was simply a perfect candidate.

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