Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 158 Mona: Is this the life of a rich person? Wow, so envious (Second update)

"Oh? Why do you think so?"

Su Han looked at Mona with an extremely calm expression.

It was as if he was discussing someone else.

Mona was not deceived by his expression and continued to talk about the conclusion she had just reached.

"I admit that if you only analyze your power, then you will definitely say that the Liyue Immortals are powerful and some secrets are normal, but the problem is that you overlooked a key point."


Su Han was interested in Mona's words. The other party was right. It is actually possible to activate the power of elements or master some secrets without the Eye of God.

Since this theory is tenable, why is she so sure?

Su Han was very confused and waited for Mona's answer.

The astrologer girl suddenly laughed mysteriously.

"You don't seem to know that the fate of the people affected by you will also change."



I almost forgot this.

Su Han couldn't help but curse. He thought about how to deceive Mona, but forgot the most crucial point.

Butterflies will stir up storms.

Mona naturally couldn't see through Su Han's fate, nor could she spy on his future, but don't forget those ordinary Qianyan soldiers, who are easily spied on.

However, after Mona's divination failed, she quickly thought of the Golden Light Curse.

So she divined the Qianyan soldiers nearby, but the result surprised her. The fate of these people has more or less changed.

If it is just to change the fate of one person, Mona will only think that the person who is changed is lucky, but so many people have been changed, and it may be because of the Golden Light Curse, so this matter is worth thinking about.

If you gather the man in front of you, the answer is actually very obvious.

The other party is an adventer!

Not the natives of this world.

Since it can't be hidden, Su Han simply admitted it.

"Okay, you win."

"Don't worry, you helped me. I will definitely not tell anyone."

As soon as Mona finished speaking, her stomach growled.

The great astrologer who was so proud just now suddenly blushed and wanted to bury his head in his chest.

She was really hungry.

Because I had no money in my pocket, I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon. There were some fruit trees nearby, but they were all cut down with the establishment of the new city.

So Mona has been hungry until now.

"Come with me, it's fate since we met. I just didn't eat."

Su Han walked towards the Wanmintang branch.

Mona wanted to refuse, but if she didn't eat, she would really faint from hunger.

So she followed him shamelessly.

The branch of Wanmintang is very luxurious, and the decoration and layout are almost the same as the main store.

The posters on the wall are so huge that it feels like being in a comic book world at a glance.

"So beautiful."

Mona couldn't help but praise.

This is the first time she has seen such decoration, and she feels very novel.

"Oh, it's Mr. Su. Please go upstairs and ask the waiter to take Mr. Su to the VIP room."

"I'm here. Mr. Su, you are a distinguished guest. Please come in."

The shopkeeper and the waiter were very enthusiastic because they were all sent from the head office. If they couldn't even recognize Su Han, they would be out of business.

This was the first time Mona was treated so warmly, and she was a little confused.

Is this the treatment of the rich?

I'm really envious.

"Do you come here often? They seem so enthusiastic."

Su Han poured a cup of tea for each of them.

Hearing Mona's question, he shook his head and said, "This is my first time here too, but I have a good relationship with them, so I can eat for free."

"Wow, really? That's great!"

Hearing that she could get something for free, Mona immediately became energetic. Thinking of the delicacies she hadn't eaten for a long time, her mouth was watering.

At first, she was still hesitating about how many dishes to order. After all, this place was quite expensive, and she didn't want to owe Su Han too many favors.

So after coming in, I started to calculate how many dishes I could order. But if it was free, I naturally didn't care so much, just order as much as I wanted.

In fact, Mona was not poor, but she devoted all the money she earned to various precious books, so her wallet was empty.

Su Han looked at Mona's green eyes and couldn't help but be amused by her.

"Hey, serve your most expensive dishes! Order quickly"

"Okay, Mr. Su, just wait."

The waiter was also a smart person. Seeing that Mr. Su was treating, he naturally couldn't neglect it.

Half an hour later.

Various delicious dishes were served one after another. Some of them, Mona had only heard about them on weekdays, but she didn't expect that they were so delicious just by smelling them.

"Let's eat?"


Mona had been waiting for this sentence for a long time. She originally wanted to maintain her ladylike demeanor, but when she saw these dishes, she threw all of it behind her.

It was so delicious.

Woo woo woo.

What a miserable life I had lived before.

Is this the life of rich people?

Mona couldn't help thinking while eating.

Maybe she was too hungry, or maybe the cooking skills of the Wanmintang branch were good, so the whole dish was quickly finished.

Mona licked her lips, feeling a little unsatisfied, and even more hungry.

Fortunately, Su Han brought a plate of golden shrimp balls.

"Eat it."

"Thank you."

Mona said subconsciously, and then continued to eat.

After a while, the shrimp bottomed out and only some shredded potatoes remained.

Su Han reached out again, this time it was three fresh steamed dumplings.

"Come on, Mona."


The girl buried her head and continued to eat. She repeated this three times.

Mona felt relieved.

At this time, Su Han brought another soup to her.

Mona wanted to say that she was full, but her mouth felt a little dry after eating vegetables all the time, and drinking soup should not occupy her stomach.

Miss Astrologer convinced herself, lowered her head and tasted it happily.

The soups at Manmintang are all top-notch soup stock. Although the color is bland, the taste is first-class and delicious.

Just a sip.

Mona felt it was worth it, because the taste was so delicious, better than the soup she had tasted in other countries.

Until a big bowl of soup is eaten.

Mona let out a sigh of relief, her face was full of happiness, it would be great if she could eat like this every day.

"Are you full? But there are still three dishes left."

Su Han looked at the remaining things on the table and couldn't help but ask.

"I really can't eat anymore, hiccup"

Mona couldn't help but burped, and her fair face instantly turned red.

Damn it.

Why do you hiccup at this time?

Mona secretly cursed herself for being rude, but the dish just now was so delicious that it was impossible to stop eating!

Looking at the perverted girl with a blushing face, Su Han smiled and said: "As long as you are full, I will ask him to pack the rest and deliver it to your place, so that you can save a dinner by warming it up at night."

"Keke, I don't have a place to live."

Mona was very touched by the other party's kindness, but it was a pity that she now had no place to live in the open air.

"No place? Then where have you been outside during this time?"

If I remember correctly, Mona had a permanent inn, so why she didn't have a place to stay was too strange.

Facing Su Han's concern, Mona looked helpless.

"I had a place to live before, but it's a pity that the road was built here and the boss was relocated and left. In addition, I am temporarily penniless, so I can only find a nearby cave to stay temporarily."

Speaking of what happened recently, Mona even wanted to cry.

It was not easy to find a boss who was willing to take me in, and also allowed him to pay rent once every three months. Who knew that after just one trip, the inn would be gone when he came back.

It's just bad luck.

"Uh, feelings are my fault."

After hearing the whole story, Su Han looked a little embarrassed. Who would have thought that Mona's homelessness was actually caused by him.

Thank you to the boss of "The Cat that Smells Death" for the 1500 point reward. Thank you so much, ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong.

Thanks to "I Love the Dark Night", "Disciple·The Cat that Smells Death", "Seven Kinds", "Alliance Leader ", "Qiqi's Little Bird", "Nangong Yu's Poems", "Hall of Fame", "Winter Maple Leaf", Tu Niu Trojan Horse, "Zhao Le Kong", "Black Must Kill Rabbit", "The Saint is Happy", "dfirst wheat", "book friend 140502140257368", "book friend 20210508213210225", "deacon·Beichen Mufeng", and many other big guys' monthly support, I love you. Thank you for the recommendation vote in the next update

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