Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 164: Mona is moved to tears by the comics, the heartbreaking Southern Country Chapter

The smile on Mona's face gradually disappeared. She had never thought that there would be such a touching story. All the things that happened before were completely blossoming at this moment.

The princess who was thought to be savage and vicious has now lost her fighting power.

I thought she was a bad person, but I didn't expect that she was also a lover.

There were countless monsters on the scene. Pingqiu Yuechu, who had not undergone any actual combat training, fought madly with the Tears of the Void and powerful magic.

"But, this will definitely lose."

Although Pingqiu Yuechu's demon power is really strong, there are so many monsters that he will always have a moment of exhaustion in order to destroy his stumbling block.

The enemy's means are doubly vicious.

Not only did they stop using melee combat, they also continued to poison.

As night fell, the long battle caused Pingqiu Yuechu's reaction to drop significantly.

The enemy happened to attack this point, aiming at his eyes. Pingqiu Yuechu, who was blind, could no longer activate the Tears of the Void.

But even so, he still wanted to protect Huandu Luolan.

"Enough, enough already"

Snowflakes were falling from the sky, Huan Du Luo Lan hugged him and cried like a tearful man, and then Ping Qiu Yuechu told his life story.

He had always been a substitute, until he met the Princess of the Southern Kingdom and was truly regarded as an independent person.

Although the two often quarreled, he would never forget this friendship, even if he had to pay it back with his life.

Tu Shan Ya Ya's arrival solved everything directly.

But for Ping Qiu Yuechu's escape, he would never tolerate it. Fortunately, Tu Shan Ya Ya's appearance calmed everything down.

End of the volume.

The perspective returned to the cave, and Tu Shan Hong Hong finally appeared again, and appeared with all her strength.

With just one blow, Huan Du Qing Tian was defeated.

The former demon king, his strength was not exaggerated.

The heroic posture made Mona very fond of him, and she became a fan of Tu Shan Hong Hong on the spot!

"Wow, this story is so good, no wonder so many people like it, I really regret not buying it at the beginning."

Although Mona was reluctant to spend Mora on such things, she was willing to bite her teeth and buy a few copies when the story was exciting enough.

After reading the story of the first volume, the next volume will follow.

The story of the Southern Country is still continuing.

In the interlude, the Black Fox Lady appeared, and her body was as black as ink, which looked extremely weird.

And the previous little golden man now officially appeared, his name: Aolai San Shao.

The two revealed a lot of content in the conversation, including not only reincarnation and continuation of fate, but also news from outside the circle.

However, although the Black Fox Lady was arrogant, she was taken down by the other party with a stick.

Zhongli looked at the page in the comics where the golden light suppressed the black fox, and his expression suddenly became strange, because the moves he used to use before were also similar to this little golden man.

It's just that his golden light turned into a rock spear after landing.

And the other party didn't know for the time being.

It seems that I have to ask Su Han later, maybe his father is someone I once knew.

Zhongli continued to watch.

After Tushan Honghong appeared, the battle became fierce, but it only lasted for a while before the power of the strongest demon king was divided.

Although helpless, Tushan Honghong involuntarily turned back into a child.

As a result, the truth about the follow-up began to be gradually revealed, especially the problem about Pingqiu Yuechu.

"Is that so? But the result is too tragic."

Mona watched for a while, felt a little sour in her nose, and her eyes became moist.

Although the battle was over.

But Pingqiu Yuechu's body had already reached its limit after so long. Even if Tushan Yaya didn't take him away, he could only live for a breath.

But even so, Huan Du Luolan still wanted to continue the relationship, and even suffered serious injuries for this.

She never dodged the magic spells in the sky, just to protect the beloved on her back.

Even if the other party never said love.

Step by step, the proud princess walked to Tushan Yaya with her own perseverance, but Huan Du Luolan felt that she was pitiful, so was the other party not pitiful?

"You want to renew your relationship? Do you feel wronged? Haha. But have you ever thought about how long my sister has waited? How many times has she waited for reincarnation?"

Tushan Yaya, who always looked at people with coldness, also revealed her inner heart this time.

Huandu Luolan couldn't beat this fox, and knelt on the ground in despair.

At that moment, she realized that everyone was injured.

However, Tushan Honghong's consciousness awakened under the guidance of Aolai San Shao.

As the lines just said, she was once a selfless demon king, so great that she could even give up the opportunity to reunite once, but is she really so great?

When Tushan Honghong turned around and cried, Mona couldn't hold it anymore, and she covered her face and cried.

When she was on the street before, she often saw some people holding a comic book and crying and laughing. At that time, she still thought it was strange. Now Mona found that this story is really good.

But it's not over yet.

Although Huandu Luolan got the opportunity to reincarnate and renew her relationship, in order to truly complete the contract, she not only needs her willingness, but also needs Pingqiu Yuechu's consent.

Both are indispensable.

But the problem is that Pingqiu Yuechu is already a dying candle in the wind because of his severe injuries.

He will most likely not wake up and will die in his dream.

Faced with the foxes' reminders, Huan Du Luo Lan remained unmoved, and only wanted that hope to appear.

Although she couldn't even be sure of the other party's intentions.

"But what if he opens his mouth and speaks."

"But what if he loves me?"

"So many beautiful ifs, but if you don't persist, it will be zero."

The princess was covered with wounds and bowed to the ground with tears in her eyes.

Seeing this, Mona's eyes were already filled with tears.

"Even so, you never give up. Come on, Huan Du Luo Lan."

As time went by, the princess's breath became weaker and weaker, and her body became weaker and weaker, and soon she was dying.

At this time, Pingqiu Yuechu in the dream finally said that sentence.

"I do."

Although the voice was untraceable, it was enough to show his intentions.

And the contract was finally completed at this moment!

The story is not over yet. What really touched Mona was the next conversation.

The black fox was caught, but the princess of the South Country kept chattering. She thought that Tushan was playing tricks, but in fact it was not the case.

"You can't give up your magic power and magic weapon, and your lover will appear in front of you obediently, right?"

"Reincarnation to continue the relationship, what is the so-called relationship? It is a matter of probability. When a person dies, the relationship should end. Since you want to continue the relationship, you should naturally pursue the glimmer of hope given by the bitter love tree. Have you ever thought about what those who have waited for life after life to continue the relationship finally get?"

"It's not to welcome your lover with joy, but to hear helplessly [I'm sorry, wait for the next life], this is the most despairing."

Bai Yuechu's words woke the Princess of the Southern Kingdom from her dream, and also made the theme of this comic infinitely rise.

Thanks to "丶Crazy Bujue", "书友20231014172759505", "覔 Nanfeng", "Peng Lai Zhenxiao", "Aries Fires Cannon", "颾langjian" and other multi-dimensional big guys for their monthly ticket support, love you~~

Thanks to "Xianxia-CA", ".", "Book Friends 20240208224-db", "我为快来", "星光LUoxue", "There is a pig", "龾langjian", "Give me more updates ", "-", "lead leader you~~

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