Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 173 A real and cold strange dream, the Adventure King officially logs in to Inazuma (Second

"To put it simply, you can think of Inazuma as being managed by the Three Magistrates!"

"The first is the Community Magistrates. That is the Kamisato clan you are currently in contact with. They are kind and helpful. Even if they support the general, they will pay attention to the lives of the people, so it is best to talk."

"The second is the Tenryo Magistrates. They are loyal and ruthless, symbolizing the Kujo clan, that is, the soldiers you see, and the ones who issue passes are all them. Greed will blind people, and these guys will be extinct sooner or later."

"The third is the Kanjo Magistrates. They are in charge of the financial center of Inazuma, similar to Ningguang, but they have been infiltrated by the Fatui. They are currently ignorant and in cahoots with the Tenryo Magistrates."

Su Han briefly described the situation of Inazuma, and also gave Hu Tao a more intuitive understanding of Inazuma.

But the hall master still has one thing he doesn't understand.

"Wait, according to what you said. The three major magistrates are all subordinate to the gods, but why are the other two families harming Inazuma except the Community Magistrates?"

This is wrong.

There are also wealthy families in the Seven Stars of Liyue, but they never oppress the people. Instead, they are always the first to stand up when they encounter a crisis.

Ningguang, Keqing and Uncle Tian are all the best examples.

Su Han sneered and said, "Arrogance, ignorance, and indifference to the people at the bottom, this is their original sin!"

"So you mean, they knowingly committed the crime?"

Hu Tao was really dumbfounded this time.

What is the situation with Inazuma? The people are suffering, the general is confused, and the people working under him are even more confused with the Fatui.

Has anyone ever considered this country?

"More than that, they themselves know the harm of doing so, but they just think that the people are like ants, and foreign enemies can be easily destroyed by the general."

Hearing Su Han's evaluation.

Two words popped out of Hu Tao's mouth: "Beast."

Without the people, there is no country.

Without the people, there is no prosperity.

Despising the people is equivalent to destroying the city wall.

She can see that Inazuma is simply a group of arrogant people.

Seeing the headmaster angry, Su Han comforted him immediately: "Okay, headmaster. Don't get angry over these idiots. What I just said is just the tip of the iceberg of Inazuma. Have you ever thought that Inazuma is now closed to the outside world, but there are still battles?"

"Wait, you're not saying there's still rebellion?"

"The headmaster is really smart. The war I told you about before was an internal rebellion. Anyway, you should do business and stay out of other things. Let me do it."

Hu Tao naturally believed in Su Han and agreed immediately, absolutely not to get involved in Inazuma's internal affairs.

But she had another idea.

"Su Han, I just remembered something. Do you think we can make money by shipping?"

"What do you mean?"

Hu Tao thought of what she saw today and said with a smile: "Think about it, Inazuma is short of a lot of food now, but has a lot of idle people. Can we use them to make a fortune? Anyway, I can't think of any business opportunities, but you can definitely do it."

Hiss. Don't say.

It's a bit of a deal.

Su Han was somewhat moved by what he heard.

Inazuma is in chaos now, and the people are living in poverty. Shipping can indeed make a lot of money.

But the question is, are the people of Inazuma useful?

The answer is of course no!

"If the people are worthless, then what about the foxes?"

The figure of Yae God suddenly appeared in Su Han's mind. If he couldn't exploit the people, he might as well bully the foxes.


Everything fell asleep.

Su Han's ears were filled with pleading.

"Stop!!! Stop now."

"Please, I beg you"

"You must survive"

The sky was extremely dark, and so was the earth.

I was so tired.

So heavy.

Where on earth was this?

Su Han wanted to open his eyes, but found that he couldn't do it at all, as if he was in a whirlpool and couldn't get out of it at all.

He tried to catch that ray of sound, but the other party seemed to have a bad network and began to speak intermittently.

"I believe what you said."

"I will die."

Su Han sat up suddenly, and the sunlight outside the window was particularly dazzling.

He looked down at his hands, and his brows gradually frowned.

"Is this a dream? But it feels so real."

Su Han was a little confused. He had never dreamed since he crossed over, but yesterday's dream seemed a little too real, as if he had experienced it personally.

Because the movement of getting up was too big, it caused Shen He next to him to wake up.

Looking at Su Han's sweaty appearance.

Shen He sat up, reached out and touched his head, and said gently: "Did you have a nightmare?"

"Yeah, and it's a bit real, it feels like a sign of something."

Su Han frowned. This was the first time he encountered this situation, especially the real touch, as if it was a memory reappearing.

Shen He thought for a while and suggested: "Why not let the master take a look? She might have some way."

"You are right, it's time to let the True Lord take a look."

The two of them got dressed and went downstairs. Because it was still early, Mona and others hadn't gotten up yet.

Walking out of the courtyard.

The mist on the street gradually dissipated, but many vendors had already opened their doors to do business.

A courtyard in the bamboo forest.

A research room.

After Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun learned about it, she checked it with her spiritual consciousness. It took her a long time to put away her strength.

"It's really strange. I didn't see any evil influence or traces of spell casting. Is it really just a dream?"

She was a little reluctant, but she tried several times with the same result.

In the end, the sage said that it might really be just a dream.

"Are you dreaming?"

Su Han looked at the sun above his head and felt that things were not that simple.

Rice wife.


A new batch of comics was grandly released in Yae Tong.

Several editors turned into propagandists and were shouting hard.

"Take a look, Boss Su's latest comic [Adventure King] appears, singing a song for freedom and igniting a fire for adventure."

"Shandora's lights will still ring out again after hundreds of years."

"People's dreams never end!!!"

"When does a person die? When a bullet pierces the heart? No! When you get an incurable disease? No! When you drink poisonous mushroom soup? No! It's when you are forgotten!"

The people nearby looked at each other and came together one after another.

With such passionate lines, who wouldn’t want to buy it and take a look?

Although the streets were cleared a few days ago and no one is allowed to discuss it in person, it can be done in private or in the corridor.

They didn't want to miss this only chance to relax.

"Give me a hundred sets!"

"I want thirty sets"

"Bring me twenty sets, I want to bring goods to others."

"Can you send it to your home? I'm afraid those soldiers will come again later."

Faced with everyone's needs, Yaedo agreed one by one.

After all, this is a special period, and even if you have the support of the Son of God, you have to be careful.

Happy May Day everyone, I wish you all a good time, and there will be more updates today!

[I almost forgot the reward from the "Ha Dou Bai" boss, sorry.]

[Other thanks will be posted in the next update]

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