Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 193 Yae Godson: I have a friend who is very autistic

Yae Shenzi quickly put away his thoughts and said with a smile: "Mr. Su Han is really good at it. The comics are not only popular all over the world, but each one is more exciting than the last."

"So, what do you mean?"

Su Han didn't want to go around in circles, so he went straight to the point.

Otherwise, if we continue talking like this, there will be no progress at all.

"Oh, Mr. Su, does he dislike the little girl? That's fine. Let's get down to business."

Yae Kamiko put away her smile and asked, "I have a friend. She is very autistic and very stubborn. We have met for several years. According to reliable information, she is also reading comics recently."


Classic I have a friend, right?

"So, you want to ask, is there any plot that can make her change her mind?"

Listened around.

Su Han finally concluded.

Yae Shenzi nodded repeatedly and said immediately: "Yes, sir, does that involve this part of the plot?"

"Well, to be honest, I don't think you can change your friend's mind with stories alone."


Yae Shenzi was very puzzled.

Of course it's because she firmly believes in her own power.

Su Han couldn't help but complain.

Of course, he would not break the window paper, so he changed his explanation.

"The answer is very simple. As you just said, she is very autistic and very proud, so when you can't break the self-confidence that she is proud of, no matter what you do, she will have only one explanation: I don't care what you say. , I only believe in my own.”

It really is.

This best friend of mine is not what the other party said.

What has become of Rice Wife?

She is still shouting about eternity all day long. Is it because when all the people are buried in the ground, she feels that eternity is a mistake?

After listening to Su Han's analysis, Yae Shenzi felt that this man was capable.

So, she struck while the iron was hot and asked: "If her self-confidence is not defeated, is there any other way to change the status quo?"

I want to find someone to defeat Shadow.

This is simply too difficult.

Unless it is a demon of the same level.

But a problem arises here. Gods almost never interfere with each other.

Secondly, if this method works.

The Eightfold Divine Son had already gone to Liyue to ask for help.

What's the problem?

Not only does it require someone to break Ying's self-confidence, but also when she understands that this is wrong.

Therefore, this method was directly rejected by Yae Shenzi.

Su Han sighed after hearing this and said, "This friend of yours must be very strong, right?"


"Then this method is indeed a bit difficult, don't let me think about it."

Su Han groaned and continued his analysis.

Yae Shenzi listened attentively.

Although there is little chance that the boss will come up with a solution, if it can be solved, the people of Daowu will not have to suffer.

Soon, the other party's voice continued to be heard on the phone.

"According to my analysis, generally strong and autistic people have extreme thoughts because they are strongly stimulated!"

Yae Shenzi's eyes lit up.

He was right again.

"You are right, please continue."

The fox began to use honorifics.

Su Han heard this and said: "Wait a minute, but before that, can you ask Miss Fox Fairy to tell you about your friend's situation? Otherwise, I don't know how to solve it just by guessing."

Just guessing.

Very easy to reveal.

So Su Han's method is to guide the other party to tell the story.

This makes sense.

Yae Kamiko quickly realized that the two of them chatted for a long time, but she didn't even introduce the situation of Kage.

"I'm sorry, this is my problem. She is a powerful warrior who once lost many partners to protect Inazuma, so she slowly began to become autistic."

Yae Kamiko adapted Kage's story.

In short, that's the general meaning.

Her friend lost her sister, as well as several close friends, and eventually reached the stage.

Su Han nodded when he heard this and said: "I see, I lost my beloved. This seems to be the theme of my next novel. However, now is not the time to talk about this. Let's talk about your friends first."


"I just heard you say that her ideas are extreme and run counter to reality. If so, when everything she believes in collapses, will she still believe in it?"

Yae Shenzi's eyes lit up, and he felt as if he had caught something.

"Please tell me in detail. If you can save my friend, I will never treat you badly."

"It's easy to say. What I mean is that when she discovers that everything she insists on is wrong, the knot in her heart will naturally be untied. For example, she thinks mortals are useless, but when mortals prove themselves."

"Also, the ideas of her friends or relatives were definitely contrary to hers, right?"

"What if someone does something under the guise of an old friend?"

An evil smile appeared on Su Han's face.


Ying is very autistic and homebound, and cannot listen to advice.

But if someone is using the banner of her former partners, can she really be so cruel?

"Yeah, why did I forget this."

As soon as Yae Shenzi slapped the table, his thoughts suddenly became clearer.

She was really too arrogant before.

I always feel that no matter what I do, Ying will never change his mind.

But what if someone does something in the name of Huzhai Palace, or even in the real name?

She will definitely be restless.

Can a person who loves excitement and games really sit in the castle tower?

The more Yae Shenzi thought about it, the more excited she became. She even cursed herself for what she had been doing before and why she couldn't think of such an idea.

If she had planned earlier.

Inazuma would definitely not be in the current situation, at least the two big families would not ride on her face.

I am so stupid.

Yae Shenzi came back to her senses and thanked Den Den Mushi profusely.

"Thanks to Mr. Su's reminder, I really have a sudden enlightenment. I wonder if you have any other advice. I am willing to listen."

Although Xie Huni didn't know Su Han's deeds overseas.

But this conversation really convinced her.

It would be great if she could get to know each other earlier.

Seeing Xie Huni fall into the trap, Su Han's mouth corners slightly raised. Fortunately, he was prepared in advance. This attitude would definitely not be used to deny the other party.

"No need to thank me. Since we have met by chance, we are friends. I am always generous to my friends."

"Mr. Su is really humorous."

The fox smiled lightly and felt much better.

Listening to the praise from Yae Shinto.

Su Han also smiled.

He gave a lot of suggestions later, and the plan was even detailed to specific people, but he did not point out the other party's name.

But Yae Shinto remembered them one by one.

"Excuse me, sir, how should I deal with those mortals who help the evil?"

Since there is a way to solve the big problem.

Then, Yae Shinto will naturally not let go of the two major families that harmed Inazuma.

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