Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 310 The Water God was killed by Su Han. Yingmei and Navilette were both shocked.

"If the plot develops as it should, there must be a mastermind behind the scenes who dominates everything and weaves an illusory peace."

"What a irony."

Sanbing couldn't help but sigh.

The latest chapter, whether it is the battle scene or the explanation of the Sage Mode.

He was very excited to watch it.

But what is the other gift?

Sanbing turned his head and looked over. There was a note inside with a sentence written on it: Find a place where no one is and crush it.

What is this?

However, there are so many people now, so we have to go back to the room.

Sanbing went back quickly.

When he crushed the sphere, a memory suddenly came into his mind.

Half an hour later.

Sanbing woke up from his memory. He held the sphere in his hand and gritted his teeth and said: "Dotore"

Everything in the past was clear.

The death of a close friend, the past events, and the destruction of Tatarashi Sand.

All of them were done by Dotore.

Just now he was still doubting whether Nagato was deceived. Now combined with this memory, Sanbing understood that this comic was adapted from his story.

Five hundred years.

The pain and torture he endured were all fake.

The other party just took a fancy to his doll's physique.

Everything he said and did was for his own research.

It was hateful that he trusted the other party.

It turned out that from the beginning, he fell into someone else's trap, which was really hateful! ! !

Sanbing calmed down his emotions, then took out the Den Den Mushi and said to it: "Say thank you for me, Mr. Su Han's great kindness, I will repay it."

"Yes, Mr. Sanbing."

He actually had a way to contact Su Han directly, but Sanbing thought that the other party might be busy, so he didn't bother him.


After a period of travel.

Su Han and others finally arrived in this country.

Paimon saw a vast ocean in front of him, and said in shock: "Wow, it's really beautiful, it turns out that Fontaine is so beautiful!"

Completely different from other countries.

Fontaine is a country of water. It can be said that the entire country is covered by a sea.

And there are trains here.

However, there is a big difference between the train in Fontaine and the sea train on Su Han's side.

Here, the energy of the wild mang is used, which is the power of the beginning of the world.

And Su Han uses other energies, and the speed is faster and more stable.

As soon as the three arrived, they heard the voice of Meilushin calling from a distance.

"Hey, you guys, do you want to take a boat? This flight is about to start!"

"Hey, she seems to be calling us. Let's take a boat together? I want to experience the train in this country."

Facing Paimon's proposal, Su Han turned to look at Ying and said with a smile: "Let's go, I also want to experience this train."


The girl took his hand and walked towards the ship.

In the dark, an abyss mage took their photos and then disappeared.

Meilushin is a magical creature, they are kind and cute.

Seeing another group of people boarding the ship, her face suddenly filled with a happy smile.

"Welcome to board the ship. I am Meilushin, who is in charge of this route - Aibel. I can explain various things to you!"

Aibel is like a cute little rabbit. Her mouth never stops. The chirping makes people feel very lively, and even a long journey will not be boring.

At this time, Paimon asked: "Excuse me, how can I meet the water god of Fontaine?"

Aibel looked over at this time, and she smiled and said: "As long as you go to Fontaine Court or the opera house, the water god will definitely be there. Our god is a god who likes lively things very much."

The god of Fontaine is different from other gods.

She is keen on various trials.

At the same time, she likes all kinds of farces very much.

Similarly, people also love her very much.

Paimon and Yingmei looked at each other. They didn't expect that this meeting would be so simple.

After sailing for several hours, everyone finally arrived at Fontaine Court.

Paimon looked at the tall buildings and the mechanical guards patrolling the streets, and felt like he had come to the world of technology.

"Wow, look. There are so many machines here, not only human-like ones, but also ones like police dogs. It feels so technological."

Su Han smiled and said, "Yes, after all, this country has a huge level of technology."

Fontaine is different from Xumi. It really puts a lot of research on people's livelihood.

Although they also blew themselves up because of their research, scientific experiments are full of dangers.

It is normal to have accidents occasionally!

"Let's just go shopping. I haven't been shopping with you for a long time."


The two held hands, with Paimeng beside them, and started strolling like a family of three.

From time to time, they went into various stores and bought a lot of things. The most of them were clothes. For example, little Paimeng changed clothes three times, and Ying also bought several sets.

Western skirts, school uniforms and popular clothes in Fontaine.

It cost about millions of Mora.

But Su Han didn't feel bad, as long as Paimeng and Ying had fun.

Night fell.

They came to an inn, and after arranging for Ying and Paimeng, Su Han prepared to leave.

"Aren't you going to stay?"

Ying asked with some confusion.

The two of them were already in this relationship, so it didn't really matter if they stayed overnight, since Paimeng slept very well anyway.

Su Han looked at the sleepy little Paimon and shook his head to reject the tempting proposal: "No, I still have some things to confirm. You guys should go to sleep first."

"Then do you want me to go with you?"

Ying was reluctant to be separated from Su Han, and at the same time wanted to see what Su Han was doing all day long.

She didn't want her to take risks outside when the other party was in danger.

Since we have decided to be together, we must face everything together.

Su Han hesitated for a moment, feeling that it didn't matter if he had to carry a screen, so he nodded to her and said, "Okay, come with me. We will kill the gods tonight."


Yingmei's eyes widened.

Didn't you agree to come over for adventure?

What does killing gods mean.

Su Han didn't even explain, so he took Yingmei and flew into the night sky.

At this time, it was already late at night, and there were very few people on the streets.

The Opera House Obi-Clay is even more eerily quiet.

Su Han took Yingmei and broke in directly.

Looking at the operating machinery, he understood that the Water God was among them. Judging from the time, the opponent had already maintained enough power, and at most it would not be a little bit worse.

"Now, I have come to make a travel appointment. The real water god, Fukalos."

Dark power continued to emerge from under his feet, and soon swallowed up the entire hall.

Navilet, who was far away in the office, felt this unusual force and immediately stood up.

"Someone broke into the opera house?"

"No, I have to stop him."


Villette turned into a wave of water and flew quickly towards the opera house, but midway he found that he could not enter the scope of the opera house.

A powerful and terrifying force blocked him outside.

in the dark.

A powerful shadow fell over the entire opera house.

This seems to be an independent world, but you have to enter it no matter what.

Villette raised his palm, and the power of the tide in the air soon filled his hand. He pressed hard and shouted: "Go."


The blue water column surged towards the shadow world.

But what surprised Navilette was that his power was eliminated by a strange force.

Could it be that the person coming is a demon?

How is this possible.

The devil has his own dignity, so why would he choose night to cause trouble?

Villette continued to increase his strength, but no matter how he used it, his attacks could never touch the inside.

At this time, a blue light rushed out from the opera house.

"this is"

When Villette looked at the light, he felt a sense of familiarity in his heart.

Then he suddenly looked at Molang Palace.

If this is the water god, then who were the people who lived with him five hundred years ago?

Soon the water god hiding in the mechanism appeared.

When she saw Su Han, a happy smile suddenly filled her face.

"It's been five hundred years, and you're finally here. Are you here to make a trip?"

"Of course, I'm here to rescue you this time."

Yingmei blinked, not understanding what the two of them were talking about.

But soon she was frightened by Su Han's actions.

The other party took out the Fire Lin Sword and pointed it at Fukalos.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Yingmei immediately rushed forward and stopped in front of Su Han.

But who would have expected that the opponent's slash penetrated his own body and landed on Fukalos' body.

The pale sword energy destroyed the cause and effect on the opponent.

And Su Han's eyes also turned into reincarnation eyes.


A clear sound came from Fukalos' body.

Her divine body was destroyed.

At the same time, it rained heavily throughout Fontaine.

This is the impact caused by the out-of-control power of water. If it continues to be ignored, it will evolve into a more violent event.

Seeing that things were not going well, Villette immediately chose to control the situation first.

But who would have expected that the man in the theater would strike with another sword.

"Stop it!"

Villette was really angry.

The whole person is like a morning star, bursting with powerful light, if the other party is allowed to continue like this.

Phukalos will surely perish.

The huge water flow attacked Su Han's underworld, but it actually had no impact at all.

It's not because of how strong he is, but because the periphery of the underworld is protected by the power of the underworld.

No matter how powerful the force is, it will be branched out to other worlds.

This is Su Han's power.

Light blue blood floated from Fukalos' body. It was obvious that he was about to die, but Yingmei saw relief and a smile on his face.

"What exactly happened here?"

Su Han suddenly came to Fontaine, and then suddenly came to the opera house, and killed the god.

The most important thing is that the other party did not resist.

Ying felt that her brain was not enough.

At this time, a blue light slowly flew out from Fukalos' hand.

"The agreement has been completed. Please give this to Mr. Navilette. Thank you very much, Su Han."

Fukalos managed to finish a complete sentence, and then fell completely to the ground.

Five hundred years later.

The first god of death was born.

At this time, the defenses of the Hades world were gradually opened.

Su Han looked at the aggressive Water Dragon King above his head and returned the power to him.

"What do you mean?"

He got what he needed.

But Villette was not happy at all.

Because his friend Fukalos was dead.

Su Han ignored him, but walked to Fukalos's body and absorbed all the remaining souls inside. After completing all this, he straightened up and said to Yingmei with an apologetic look: "I'm sorry, did I scare you a little just now? But this is the plan of Fukalos and me. Even if I don't kill her, she will seek death."

There was a barrier nearby, so he told her the whole plan.

When Ying heard that he didn't kill the god on purpose, but helped the other party to get rid of it, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She was almost scared to death just now.

"You should have said it earlier. I thought you were crazy."

Su Han chuckled and said, "The situation is urgent, and someone has been keeping an eye on you. I don't want you to be secretly observed anymore."

"Huh? What?"

Ying was puzzled.

The witch hiding somewhere in Fontaine looked strange.

At this time, Su Han put his hand on Ying's head and amplified her perception. Only then did the girl sense that there was always a faint breath on her body.

"What is this?"

"A witch observing you, as an adventer. It will definitely attract the attention of countless people, but it won't be from now on."

Su Han's Samsara Eye was activated, and a powerful seal fell on Ying.

From then on, no matter who dared to spy on her, the Amaterasu Fire would be automatically triggered and would follow the other person's breath.

After feeling the power of the Taoist robe, the witch who had been spying was immediately backlashed.

However, this was the first time.

So Su Han's Amaterasu Fire did not put her particularly much pressure.

This is a warning.

If he continues to spy on her, don't blame him for being rude.

Suddenly, Ying felt that the aura of surveillance on her disappeared, her eyes lit up, and she smiled: "It's really gone, Su Han is so grateful to you."

When she thought that she had been secretly spied on since the beginning of her adventure.

Ying felt sick no matter how she thought about it.

Imagine that when you eat, drink, defecate and urinate, you are secretly observed, how would you feel?

Would you feel sick and want to vomit?

Ying felt this way now.

Su Han touched Ying's head lovingly and smiled: "There is no need to say thank you between us, but we should meet the Dragon King outside, and I have something to talk to him about."

"Well, let's go."

Came outside.

That Vilet had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Su Han and Ying coming out, he stepped forward and asked: "Why is this happening?"

He needed an explanation, even if it was Fukaros's own will, Vilet had to understand why.

Su Han looked at the heavy rain in the sky, pointed to the hotel in the distance and said: "Do you mind coming to my place for a while?"

"Of course."

The three of them went into the hotel together.

Paimon had already fallen asleep, but in order to avoid affecting her, Su Han still thoughtfully set up a soundproof barrier.

This way she wouldn't wake up.

Su Han sat down, handed a pot of tea to Villette, and smiled: "Now we can talk"

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