Thanatos System

Chapter 113 - Sacrifice

"I shall decapitate your heads and attach them again when it is your turn to serve me in the afterlife!"

The Seraphim said in a hurt voice.

Time seemed to stop around Kai Xin.

It was now confirmed – Pugna was the one who reanimated the dead Slayers that they faced earlier.

This makes her powers capable of reanimating dead individuals and making them fight for her behalf.

Truly a frightening display of power.

Seeing just how strong June Alcindor's gust attacks were, a more refined one with even more Anima cells used would definitely pin down the Seraphim for much longer, allowing them to buy time.

"Sir Kai, you have to decide now!"

June shouted at the S Rank Fire Slayer.

"Tch. I know…"

He said to himself.

"You have to make the decision that would benefit mankind the most!"

June added.

Pugna the Seraphim was already charging up a flame attack, this would definitely ruin their composure and their formation.

Kai Xin had no choice.

"June! Do it!"

Kai gave out the order.

"Thank you, sir."

June whispered under his breath just low enough for Kai to hear it.

The rookie Wind Slayer gripped his grimoire tighter than ever. Blood started to gush out of his palms.

"Take this, you insufferable piece of trash!"

He shouted at the Seraphim trying to charge up an attack as retaliation.

After the fraction of a second, June finally casted his gust spell.

Cosette knew that this would be her chance to catch her breath, as did Kai, Yin, and Zach.

They all backed up and let go of the Seraphim.

The mud wall which Cosette desperately kept up for minutes was now gone and crumbled.

But it was all good, June was about to cover for them.

"Everyone! Prepare to rush back in after June exhausts his spell!"

Kai ordered.

He was hoping that the limiters being gone would not render June's arms as unusable.

"Please, stay strong, June."

He gently said to himself.

Yin activated was preparing to activate his Nix Eyes now.

"Kai! We have to finish it off soon! I am going to use all my strength to activate my Nix Eyes, afterwards, there's no knowing if I could even stand up!"

Yin Sohaya shouted out to their squadron leader.

"Yeah. We are definitely not letting June's sacrifice just be for nothing!"

Zachary enchanted his scythe even more than before, it was now shining with blue flames much brighter.

June was giving it his all, the Seraphim was pushed against the ground by the sheer force of the young rookie's gust.

He was getting paler and paler by the second, the limiters being gone meant that this attack would be his last one during this mission, or his short time as a Slayer.

The blood dripping down began to go from his palms now to his arms.

"Cosette! Can you still put up a mud wall once again?!"

Kai Xin asked the A Rank Earth Slayer.

Cosette shook her head.

"It is impossible, Kai. I can barely cast a single spell at my current state. I would be better off helping you pin the Seraphim down with my weapon."

Kai nodded.

"Alright, then you, me, and Zach will pummel down on Pugna while Yin disintegrates this thing into oblivion!"

Cosette enchanted her gigantic axe with shards of rocks.

"This might not cut through the Seraphim, but it will be much more effective in pinning her down!"

She said as she swung her axe around.

Kai saw that June was now at his limit.

"June! Stop!"

He shouted out.

"He's going to end up paralyzed at this point, Kai!"

Zachary exclaimed.

Kai ordered them to move out and proceed with their attack.

Cosette Akim clobbered the Seraphim first with her blunt Earth enchanted axe.

This gave June Alcindor the opportunity to back out. But he no longer had the strength to even do so.

Kai had to drag him towards somewhere so they could continue pinning Pugna down.

"I-I will be fine here, sir Kai."

The young rookie's cracked lips mouthed out.

The Dragon's anger was now uncontainable.

Kai Xin wanted to eradicate this abomination's existence out of this world.

Sparks of red began to flicker from his eyes. The Dragon was keen on burning Pugna's face off until nothing remained.

While Zach, Yin, and Cosette were holding the Seraphim down, Kai was running back towards them.

They were attacking her wings much faster than she was regenerating them, the fatigue was slowly catching up to them.

"Do not ever throw away June Alcindor's sacrifice!"

Kai shouted.

"Yes, sir!"

The trio retorted back while hacking, slashing, and pounding away at the Seraphim.

Pugna's hands were not regenerating anymore. Which meant that Yin's decay aura was the answer to their battle.

If they could somehow hold it down once more while Yin's Nix Eyes were activated, focusing on turning one of the Twelve Seraphims into nothing but dust was definitely not outside the realm of reality.

"Yin! Your decay is working wonders against it!"

Zach said to the white haired Slayer.

"I know!"

Yin replied.

"There will be a new plan, Yin, conserve your strength and help Cosette and Zach in holding this piece of shit down."

Kai Xin said.

"W-Why are we changing the plan?"

Zachary was perplexed.

Judging by how long it took for Yin's decay aura to actually work earlier, Kai thought on the spot that the best way to deal with Pugna right now would be to let it exhaust its regeneration factor and have Yin activate it afterwards.

After he relayed this to the squad, it was time to get to work.

"Pin her down. Never ever let Pugna go!"

Kai shouted out.

A red aura exuded from Kai Xin's whole body.

They were all amazed, they have never seen this skill before.

"Do pieces of trash like you ever feel the emotion of fear?"

Kai asked the Seraphim.

The Seraphim ignored him and kept on jittering, trying to escape the trio's hold.

But it was getting harder and harder as the weight of Cosette's axe definitely weighing the Seraphim down.

The Dragon was about to bare his fangs.

Even Yin was sensing that Kai's bloodlust.

Kai Xin placed his sword against his head and bowed.

"Ardens: A Hundred Fiery Slashes."

Kai rushed at the Seraphim and hacked away at its body, all the way from its head, down to its feet.

Each cut was getting deeper and deeper.

His sword was immolating so much that it was even beginning to melt away itself.

The S Rank Fire Slayer showed immense focus and poise, masterfully avoiding Yin, Zach, and Cosette's weapons as he slashed away at the Seraphim.

In the span of ten whole seconds, he slashed away a hundred deep cuts at Pugna's scalding body.

The Seraphim's screeches were defeaningly loud to the point where their ears were starting to bleed.

But this was nothing, the trio tasked with holding Pugna the Seraphim down did not relent.

This was an opportunity which June Alcindor paved the way for, there was nothing else that would happen in that moment which caused them to ever let go of their weapons.

"T-Thanatos! Y-You must not side with these buffoons! Let me go and I will tell you everything! I will forget about Sarathiel and bring you towards heaven instead!"

Pugna was now pleading for dear life.

Her regeneration was slowing down.


Kai shouted to the top of his lungs. It was now time to switch with him.

Yin's white eyes and his masquerade glowed intensely, he clapped his hands once, indicating that his decay aura was ready to be unleashed.

"I have already told you, I am not Thanatos, nor will I ever be him. I am Yin Sohaya."

Yin said softly to the Angel.

A single tear dropped from the Seraphim's cheek as Yin focused both of his hands and choked her with both of it.

"This is for June, and for everyone else back at home. I hope your soul finds peace in this wretched world of ours, Pugna."

Yin Sohaya said to the Seraphim as some kind of farewell.

Once his palms made contact with her, it was too late for the Seraphim to escape.

Her regeneration was already exhausted, she could not heal fast enough as she slowly turned into black dust which floated on the air aimlessly.


Yin whispered.

A bright light blinded them all as Yin dealt the final attack to the Seraphim.

After they had finally eviscerated the Seraphim to death, the squad fell on the ground.

They were all panting heavily.

"D-Did we do it?"

Cosette asked.

"I think so."

Zachary responded.

Kai was already at his limit, in theory, he should not even be able to move, but he was crawling towards June.


He said.

Kai dragged his meek body towards the Wind Slayer rookie, hoping that he would be alright and to get him to a healer as soon as possible.

But once he got near enough, it was already too late.

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