Thanatos System

Chapter 115 - Seraphim's Aftermath

Yin was startled awake by a shimmering light in front of him.

He squinted and what greeted him was a scene he was more than familiar with.

It was the System's room once again.

But now, instead of being located outside, he was inside the room where the Creator was, he looked down and saw his fingers were placed on top of the piano's keys, without him even noticing it beforehand.

It seemed as if he was meant to be here. Like everything fell on place perfectly.

Yin Sohaya got up and frantically looked for the Creator.

He turned around and finally found the shadowy void in the shape of a man. It was the Creator.

"Hello, Yin, it has been a long time, hasn't it?"

"Creator…No, it has only been a couple of days since I last saw you."

"O-Oh, I see. Then forget I said that last part, then."

"Whatever. Why am I here again?"

Yin asked the Creator.

"Before I answer your questions, which I know will be so damn many, I've got to hand it to you, you have gotten better at controlling the Nix Eyes and your powers altogether. Bravo."

The Creator clapped.

"As for your question as to why you are here once again, that is phrased rather wrongly. You have always been here, Yin. You just do not know of it."

Yin's eyebrows furrowed.

"I do not understand what you are saying at all…"

"In time, you will."

The Creator placed his hand on top of Yin's forehead, covering his face altogether.

Afterwards, Yin was awake in the 'real' world.

That was when Yin asked Gavin of his whereabouts. After the Serpent Summoner informed him of where he was, Yin's tenseness eased up a bit.

He looked around in a careful manner as to not put unnecessary strain on his body.

His red pupils saw Kai Xin in his right side, covered in bandages. And Zachary on his left, also wrapped in the same manner as he was.

Last but not the least was Cosette Akim right across from Yin's bed, no difference, she was also covered in bandages.

"W-Where is June, is he alright?"

The C Rank Slayer's words were like daggers aimed at Gavin.

The Serpent Summoner stammered on his words, careful with choosing how he would say what had happened to June after Yin was knocked unconscious in combat.

"I-I. Well…"

Artorias simply butted in and told Yin Sohaya the truth.

"Regarding the status of the unranked Rookie Slayer June Alcindor – he is dead, kid."

Art said.

Yin's eyes were filled with sheer rage.

He smacked the study table right next to him in his anger, without realizing it, he had activated his decay aura once again.

The wooden table has now turned into nothing but dust, dirtying up the apothecary's room.

"Hm. Fascinating."

The Basilisk Slayer said to himself in an amused tone.

Gavin shot a glance at him.

"I was going to tell him, Art."

He said.

"News like that has to be delivered clearly and concisely. Keep your words together and tell the truth."

Art retorted back at his brother.

"I-I'm sorry, Gavin."

Yin apologized after doing what he did to the table.

"Do not mind it, Yin. Sometimes it is much better to let go of your initial anger than to hold on to it for long, do not let it pester."

Gavin said to his young Six Blade.

"W-What about them? Are they alright?"

Yin nervously looked around at his squad members once again.

"Don't worry about them, they will be fine. The burns were healed by the best healers in the Corps, after all. But when it was time to heal you, it was pretty much useless."

Gavin said.

His words confused Yin.

"Useless? How so?"

He asked back.

"Due to your, err, I do not know how I should say this. Whatever you call your passive regenerating skill, it was exuding steam and healing your burn wounds almost instantly after you were brought here."

The Serpent Summoner told Yin.

Yin looked down and just nodded.

He could not help but feel guilty that his wounds were now healed and he was only suffering little injuries here and there compared to three of them. Specially compared to June Alcindor.


He clenched his jaws.

"What of the Seraphim?! Did we get him?!"

Yin attempted to get up from his bed but was stopped by his weakened state.

"Before Zachary and Cosette snuck into unconsciousness, they told me about everything that had happened in your mission."

Gavin said.

Yin was trying to stay focused and pay attention to the Serpent Summoner, but his eyes darted around the room and he could not help but stare at the Basilisk Slayer.

He wore green heavy armor and a massive great sword which was as heavy as it looked.

"What's the matter, kid?"

The Basilisk Slayer asked Yin.


"Do not mind him, Yin." Gavin shook his head. "Anyway, I figured I should introduce you guys already, that person sitting right there is my brother, Artorias Khalil. Art, you already know Yin, right?"

"Yeah, more or less."

Art nodded.

Yin was taken aback.

"No way. This is the strongest Slayer in the corps right now? The number one ranked Slayer…I mean I know the Commander calls himself the strongest all the time, but still…"

"Cat got your tongue?"

Artorias asked the C Rank Slayer.

"Ignore him, Yin."

Gavin said as he walked back to where his brother was and smacked the back of his head.

Yin was in awe, that was what Gavin kept doing to Luken if he kept misbehaving. So, it still applies to his brother, huh?

The white haired Slayer thought to himself.

Artorias Khalil stood up and scratched the back of his head which was smacked by his younger brother mercilessly.

"Never start with the head!"

The Basilisk Slayer said.

"Anyway, it is nice meeting you, Yin."

Artorias walked up to Yin's bed and extended his right palm for a handshake.

Yin hesitated and ultimately decided against shaking his hand.

"You saw what I did to that table, right?"

Yin nervously asked.

"Yep. I saw it as clear as day. Imagine that, man, from wood into dust, just in mere seconds!"

Art exclaimed. He was showing amazement which confused Yin.

"Shouldn't he be supposed to be scared?"

Yin thought to himself.

"Go on, kid, shake my hand."

"S-Sure, but I am going to have to wear the gloves the Commander gave me before doing so…"

Art shook his head.

"Nonsense, just do it."

Yin could not help but feel intimidated enough but to just do what this guy asked of him.

He could feel the difference in power between he and the Basilisk Slayer, it was the same feeling that Yin felt when he saw the likes of Gavin, Luken, and Kai firsthand.

But now, it was overwhelming. Almost like the Basilisk Slayer's aura was going to swallow him whole. 

"What has gotten into you?"

Gavin asked his brother.

"What do you mean?"

Artorias shot back with a question. 

"I just wanted to shake your rookie's hands, no big deal, right?"

He said.

Yin relented and finally gave into it.

As much as he feared the outcome of mistakenly activating his decay aura, it was totally the opposite for the Basilisk Slayer, he felt no fear.

"I-Is he really this stupid or stubborn? I totally can't get this guy…"

Yin thought to himself.

As both of them shook hands, a grin began to form on the Basilisk Slayer's face.

"Yin Sohaya, I expect big things from you. You have already survived your second conquest, two more and you can join the Slayer Tournament which is fast approaching, can you do it?"

Gavin shook his head.

"You're going to give me a headache, brother."

He said.

"Of course I will, sir."

Yin's answer was filled with confidence and showed that he was up to the challenge. But deep down inside, the white haired Slayer was confused whether he even had the time of the day to actually do it. He only had one year to get rid of the Angels after all.

"Good. I am going to get something to eat outside, you guys want anything?" Artorias Khalil asked Gavin and Yin.

Gavin and Luken all shook their heads at the same time.

"Suit yourselves, then."

The Basilisk Slayer just oozed with confidence and suave.

After he walked out, Yin told the Serpent Summoner: "I can't believe that guy is your brother, Gavin."

"That makes two of us, then."

As they both chuckled.

"Regarding what happened to June Alcindor. I am in no position to say whether his life was worth it to exchange for a Seraphim's or not, it is up to you, Yin. Don't let the deaths of your comrades result in nothing. We all want to turn the tides of the war as soon as possible, right?"

Yin nodded while trying to hold back tears.

The fact that a child as young as the ones he went outside with in his first conquest died once again in front of his eyes was a blow to his psyche.

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