Thanatos System

Chapter 124 - Trio Mission

"Yet we still managed to win against Pugna."

Yin said in a tone that meant to assure Zach.

"Yeah. Yes, we did. In my first ever freaking conquest, I managed to survive against an Archangel."

Zachary Lancaster was shaking just remembering how thin of a line Kai's squad were balancing on.

"By the way, Yin. Maybe it is just me, but why do you seem like you are constantly in a hurry ever since we got here?"

Zachary asked him.

Yin gulped.

"I-I had not thought about that at all! I just do not want to waste time sitting idly at the hideout while Slayers risk their lives all the time."

Yin retorted back.

"I am sure that we have done much more than the others did in just our past mission, I have a reason to be here, I want to get stronger and get deployed in as many missions as I can so that I can atone for my sins."

"Your sins?"

Yin asked.

Zach nodded. "The first time I knew that I had Anima cells, I just lazed around at home, coddled by my mother as my father terrorized us. I was pampered, surrounded by books as a replacement for real life experiences, I thought that I was going to be safe there, hell, I wanted to be safe at our town, live a lavish life as a normal citizen of Niflheim. But after Gavin and the Commander talked to me, I knew that this would be my calling. And that I have to atone for my absence these last few years. I should have been here as soon as possible…"

"I see."

Yin had not thought about just how hard Zachary's childhood was, seeing as he was a member of the wealthy Lancaster family.

"I guess we all have our demons to face, huh?"

Yin added.

"You are actually right for once. Heh. What about you, though. What kind of demons do you have to exorcise for you to still be here after that understandable successful yet traumatic mission?"

Zachary returned the favor towards Yin Sohaya.

"I am being chased, Zach."

Yin said as he observed the paintings of the hallways.

"I am chased by the sands of time's hourglass. That is all that I am able to say as of now."

Zachary smiled.

"Then that is all that I will process in my head, tell me about it some other time when it is possible to disclose."

"For sure."

They both went to their rooms afterwards as they had already eaten dinner and went to sleep.

Two additional days passed by and there were still no word of missions coming their way.

Yin was getting impatient enough to actually go to the Emperor himself and ask why the two of them had not been considered for another mission still.

Zach pulled his arm back.

"Do you remember what Gavin said?" Zach said while facepalming. "We should not embarrass their names, let us just wait, idiot."

The two were now back to their antagonistic ways of treating each other after their long talk that night.

It was as if nothing had happened, but they both had additional sense of respect towards each other after realizing the conundrum they were in.

Plus, it is not like they actually have a choice in it.

It was late in the afternoon when they were still staring at the door, waiting for a messenger, a courier, hell, anyone else to bring a letter to them.

A knock was all it took to have them jolt up and stand straight on their feet.

"Come in!" Yin shouted out.

But the person who was knocking never actually opened the door.

Zachary was far too impatient to wait, so he stepped forward and open it himself, revealing – nobody, actually.

"Are you the Six Blades brats?"

A feminine voice asked from behind them.

Both Yin and Zach turned around instinctually after hearing the woman's question.

It was someone they had never met before, but oddly familiar for Zach.

He could swear this person's face was familiar, perhaps he had seen it long ago in one of his books about Slayers.

"W-Who are you?!"

Yin asked her.

The Specter sighed out.

Finally, Zachary Lancaster figured out who she was, he smacked the back of Yin's head reminiscent to that of how Gavin does it to Luken.

He then whispered out to Yin.

"Idiot! That's an S Rank Slayer, the Specter!"

"R-Really?! Wait, why the hell did you smack me? Was I supposed to know that?"

"Have you boys no manners? There is someone in front of you and you proceed to whisper amongst each other? You still have not answered my question yet."

Zachary stood straight up and stomped his foot to solidify his form.

"W-We are members of the Six Blades, ma'am. I am Zachary Lancaster, technically still a rookie since I have not received my rank after my last mission!"

Zachary exclaimed as he introduced himself.

"I am Yin Sohaya, ma'am! C Rank Lightning Slayer of the Six Blades, a pleasure to meet you!"

Yin also exclaimed with the same energy as Zach did before him.

"I am sure the tall one over there definitely took his sweet time but ultimately ended up recognizing me. Heh."

Vale Ashford said after pointing at Zach.

"Y-Yes, ma'am!"

The two were still nervous as this was their first time talking to an S Rank Slayer which were not the Commander, the Serpent Summoner, or the Dragon.

"Be at ease, you two. I thought you would not know who I am, I really am not fond of the newspapers, you see."

She said.

"So that is why I could only read about your name in one of the books."

"Precisely, kid." The Specter nodded. "Anyway, my name is Vale Ashford, more commonly known as the Specter, I am an S Rank Wind Slayer. You have not seen me before this, I assume. But I am also sure that you've heard of me, right?"

"Of course!"

Zach answered while still nervous.

Yin was silent as he definitely has not heard of her, I mean he has not been a Slayer for even a year yet.

"Seriously, can you two ease up for a bit? You two seem stiff and tense. You can take a seat."

Yin raised his hand up, implying that he wanted to ask a question.

"Yes, Yin, was it?"

Yin Sohaya nodded before speaking. "If I may ask, ma'am, how did you manage to get inside the room?"

Across all the commotion, Zach forgot to realize that she just appeared out of nowhere.

"It is a secret, why do you think they call me the Specter, kid? Heh."

She replied with a chuckle.

"You went in through the window, didn't you?"

Zach said.

"That's right."

"So, you knocked on the door and somehow ended up inside the room by going in from the window in under five seconds?!"

Zach said.

Yin was amazed at her speed and the fact that they did not even hear her behind them.

"I can see that Gavin and Luken recruited two promising Slayers, fascinating."

She said as she took a seat herself.

"Do you know them, ma'am?"

Zach asked her.

"Okay, first things first, although I appreciated it the first time as it is out of respect, I would very much prefer if you had just called me Vale. Hearing young men like you refer to me as 'ma'am' makes it seem like I am quite old!"

She exclaimed.

"Aren't you, though?"

Zach retorted back with no disrespect meant, he just wanted to know the truth.

"If I am old then so are your superiors! We were in the same class of rookies, I'll have you know."

The Specter stood up and made the two men tense up again.

"I am not one to waste my time so I will tell you right now why I am here. "

Yin and Zach looked at each other and grinned.

"Finally, a mission!"

"Is this going to be our new squad leader?"

They both asked themselves.

"I would like to know if you two are available for a trio mission with me right this instant."

They both answered back in unison.

"Yes, we are, Vale!"

"Excellent. Pack up, then, let us get going."

"Y-You mean we are going out right now?"

Yin was confused.

"Yes, what did you expect when I said 'this instant'?"

Vale Ashford was a bit irked.

"I-I see-"

Yin got interrupted by the Specter.

"I will give you two five minutes to prepare your backpacks, weapons, and whatever you prefer to bring on a mission. Do not be late, the countdown starts now."

She said as she walked past them straight into the door.

"And I really do mean it, if you are late, then you won't be coming."

After hearing those words, Yin and Zachary were fired up and prepared their things in a hurry.

The Specter smiled at the boys and their innocence.

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