Thanatos System

Chapter 13 - SSS Ranked Reaper - Adam Rosa

Once the Angel let go of its weapons, there was no way it could escape Yin's binding chains.

With both hands, he pulled on it with force.

"Suna. Cosette. Stay back."

This prompted both Suna and Cosette to stand as far back as they could.

Yin's voice was trembling.

But it was not trembling with fear or terror.

No, it was rage.

He put both arms together and enhanced his limbs with Black Lightning once more.

His hands exerted all his might on the chains.

The Angel tried to escape by contorting its body in all sort of ways.

But the more it struggled, the tighter the binds got.

"Why are you doing this to us?"

Yin asked the bound creature.

"Please. Tell me."

As he incorporated his chains with the lightning.

The Angel screeched in pain.

This continued on for about thirty more minutes.

Cosette went to check on the twins.

She covered their ears from the deafening screams of the Angel.

Meanwhile Luken, Gavin, and the emissary, Isabelle, were still watching.

The monotony of the situation was broken by someone's presence.

The three of them at the watch tower sensed something.

It was someone, or something with monstrous levels of Anima energy.

And it was approaching the battlefield fast.

"Yin! Finish it off!"

Luken shouted from the top of his lungs, revealing their positions to the five of them below.

He knew something was wrong.

This energy…

Whoever or whatever it was was far stronger than he was.

This person approaching had more Anima energy than the SS-ranked Commander and the S-ranked Serpent Summoner combined.

After hearing the Commander's worried concerns, Yin quickly pounced on the Angel, still binding it.


His eyes lit up with fury, burning with the pride of a Slayer.

Yin was about to avenge his fallen comrades.

He did not know them all.

He did knot even know much about those he knew names of.

But they were still his brothers-in-arms.

They fell to the Angel's sword just so Yin could decimate the Angel himself.

He stomped on the Angel's mouth repeatedly until it could no longer show resistance with its bites.

"See you in hell."

Yin's hands were placed on the Angel's temple.

He was casting Decay Aura now.

The noise the Angel made was now amplified ten times than its previous screams.

Suna had to back off and cover her ears.

Yin, on the other hand could not afford to turn back now, he was going to eliminate the threat even if it cost him his sense of hearing.

His ears were now heavily bleeding.


Gavin looked at the Commander.


Luken approved Gavin's intention to go down and cover Yin's ears.

As the Serpent Summoner was airborne, he took out his grimoire and summoned several ear-less Goblins.

These Goblins made their way towards Yin and covered his ears from further damage.

Gavin used his hands to do the same to plug his own ear holes.

The looming presence slowly made its way towards them.

Closer and closer.

The Angel's skin was now crumbling into nothingness.

The winged beast's screams slowly stopped.

Was it over?

Everyone thought it was.

[ Quest Completed : Exterminate Angel 1/1]

[ EXP gained : 1500 ]

[ Experience Points : 2000/3000]

[ Current Level : 3 ]

Seeing the battle was over, Cosette made her way towards Yin, Suna, and Gavin while carrying the Water Slayer twins who were traumatized.

Their expressions said it all.

Suna steadily made her way towards Yin and assisted his attempts at standing up.

What happened was nothing short of a tragedy.

A massacre, if you will.

Just as Yin was about to stand up, he felt it as well.

Someone was behind him.

He did not even sense this person in his peripheral vision.

As his neck slowly turned to see who it was, he was halted by a voice.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

A soft-spoken male voice warned him.

Yin and Suna could only look at Gavin's direction.

The Goblins wished to charge at the man, but after having thoughts of aggression, they instead exploded where they stood.

Both Yin and Suna were frightened of what they saw.

Gavin turned pale.

His lips were deathly white.

Eyes as wide as if he saw the whole world crumble.

He even stopped breathing and swallowing his saliva altogether.

"A-Adam. Why are you here?"

Gavin asked in a scared tone.

"Gavin. You've grown. Well, sad to say that I am not here for you. I came to observe Thanatos' vessel in action. And I must say, I am impressed. Truly, I am."

His soft hands made its way towards Yin and Suna's heads.

Gently patting them.

His blue eyes were the same as the Commander's.

It slowly fixated on their black cloaks.

"New Six Blades?"

Gavin nodded reluctantly.

"I see, it seems my juniors have continued the tradition of scouting only the extraordinary. That's good."

Luken leaped from the watch tower and landed in front of the individual named Adam.

"Luken boy. How are you?"

"Let go of them. Don't you dare touch them, you filthy, disgusting traitor."

The Commander wore an expression nobody even knew existed.

His laid-back and fun demeanor was now replaced with pure hate.

He unsheathed his blade and enchanted it with his affinity.

Violent waters soon enveloped the blade, enhancing it as if it was a chainsaw made of concentrated water.

"Water Enhancement : Chainsword."

His eyes were pitch black, this was not the normal state of the Luken everybody knew, no, it was different.

"You finally mastered it, Luken. I'm very proud of you."

Adam smiled while letting go of Yin and Suna.

This man was the Commander's predecessor and mentor.

Gavin and Luken's ex-superior, Adam Rosa.

Luken vanished from his last location, seemingly teleporting.

But he didn't, his agility was just far too quick to be seen by the naked eye.

He slashed his sword straight at Adam.

The blonde man just dodged it with his eyes closed, still wearing the smile he had from earlier.

Luken unleashed a barrage of combinations, slicing and dicing at the former Six Blades' direction.

Not even one slice landed a hit.

And this man still had his eyes closed.

He was dodging on pure instinct and intuition.

Gavin summoned a much stronger version of the Headless Swordsman which Yin and Suna defeated during their training sessions.

"Headless Swordsman Omega!"

Gavin exclaimed.

It was three times larger than a regular person.

The Headless Swordsman now wielded two Greatswords with two hands.

A single Greatsword was meant to be the limit, but this monster was strong enough to dual-wield such a gigantic blade.

That's when Suna and Yin saw the opportunity to move away from the skirmish, worried that they might get in the way of their superiors.

Yin took Suna's hand and ran away.

They both turned at the direction of the battle.

It was the first time they ever saw Adam Rosa.

He was slightly older than Luken and Gavin, who were still in their twenties.

Adam wore a pitch-black turtleneck combined with a grey suit.

He even had the same earrings that Luken and Gavin had.

Yin remembered what Gavin told him about the tradition Adam made them partake in regarding the earring.

His dark blue eyes were now opened.

He brushed his parted hair with his hands and dodged Luken's piercing stab in a single motion.

Gavin threw a dagger at Adam's direction. It was surely going to land.

But he just stopped it with his bare hands.

The Headless Swordsman Omega rushed at Adam with no hesitation, prompting the Commander to create some distance so he would not get caught in the assault.

With both heavy greatswords, it lifted them and sliced downwards.

"W-What's happening, Suna?"

"That man. SSS ranked Slayer, Adam Rosa. Also known as the Reaper. He's a traitor, Yin."

They could do nothing but watch the fight unfold.

Adam quickly sidestepped the attack with ease.

"Nice beast, Gavin. I'm glad you've grown this strong."

"Shut up."

Gavin retorted with the same intensity and anger as Luken.

They were not messing around.

Each attack they threw were done with a killing intent.

"Have you ever seen the two of them fight seriously?"

"Not until today."

Suna answered back.

"I'm not here to fight you."

"Doesn't matter. We're killing you for real this time, you wretched traitor."

Luken was blinded with rage and angst, swinging his chainsword violently at the blonde man.

Isabelle did not stop them.

She knew the threat of Adam's existence.

"The Fallen Reaper."

Her lips quivered in fear.

"You know, if I really wanted to fight, I could decimate you all with one hand. I'm sure you both know that better than anyone else."

He proceeded to lightly tap the Headless Swordsman's chest.

The summoned beast was now paralyzed in place.

While simultaneously dodging Luken who showed no signs of stopping, he clamped his fist.

Prompting the Headless Swordsman's every orifice to bleed out.

"Sorry about that. Tell me, are you both S-ranked or more now? You guys are plenty strong, you know?"

His words did nothing to stop their approach.

Gavin threw ten knives at Adam in a single second, while charging towards him, holding two knives, intent on stabbing Adam.

Luken amped up and sliced his chainsword towards Adam, the sword had formed the sharp fangs of the now extinct Megalodon. A monstrous shark 20 meters in size.

"Always assess the situation. Didn't I teach you that?"

He dodged Gavin's knives and made his way towards Luken.

After the straight horizontal slash by the Commander missed, Adam was now in front of him.

He hit Luken in the gut with his knee.

Making the Commander of the whole Slayer corps writhe in pain and vomit out blood.


Both Yin and Suna shouted.

Cosette was smart enough to not even get near them.

Adam now had his back turned towards Gavin.

He saw this as an opportunity and summoned a Flame Phoenix to dive and burn him.

"Interesting choice of action, Gavin."

He extended his left hand and blasted the beast away with a single beam of water.

Adam struck Gavin's face with a kick which knocked him unconscious.

Even the Serpent Summoner and the Commander could not even stand toe to toe against him.

He slowly made his way towards Yin, who couldn't move a muscle from the fear he felt.

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