Thanatos System

Chapter 130 - Hai And Adam

"Could we call this mission a failure, Vale?"

Zachary asked him while limping back carefully, trying to see whether monsters or Angels were on them.

"No. It is most definitely not. We did not lose anyone and we managed to squeeze some kind of information about the traitor Adam Rosa – back then known as the SSS Rank Reaper. We know that the Twelve Seraphims are under the palm of his slimy little hands." She said while gritting her teeth.

"Y-You are correct." Zach retorted back.

After making it to the Outer Gates while carrying Yin, Isabelle was there.

"Greetings, Vale Ashford. I am here to check the squad member's numbers and their well-being as well as safety." She said while looking at a piece of paper she carried around. After a couple of seconds of penning something in, she left and thanked the Specter for her time.

"Tch. Annoying boot licker." The Specter said under her breath when Isabelle was out of there.

"You do not seem to like that woman, Vale, might I ask why?" Zachary said. 

"Maybe another time, Zachary, go to the Grand Castle and rest up, I will visit you both in the morning. When Yin wakes up, tell him I require an explanation as to what and who this 'Thanatos' fellow is and why the traitor and Seraphim were calling him that. That is all, you are dismissed." Vale Ashford vanished in the dead of night after being one with the shadows.

Zachary shook Yin whom he was carrying on his shoulders to wake up him. "Hey. Did you hear that? No response, eh?" 

The sound of distant birds chirping signaled the rising of the Sun. It was a new day. Zach could barely open his eyes from the post muscle fatigue he felt from fighting yesterday, but he jolted up from his bed as he felt someone was in his peripheral vision, standing up menacingly while staring at him.

It was the Serpent Summoner, Gavin Khalil. "Good morning, Zach. I heard from the Specter herself about how the mission went. That should not have been the appropriate mission for you two to undertake, I apologize." The Serpent Summoner said while bowing his head in regret.

His actions deeply annoyed the Fire Slayer instead of calming him down. "Keep your head up, Gavin. There was nothing wrong in including me and Yin in on that mission with Vale. Why do you seem to regret it?" Zach asked him.

"You could have been killed by Adam and that Water Seraphim, and from what I have heard from Vale, it came quite close to that. So, that is why I am apologizing." Gavin said.

"Quit pampering us, Gavin, we are not any different from the soldiers of Niflheim, from other Slayers, our ranks as Six Blades members do not overshadow our lack of strength." Zach retorted back as he was obviously getting more and more worked up.

"What has gotten into you?" Gavin finally asked him.

The insecurities of what Adam Rosa said to him which was slowly creeping up to his thoughts as he slept that night was on full display.

"You apologize as if we are not strong enough to be there in the front lines against these monsters and Seraphims. Nothing is certain in battle, Gavin. We could die at anytime and one of us might not make it every single time. The most important thing is that we do our best and pour our blood, sweat, and Anima cells in fighting for Niflheim and mankind as a whole. Now tell me this, do you regret inviting me and Yin to the Six Blades?" His question struck a nerve with Gavin.

The Serpent Summoner approached Zach with a stern expression, his hand raised up indicating an attack shortly after.

Zach closed his eyes in anticipation of it, yet it never came. What actually transpired was Gavin placing his hand on top of Zachary Lancaster's head. "Of course not. You two are definitely worth the slot you take up in the organization. I am proud of both of you. Never forget that." The Serpent Summoner said softly while Zachary calmed down.

"T-That is what Adam Rosa told us back then." Zach confessed to Gavin. "I see. That is just like him. He is a twisted person, he probably did it to provoke you." Gavin replied.

Someone knocked on the door, Gavin walked towards it and peeked through the hole. It was Vale Ashford, the Specter.

"Oh. Gavin. It is good that you are here, I have a couple of things to tell you more regarding what happened which I have not said yet." She said.

Yin Sohaya was still asleep. Odd. It seemed like Yin was easily getting unconscious every single time that he stresses his powers. 

"It is about Yin and this 'Thanatos' fellow." The Specter said as she took a chair and sat by the window. "This is an awfully crumpled room, are you guys sure you are fine here?" She asked Zach.

"I-It is good enough for the two of us, Vale, no need to take it up to the higher ups." Zach said.

"Very well, if you say so. By the way, I am the 'higher ups' that you speak of." The Specter chuckled. Vale proceeded to tell Gavin everything about what had happened, and not just a hurried version of what she told the Serpent Summoner last night.

A gust of cold air welcomed its way into the room, giving everyone situated there the feeling of chills.

"Hm. So, that is why you asked about this 'Thanatos' fellow, huh?" Gavin said.

The Specter nodded after telling him the whole story.

"Still, it is definitely a surprise to know that Adam Rosa is far above than the Twelve Seraphims in terms of authority. He really has cozied up in his new allegiance with the Angels." Gavin's words were calm yet his actions said otherwise. He clenched his fists and jaws. "The next time I ever lay my eyes on that piece of shit, I am never holding back."

"Calm down, Gavin. Reserve your anger for your eventual meeting." The Specter said to him. "That is not the only information that we are able to bring back from our mission. We also have records of how Hai, the Water Seraphim fights. That is what Adam Rosa called him. An odd name if I do say so myself. I will send it to the Emperor first and then to you first thing tomorrow. 

"Pugna, the Seraphim we faced before this mission with Kai Xin also pointed out how Yin was someone named 'Thanatos', the Seraphim was even confused as to why Yin was attacking it." Zachary added.

"Should we really assume that this 'Thanatos' person has some kind of connection to the Angels and Seraphims this early?" Gavin shook his head lightly. "We have to gather more information about that name and what it means, that is precisely what I am doing in the underbellies of the Grand Castle's library day in and night." 

"So that is what Gavin has been doing here." Zachary thought to himself as he realized why the Serpent Summoner had not gone home yet.

"And what of your findings, does it show anything significant so far?" Vale asked the Serpent Summoner.

"No. I have noticed some missing pages from a few books which should have explicitly mentioned Thanatos; I believe that Adam Rosa, the SSS Rank Slayer turned traitor has brought them with him, he has either wanted to keep on studying them or has resorted to burning them." Gavin said.

"Forgive me for asking, Gavin. But what does Artorias think about all of this, so far?" I have not yet told him about Adam's sudden appearance at your mission yesterday, but I am sure his connections have already pieced two and two together and he already knows about it. I actually asked him directly after Adam's betrayal what he would do if they ever met outside the battlefield, and believe me when I say that that was the first time he ever showed such bloodlust in his gaze in the time that I have known him. It even scared me." The Serpent Summoner sighed as he wiped the sweat off from his head.

"At this point, he and Luken Regalia are the only ones who can go toe to toe against the Reaper. I do not think it would end lightly." Vale Ashford uttered.

"Why don't we just bring him back to Niflheim and bring the information out of him by force? Just make a squad with the Basilisk Slayer and the Commander, they can manage their own weight against him, right?" Zachary's question definitely made sense.

"You have to consider the fact that Adam Rosa has only shown himself a grand total of two times after he murdered the past Six Blades except me and Luken, Zach. He is not exactly someone who is easy to find and pinpoint.." Gavin said to the Fire Slayer.

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