Thanatos System

Chapter 132 - Fiasco

With no delay whatsoever, the Basilisk Slayer removed his great sword from his back and immediately pointed the weapon at Yin Sohaya.

"W-What are you doing, sir Art?!" Yin exclaimed as the number one ranked Slayer himself was about to attack Yin.

The white haired C Rank Slayer could do nothing but dodge recklessly as the Basilisk Slayer was giving out each slash his all. His eyes met the Serpent Summoner's gaze and pleaded him for help.

"He only wants to test something out, Yin! Bear with him for a while!" Gavin shouted back at his Six Blades junior. "Come on, Yin, prove to us that you are not some sort of sleeper agent the Angels have sent to Niflheim to destroy it from the inside…" His thoughts had already been fixated on the worst possible situation.

Thirty minutes ago, before Yin had gotten out of bed and was in the System's dreams attempting to talk and squeeze the information out of the Creator, Vale Ashford, also known as the Specter, convened some sort of plan in order to test Yin's loyalty in an improvised manner.

"As much as I would hate doubting Yin Sohaya's integrity and loyalty towards mankind, we really have to do this…" Vale said to the group consisting of Zachary Lancaster, Artorias Khalil, and Gavin Khalil.

They gathered around the courtyard trying to devise what the best plan would be to sniff out whether Yin is with the Angels like Adam Rosa is.

"My instincts tell me that the kid is clean, Vale." Artorias said while shrugging his shoulders. "But we should still do this nevertheless, just in case, you know?" He said.

"I still do not get why we are doubting one of our own, he had plenty of opportunities to kill me and Luken outside the Outer Gates when we were sent on that suicide of a mission with the fifty other kid Slayers, but nothing happened." Gavin pointed it out.

"With all due respect to your words and you, Gavin, the fact that you are a Six Blades member, under the same banner as Yin Sohaya is, makes your statements a bit clouded by bias. Sorry." The Specter brushed off Gavin's words under the rug and still wanted to push through with her plan.

Zachary raised his arms up and Vale acknowledged it. "I am well aware that I am a member of the Six Blades myself, so my words might not carry a lot of weight because of your pre-conceived notions of bias, but you yourself saw how Yin fought against Hai the Water Seraphim back then, did you not, Vale? Why are you doubting him now? It would have been for the best to let me die by that water wave? If he was a traitor like the Reaper, he would not have risked his life to swoop in and save me." Zachary Lancaster said.

"You make a good point, boy." Artorias Khalil said as he thought about something himself. "Yet this course of action and plan presented by the Specter is not only for her peace of mind or yours, it is also for your safety as well." The Basilisk Slayer told Zachary.

"What exactly do you two plan to do, even?" Gavin asked them." That is simple, my dear brother, we are going to force his hand, if he does have anything up his sleeve, that is for certain." 

The Specter placed a note inside the Serpent Summoner's pocket without him noticing it. Zachary's quick reflexes did, however. His eyes locked with the Specter's, but she just motioned for him to keep quiet as she mouthed out. "Just trust me." To which Zach did.

"I would definitely appreciate it if you respond sincerely just this once, Art. I do not want you shaking up my juniors." Gavin was serious in telling this to his brother.

"Alright, Gav. Jeez, calm down, man." Artorias raised his arms up and drew his large inhuman sword out. "There is no better truth serum than fear, always remember that." He said.

Fast forward to the current situation and Yin was busy trying to create some distance between him and the Basilisk Slayer, but it was getting more and more futile by the minute. 

The Basilisk Slayer did not answer to Yin's pleas and questions as to why he was doing this. Instead, Vale Ashford was the one shouting out responses. "We know what you really are, Yin! All we need is for you to confess that you are in league with the Angels and the deserter and traitor who is Adam Rosa!" Vale shouted.

"M-Me?! A traitor?!" Yin was perplexed. "I know I am not supposed to tell you this yet, Gavin, but I think the Specter slipped something into your pockets, it would be best to read it now so we both get the picture already."

The Serpent Summoner immediately dug through his pocket and found the small piece of paper. He opened it and was surprised at what his eyes saw. "I know this seems very cruel for Yin Sohaya, Gavin. Believe me, I really do, I fought with this kid out there and I know his heart is clean and pure. He does not harbor the animosity and lingering scent of blood that a traitor does like that traitor Adam did when we last met him. But me and the Basilisk Slayer, your dear brother was instructed to do this by the High Council. I am sorry for this, I hope you play along. They are watching us even right this very moment, which is why we are doing this. We hope you play along with this make believe interrogation." It ended with the Specter's signature which Gavin easily recognized.

"Heh. So that is how it is, huh?" The Serpent Summoner clenched his jaws and whispered something into Zachary Lancaster's ears. Telling the Fire Slayer about what he read in the note, but he also told him not to make any sudden movements which might throw the fiasco off.

"I do not know what you are talking about at all!" Yin exclaimed as he ducked another slice from the Basilisk Slayer's monstrous great sword. "Shit. Why are they doing this!?" Yin was trying to remember whether he did something which warranted being chased down by Artorias Khalil himself.

"What the actual hell is happening?! Is what the Creator warned about turning into a reality? Should I just tell the truth now?!" Yin was contemplating whether or not to own up to the truth that he was the System's carrier if they even knew it at all.

"But there is something wrong with how the Basilisk Slayer is moving, how do I put it? I should not even be able to dodge him at any given point considering our disparity in strengths. If this were a real fight, I would have been mince meat already ever since the first second that the fight started!" He thought to himself.

After finally getting cornered by Artorias Khalil, Yin now had no means of escaping at all, he did not wish to draw his gauntlets nor to use his powers at another human being. In his fear and confusion after seeing the Basilisk Slayer raise up his gigantic sword, preparing to slice him from the head to toe, Yin could do nothing but close his eyes and shield the attack with his hands. "I do not think my decay aura would catch him off guard at all! Is this really how my life ends?" Yin Sohaya trembled on his feet.

Their little interrogation and way to get a confession out of Yin was stopped by the Serpent Summoner appearing out of nowhere and blocking his brother's downward sword slash with his delicate knives. "That is enough, Art. Unless you want to fight me for real here?" Gavin was not joking at all. "He is already scared, what more of a confession do you want to hear from him? He knew that his life was in danger from the moment you stepped up and first drew your sword. He could have confessed any time during that but he relented and kept asking what the hell's happening. Do you get me?" 

"Yeah. I do get you. I believe that is enough for now." Artorias Khalil and the Specter walked out of the courtyard together, somewhere into the city.

Gavin extended his hand to Yin who was still trembling. "I am sorry for that, Yin." He said as the white haired Slayer took his hand and helped himself up.

"They were onto the fact that the Seraphims and Angels kept calling you 'Thanatos' every single time that you went out for a mission, Yin." Zachary said.

"I keep telling you, that is a mistake! There is no way I am someone other than myself!" Yin exclaimed.

"Calm down. We were defending you. Let us talk inside our quarters with Gavin." Zach said as the three of them went inside the Grand Castle to catch a breather. Yin had an annoyed expression on his face.. "Am I supposed to accept what just happened and all those allegations without an explanation?!" He asked the two Six Blades members.

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