Thanatos System

Chapter 151 - The Arrival

Acting as this team's scout, Vale Ashford was keen on identifying whether there were any other Angels that would come to this spot. Seeing as there were already Angels fighting on the frontlines, it would be safe to assume that Adam has already cracked the code and location.

For a split second, the Specter felt a faint feeling of dread and death right beside her, as she turned her head towards her side, there he was, the fallen Reaper, Adam Rosa. He was about to pierce through her side with his rapier if not for the Specter's quick thinking and instinctual combative blocking.

The Basilisk Slayer was already almost finished digging. Twenty meters deep was a small feat for him. But he stopped after hearing what the Specter said. "Art! He is here!" She shouted.

Artorias Khalil ascended immediately from the hole he still had not finished digging, and in his resurgence, he locked eyes with the best friend he lost, with Adam Rosa's blue soulful orbs. The Specter pushed with a heavy gush of wind, sending Adam back for a few meters. 

The Basilisk Slayer then jolted in, enchanting his feet with green lightning and he did this so fast he looked as if he just teleported to the Reaper's back.

He swung his great sword at his friend who ducked just enough to dodge it, and then responded back by piercing Artorias with such quick succession that one wrongly timed block or dodge would definitely graze the Basilisk Slayer.

Together with the Specter, Artorias was not holding back anymore, he was clouded with anger. He was striking his sword with the intent to kill his dear best friend, by all means necessary.

Meanwhile there were only half of the numbers of Angels left. Yin was masterfully using the sword that the System gave him. "This is really odd. It feels like I have already been using this sword ever since back then, weird." He thought to himself while swinging the long sword.

Luken shot a glance at Gavin, there was something wrong with these Angels, he thought. Gavin nodded even without him saying a word. Ignis called Kai Xin meanwhile, "Kai, these Angels are far too weak for some reason." Ignis said. "Yeah, these guys are about half of their normal strength in combat, I also noticed it." Kai replied back. Zachary heard what he spoke about and wanted to know more. "What do you mean, mister Ignis?" Zachary Lancaster asked him. "I meant exactly what I have said, Zachary, I have spent the entirety of my life fighting Angels and these things are not the normal ones that we normally face all the time." 

Luken flipped over a dead Angel's carcass and was surprised at what he saw. The portion of the wings that are attached to their backs seemed off, they looked like they were sewn in to the bodies of the Angels themselves. It was unnatural seeing this. After finally finishing off the last three Angels with the help of the Allcaster's multiple affinity attacks, they all convened together to talk about what just happened.

Ignis stepped in first. "Luken, these things fight like the Wingless Angels we came across against back during the Operation Phoenix mission." Ignis said. "Yeah. I am going to have to agree with this jackass for once, their way of fighting is very crude and unrefined, too rusty for that of a normal Angel's, in fact." Luken added. Ignis was fuming as to why he had to call him a jackass now of all times.

"I also think that observation is astute, take a look at this." The Serpent Summoner said as he dragged ang Angel's body by pulling its wings and showing it to everyone there. 

"So, all this time, we have been fighting against weakened Angels?" Yin was confused. "Yeah. I think that is the case, Yin." Responded Suna. Their discussions were interrupted by a tornado appearing right on the location of where the Specter and the Basilisk Slayer was. "What the hell is that!?" Faust exclaimed. "Let us go, we have to hurry, that is the signal that I told Vale to use if ever she and my brother are in a dire situation. Back them up!" The Serpent Summoner was getting used to taking command of the mission, little by little, his confidence was now rising as a leader.

They were lucky enough to have no casualties, but fighting weakened Angels was still no small task, there were even thirty of them. When they reached the place, they saw that the Reaper was going toe to toe against the Basilisk Slayer. Both of them were moving far too fast to even be seen by the naked eye. Yin realized just how far he and the others were when it came to real strength, these two were in a league of their own as their swords clashed and sparked in the battlefield.

Luken joined in on the battle and made it a one versus two scenario against the Reaper. He attempted to attack his mentor with the Aqua Juxtaposition he did earlier, but Adam dodged the water droplets with no effort whatsoever. "I see that you are able to do that move now, Luken, color me impressed." Adam said with a confident grin. Luken merely ignored his taunts and continued on synergizing his attacks with Artorias instead.

After he joined their little reunion, Hai, the Water Seraphim and Ares, the Seraphim of War showed themselves. Adam had in fact not come completely alone here. "Lightning Slayers, form a team and focus on that thing with a hole for a face! It specializes in Water attacks, so Fire Slayers should steer clear from him!" The Serpent Summoner shouted. Ignis, Hector, Kai Xin, and Zachary jumped back in order to not get caught by Hai's attack. 

He flooded the ground with water, making the footing very atrocious to fight in. It was also a double edged sword for the Lightning Slayers as well, they might electrocute themselves if they were not careful. Yin was together with Fen Kaori, and other Lightning Slayers, it was going to be a fated rematch with him and the Water Seraphim.

The Seraphim of War ran straight towards Gavin, intent on eliminating the 'brains' of the group. But she was stopped by Ryoko breathing a pillar of fire right in front of her. "Hm. A summoned beast, very interesting, Slayers." Ares thought to herself.  "Suna! After we see what this armored Seraphim is capable of, I want you to decide for yourself whether you will be of use against her!" Suna nodded. Faust Keisuke and Hector Incendium jumped in and swung their weapons at Ares, she blocked them with her arms, but was surprised after seeing that she had sustained wounds from it.

"I see. So, you are different from the other Slayers that I have killed thus far." She said out loud. This was the first time that the other Slayers had seen a Seraphim, yet they still maintained their calm and kept their composure well. Hector Incendium's Axe was stopped in the air by Ares' bracers that she armed her lower arms with. The clang from the impact sent shockwaves to the place.

They fought for about two minutes until both Faust and Hector decided on pulling back for now, they both looked at the Serpent Summoner and Ignis Silva's eyes. "Was that enough intel for you guys?" Faust asked. "Yeah. More than enough, actually, thanks." Gavin replied back. "It seems like this one has no affinity, it has already been closely cornered by the two of them yet she still has not resorted to using them, it is safe to assume for now that it is either incapable of using so, or that it is keeping it a secret for now. Though the latter does not seem like it is the case." The Serpent Summoner looked at Suna. "Do you think you can take her on? I will assign the three of you to fight against this one. Suna Izanami, Hector Incendium, and Faust Keisuke will battle this Seraphim for now! I can sense a couple of others coming in this direction, we cannot afford to place all of our fighters against one enemy." Gavin said. "All of you who still have no designated enemy, make sure to provided long range support and assistance against the Water Seraphim and this new one."

Yin worked hand in hand with Fen Kaori, the latter provided him with lightning attacks from the back while Yin was keeping the monstrous Hai company. His powers surprised the Allcaster at first but he began to just not question them and go with it. Yin mistakenly swung his blade and left himself in an open stance, as soon as Hai extended his palm, preparing to smack Yin into oblivion. Fen was still painting a bunch of boulders, he was too late to save him. A burst of flames erupted at Hai's face. Yin looked to see who it was who saved him.. It was Ignis Silva's cards enchanted with flames.

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