Thanatos System

Chapter 168 - Creator Unmasked

Yin walked by the mirror and noticed that he got really bulked up over the course of four months. The Creator had never really showed himself to Yin after the Commander revealed everything that Adam said to him. "I wonder how the Creator is doing now." Yin said to himself.

Indeed, his question would be answered that night as the Creator would show himself to the white haired System holder. Yin Sohaya closed his eyes while sleep carried him somewhere he had not ever been in months. The realm of the System. 

Yin Sohaya realized something was odd about the surroundings. Where there would normally be flowers waiting to be decayed as he walked by, he found them already lying dead and wilted on the floor below. 

"So, Yin, what do you think of the System?" The Creator's voiced asked him from up above the stairs leading into the room where the piano was. "I-I am very grateful for it. Without the System, I would not be able to fight in the front lines, I would not even get to know the Six Blades at all." He said. "And I do not know if there is any other life for me than to serve humanity and Niflheim." 

The Creator's body was still a dark, texture less void that had no features and discerning looks that could identify it. "Still, you only have six months left in your life until the rightful being ascends to the 'control room' of your brain. You should make do of what you are able to in your remaining time as yourself." He blurted out, which caused Yin's smiles of gratitude to vanish out of thin air.

"Is there no other way for me to keep on living as Yin Sohaya after six months? I am sorry to ask something as selfish as this, but I do not think I am ready to give up my body if we do not accomplish the task of annihilating the Angels just yet-" Just before Yin could finish what he was talking about, the Creator butted in with an annoyed tone. 

"Fool! Do you think you can just stop divide providence just because you wish so? There is no stopping fate itself, Yin Sohaya. Six months more and you will no longer be yourself. Mark my words, no matter what you do, it will prove to be useless in the end!" The Creator exclaimed.

Yin slowly walked up to the flight of stairs. "Would you still want to be reborn into my body even if it meant that we would kill the Vessel herself before my time as the System holder ends?" Yin gambled everything on this question. It was meant to throw the Creator off guard and have him admit who he really was. "You may try, but I do not believe my beloved will lose that easily-" Suddenly, the Creator's words stopped coming out of his mouth. 

"You slipped up, Creator, or rather, Thanatos." Yin aimed that question as some sort of a trap to see how the Creator would respond. This response sealed the deal for him. It was now confirmed, the Creator himself was Thanatos, or rather, his very soul. "The Commander told me about the 'white silhouette' which showed Adam Rosa some sort of way to bring his mother back to life, corrupting him in the process. Something as white as snow, plaguing the heart and soul of someone like that…utterly despicable." Yin shook his head as he said it.

The Creator, who is revealed to actually be Thanatos, showed his teeth and grinned while slowly clapping. "Splendid, Yin, splendid, splendid, splendid!" He excitedly muttered out. "I truly am your forefather! It runs it the fucking blood, eh?" He jumped from the stairs to meet Yin Sohaya head on. "Tell me, Yin boy, how did you figure it out? Surely, I have not telegraphed the signs myself? Was there any other source of information regarding me or the System's origins aside from Luken Regalia's own mouth?" Thanatos seemed to be having fun. 

Yin walked closer towards him, now coming face to face against the progenitor of his own bloodline. "I gambled everything on those threats of mine, I wanted to see how you would react. You know, for an Old God, you reacted very human, in a way." 

Thanatos laughed even harder. "Marvelous! Those empty threats of yours really got me that time, huh?" he continued grinning as he said that. "Wrong, Thanatos, you are mistaken." Yin corrected him. "Those were not empty threats. I mean it. The Slayer Corps will fail. No matter if the Vessel is your beloved woman or not, there is no way we are showing mercy. Mankind has endured long enough, being treated like mere animals, stuck in our red barriers, we have slowly been fighting back. And we will finish what we have started." The white haired Slayer confidently planted his foot as he uttered that.

"If you ever lay a finger on her, I will vanquish you all with no hesitation, Yin Sohaya. Mark my words." Thanatos retorted back to Yin. Slowly, his void like appearance vanished and was replaced with his true body.

Thanatos had pale skin as white as the fractals of snow, the same as Yin. As well as possessing his signature red set of orbs which was like the color of bloodshed itself, he towered above Yin in height, hell, he looked to even be taller than Artorias Khalil himself. A massive, imposing figure holding a sword which could only be described as 'crude', having spikes all around it, even the hilt. His silver hair covering his face every now and then. The face which could no doubt rival the most well-kept and handsome of the entire human population. His thick eyelashes and sanguine orbs looking down on the B Rank Lightning Slayer like he was just some mere insect on the road. 

In front of this massive gigantic titan of a being, Yin did not falter, he did not waiver nor did he ever tremble, not one bit. Although he was only at the same height as Thanatos' chest, Yin stood stalwartly and stared at him back. "You have finally revealed what you really look like." Yin could not help but realize that this would be how he would look like if ever got to the age of what Thanatos was in during this appearance reveal of his. 

"There is no point in hiding it from you, then. Once I get word that you filthy Slayers even touched the smallest part of my beloved's skin, I will send you to the darkest depths of hell from which there will never be any saving. Make sure you tell Luken Regalia that." Thanatos threatened Yin. "I will, I will make sure that your threats get to him as soon as I wake up." Yin retorted back. 

"Funny how you humans forget just who it is that is keeping you alive up till now, who fucking taught you how to cast the incantations needed to manifest the Red Barrier that shields you from these Angels? Tell me!?" he was losing his temper now. But there was this underlying voice of reason that kept assuring Yin that Thanatos would not be able to touch him inside this dream as he was still technically the holder of the System, the Old God of Death and Decay could do nothing but scare him. 

Yin looked him straight in the eye. "We all just want to live, Thanatos. And once something or someone threatens our sense of living, like these winged harbingers have over the course of millions of years, even if it is someone you hold dear, even if you did help in creating the Red Barrier spell which keeps them at bay on Niflheim, even then, mankind will still not relent. I have seen friends and comrades die by the blades and claws, by these wings and scythes that the Angels possess, we just want to live – and to continue living, we will embody the wrath that we have suffered from greatly ever since." 

"I do hope that your kind can deal with me once the time comes for my rebirth. I will reciprocate the emotions you have shown me today." Thanatos retorted back. "Our species are not just mere tools for both of your emotions, is it really so hard to understand that? Each person has their own dreams and promises left to fulfill, we are not born into the world just to die of old age or to be annihilated by Angels. But I do not suppose a God such as yourself can relate to such premises." Yin knew that it would be better for him to stop talking, but he wanted to show his forefather that no matter what Thanatos would say, the Slayer Corps would never stop from deploying a month from now towards the main hive.

"I just want to be with her, Yin. Frankly, I could not care less about your puny species. You all could burn in a ditch and I would not bat an eye."

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