Thanatos System

Chapter 21 - The Emperor

The Emperor walked into the room just in the nick of time.

If he had waited a second later, this room might have become bloodbath.

"I would like to refrain from repeating myself to everyone in the room. Stand down."

He was a man in his forties, he had greying black hair which he wore in a parted cut.

A well-combed beard hanged from his chin.

His black eyes scanned the room.

The Emperor wore red ceremonial royal robes and garments.

It was covered in gold.

He was about as tall as the Commander.

His rapier held tightly by a golden belt on his waist.

"Willis, what is the meaning of this?"

The black-robed leader of the High Council whose name was revealed to be Willis, stood down.

Dropped his golden grimoire to the ground and knelt before the superior figure before him.

Yin dropped his gauntlets and knelt to the ground as well.

This was followed by every single High Council member jumping down from their pillar-like thrones in order to show their fealty to the Emperor.

The Commander, Gavin, and the others followed shortly after.

"W-What are you doing here, Emperor Nicholas?"

Willis asked in his fragile voice.

"Well, it is not exactly hard to pinpoint the place where such high Anima energy is focused. Now, I would like you all to answer my question. Why have you drawn your weapons against each other?"

"Permission to speak, milord?"

Gavin asked courteously.

"Ah, the Serpent Summoner. Very well, you may proceed."

"We have come back to report the outcome of our conquest in front of the High Council. After exterminating the Angel, the traitorous SSS ranked Slayer, Adam Rosa appeared. He announced his invasion against Nilfheim in two years. Now as for what happened here, a member of our organization – the Six Blades, was ordered to show his powers, after he did just as asked; the High Council's leader immediately took out his grimoire with the intention of killing the said member. This boy, the one with snowy white hair."

Gavin said as he pointed to Yin.

"Adam… that traitorous scum! So, why is that, Willis?"

"M-Milord, this boy has powers which do not tie in to his lightning affinity. H-He can turn inanimate objects into dust by decaying. Reports have shown that he is able to age anything hundreds of years into the future in mere seconds! He has also awakened his Anima cells eight years too late! This such thing is unheard of! It is either black magic or tied to that traitor, Adam!"

Willis' voice shook with every syllable he managed to blurt out.

In less than a fraction of a second, the Emperor was now in front of Yin.

"W-What speed!"

Yin thought to himself.

The Emperor reached his arm out in Yin's direction.

"Take my hand, boy."

His voice had no ill-intent in it.

It was in fact very soothing to everyone's ears.

Yin gladly took his hand and got up.

"I am the Emperor. Nicholas Schneider. I'm sure you've heard of me, right?"

Yin nodded his head slowly.

"What's your name, child?

"Y-Yin Sohaya, sire. I've only recently awoken my Anima cells. Before that, I was a farm boy in a small village far away from Andora."

"Now, can you show me what you can do? I want to see what it is that scared Willis so much that he resorted to murdering a mere child."

He asked Yin and then gave Willis an intimidating glare afterwards.

"Y-Yes, milord."

Yin was nervous.

Although he was still a bit tired from the journey and the earlier exhibition, he buckled up and focused.

He exhibited his powers, both the Black Lightning and the Decay.

Much like he did earlier to the High Council.

"This is the first time I've ever seen anything like this."

"Exactly, milord, that is why it is dangerous!"

Willis forcefully inserted that into the demonstration.

"Willis. Be quiet. The child is focusing."

"Tell me, boy. Are you on humanity's side?"

"Yes, I am, milord!"

Yin answered loud and clear.

"Throughout twenty years of me being Emperor, this is the only time I've ever seen such abilities, its safe to say that your powers are not transferable or can be wielded by anyone else other than you, is that right?"

"Yes, milord. Y-You're correct."

Yin nervously answered.

"Seeing as you're a member of the Six Blades, I expect great things from you, Yin Sohaya."


"Willis, if you or the High Council ever pulls something like this without consulting me ever again, you will be severely punished, do you understand?"

"Understood, Emperor Nicholas."

All ten of the High Council members responded in unison.

"Everyone. Rise up."

The Emperor commanded them all.

"You know even though I've been doing this for quite a long time, I could never get used to people kneeling in front of me, it's just too formal for me."

Emperor Nicholas chuckled.

Luken was trying to stay hidden.

"Don't even bother trying to hide, Luken. Are you up to trouble again?"

"O-Oh, I wasn't trying to, milord."

The Commander let out a mischievous grin.

"I trust that you will take care of the boy well?"

"Yes, sire. I will."

Luken nodded.

"Good. You've matured, Luken. I'm proud of how you've grown."

"Thank you, sire."

The Commander let out a smile of gratitude.

"Milord, if I may?"

Gavin asked for the floor once again.

Clearly, he wanted to speak his mind urgently.

"Of course."

"The High Council ordered Luken Regalia and I not to engage in combat in the conquest, leaving fifty barely C-rank or lower children to fend off for themselves. This has resulted in forty or more children's death. Were you aware of this fact?"

"N-No. I was not. Explain yourselves, High Council!"

His black eyes stared daggers at the High Council's leader, Willis.

"I-I can explain, milord. It was merely to see if five dozen Slayers could defeat an Angel. We needed to know the ratio of a single Angel's equivalent to our troops! It was a success!"

The Emperor brushed his hair upwards.

He was clearly trying to prevent his anger from overtaking him.

"It just sounds like you were trying to get rid of Yin Sohaya before I could even get ahold of him. Willis. This is the last time you are ever going to brief a conquest without my signature. Once there are reports of you and your council going behind my back again, you really should dig your own graves before doing so."

Suna smiled.

She thought this was exactly what these old geezers deserved.

Emperor Nicholas made his way towards the Water Slayer twins.

Their eyes still clearly showing they were traumatized.

"I'm sorry, little ones."

He knelt in front of them and hugged Earl and Everette.

Which made them sob even more.

After a few minutes of the humble and sympathetic Emperor consoling the twins, he got up and looked at Suna and Cosette.

"I'll be watching the Annual Slayer Tournament. It will be held in the Grand Castle a few months from now. Do your best, girls."

"Y-Yes, sire!"

And with that, the Emperor left the room as he turned around and opened the massive door.

Yin's eyes were shining with excitement.

"It's still a few months away, right? Do you guys think I can become a B-rank Slayer in time for the tournament?!"

He asked gleefully.

"You're going to have to break my world record, Yin boy."

The Commander grinned.

"Then I'll do it. I'll beat your record and become a B-rank Slayer before the Annual Slayer Tournament opens for registration!"

Yin knew what he was going to do.

His determination and perseverance mirrored in his eyes.

"I'll get stronger. I have to. I'll become the strongest Slayer there is and eradicate these monstrosities roaming outside Niflheim!"

"That's the spirit."

Suna lifted her palms upwards towards Yin.

Yin high-fived it instantly.

"Right, let's go back to our hideout and make preparations."

Gavin said.

Everyone made their way out of the room. All of them except for Luken.

"See you later, fossils."

He waved at the High Council with a mocking grin.

Isabelle had a look of disappointment painted on her face.

"Why can't you just leave quietly?!"

"Y-You imbecile! Come back here!"

Willis exclaimed.

The group continued their idle chitchat in the hallway.

This was disturbed by someone's urgent warning.

"R-Run! I might have provoked the elders!"

Luken shouted.

With no questions asked, they quickly ran towards the entrance.

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