Thanatos System

Chapter 29 - Hold Back

"Is Gavin not going to use his grimoire and summon monsters?"

Yin was bewildered.

The young Slayer was scratching his head in visible confusion.

"He's trying to limit himself and hold back, Yin. Imagine if he summoned something really powerful here, there would be nothing left of these guys to take to the Enforcers."

"O-Oh, I get it now."

Up above the rooftops where the crimson-wearing hooligans converged on both Luken and Gavin.

They were all armed with various weapons ranging from swords to even gauntlets.

Most of them wore masks to hide their faces, but the ones who bared their appearances were truly terrifying.

Men and women alike who had this bloodlust deep inside their eyes.

You could immediately tell they were not just random people living in Niflheim.

No, these were hardened ruffians raised below.

Raised in the underbelly of vile cruelty and absence of sunlight.

These 'people' were armed to the teeth.

Moonlight shined its lunar glow on the town of Rizako.

It was about to get bloody.

Thirty or more of them were dashing at an astonishingly high speed towards the Commander and the Serpent Summoner.

Luken had the masked man armed with the bloodied copper hammer by the throat.

"Did you kill the old lady and her son?"

He asked calmly.

Yet his actions and demeanor totally mismatched the tone he used.

Just as the masked man was about to swing his hammer at the Commander's face, Gavin came in the clutch.

The Serpent Summoner pulled out two obsidian black daggers and proceeded to aim it directly at the assailant's hands.

Gavin threw it with such precision and meticulousness at his hands that the others were stopped in their tracks.

The masked man screamed at the top of his lungs.

His loud piercing shriek mirrored his own hand's state.

Two black daggers pierced his wrists in an instant.

This prompted him to let go of his hammer.

"Listen here you little shit, do I look like someone who is in the mood to be persistently pestering you with the same question over and over again in the entirety of this night?! So, did you kill them or not?"

The Commander was obviously trying to quell his own anger.

Shortly after that, the man actually opened his mouth despite the agonizing pain in his right wrist.

"I ain't telling ye filthy Slayers a thing!"

The masked man shouted with such smugness and conviction.

Luken drew out his sword.

"Maybe, just maybe, if I chop off one of your fingers, would you talk then?"

His smug facial expression vanished.

The Commander slammed him into the roof.

Coughing and gripping his own throat to soothe it after being choked, the man was gasping for air.

"E-Even if ye kill me, my comrades will still outnumber both of ye and win! T-They are going to kidnap those kids on the streets and leave you and that dagger-throwing scum to die a painful, horrible, death.

With the strength of an SS-ranked Slayer, Luken punched him while he was down.

He then proceeded to touch his sword's whole width with his other hand while the man was still immobile and writhing in pain.

Luken's sword was drenched in water, it had absorbed the water shortly after and turned blue, his sword was now enveloped in it, forming mini-blades moving in a circular motion that were akin to a chainsaw.

All that was left of the man's face was pure, unadulterated fear.

In all his life spent in the hell hole that was the underworld, he knew The Commander was true to his word.

"Stop! Luken!"

Gavin shouted from afar.

The Commander stopped.

But it was not due to the fact that Gavin told him to, no, he noticed the thirty or more troops were starting to move towards them again.

He pointed at the masked man.

"Move a muscle and that would be the last thing you'll ever do in your pathetic, worthless, unfruitful existence."

Fifteen seconds, that was all they had to spare until the masked individual's backup arrived at the scene.

Gavin moved closer to the Commander.

"Try not to break their bones too hard, Gavin."

"The same goes to you, Luken."

Both S and SS ranked Slayers were reveling in the glory of battle.

Gavin and Luken took off their Six Blades cloaks and stretched for ten seconds.

They used the remainder of the time to ready their weapons.

"Learn how to hold back, will you? Look, I even threw my grimoire away, you would not want to be banished for accidentally killing someone, right?"

Gavin said.

"Oh, yeah, my bad."

Luken deactivated his water enchanted sword, placed it back to his sheathe and tossed it to Yin.

"Yo, Yin boy, hold on to that for me!"

"Alright, sir!"

Gavin's green eyes were filled with poise and focus.

With their backs against each other, they readied themselves.

[ Quest : Exterminate Underworld Thugs 0/35 ]

"W-What? This isn't my fight though. Seriously, can you learn to read the situation a little bit better?"

Yin addressed his words verbally to the System itself.

"Who're you talking to, Yin?"

"O-Oh, I-I was uh, nobody! Don't worry about it!"

The Serpent Summoner had two seconds to formulate a course of action to take.

He decided on brute force.

"You take the back while I'll take the front, alright?"

"Alright, alright. Let's do this."

They both took their first steps instantly towards the direction they faced.

Three of the underworld thugs rushed at Gavin all at the same time.

Gavin kicked the first one upwards, hitting him in the chin.

The thug was still in the process of drawing his sword out.

He was sent flying down to the streets.

"Yikes, that's got to hurt."

Suna remarked.

Another one dashed towards Gavin and prepared to stab him from the side.

Gavin ducked just in time.

He swept the dagger-wielder off the roof, just as the thug was about to recover, Gavin punched his nape, rendering him unconscious.

"I really don't know if you guys thought about this already, but you do realize we're not your average coddled and pampered Enforcers, right?"

The Serpent Summoner had a smug look while he looked at the third one.

"Y-Yer monsters!"

"Nope. Incorrect.. We exterminate monsters, and I see plenty of monsters tonight."

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