Thanatos System

Chapter 48 - Three Blades Out Of Six

[ Daily Quest Completed : 15-kilometer sprint ]

[ Experience Points gained : 500 ]

[ Experience Points : 3000/3000 ]

[ Thanatos, you have leveled up. ]

[ Current Level : 4 ]

Yin's head buzzed with the woman's monotonous voice from the System.

"How long has it been since I have had this System in my body?"

Yin thought to himself.

[ It has approximately been three months and three days since you have inherited the Thanatos System, master. ]

Yin sighed.

"I was not asking you, I was just talking to myself!"

[ My apologies, master. ]

"What even are you, anyway? Some kind of parasite? An otherworldly power? A gift from the Gods?"

Yin asked the System itself.

[ Information classified. ]

"Alright, well, can you at least tell me where you came from or how you came to be?"

[ Information classified. ]

Yin sighed one final time and closed his eyes, getting ready for bed.

"I wonder what we are going to be doing tomorrow…"

His mind wandered aimlessly as he finally drifted asleep.

The next morning rolled around sooner then expected.

As the sunlight slowly invited itself over them and their room's glass windows, the rays of light woke them up.

All of them, except for Yin.

Every single member took turns helping Gavin cook, while the others set the table for breakfast.

The aroma of fried fish and mashed potato sided with half slices of apples was the factor that jolted Yin awake.

The Six Blades enjoyed a merry breakfast.

"So, I heard some strange things in the house last night."

Gavin said.

This made Yin, Suna, and Zachary choke up.

"I, err, it is probably some stray animals, right? Wolves and such."

Zach said.

"Y-Yeah, come to think of it, I really did hear some barking coming from the woods nearby, my senses are totally accurate and never miss so you can count on it!"

Suna responded nervously, trying to back Zachary's sentence up.

"Today will be our last training for a while."

Luken said immediately.

"W-What? Why?"

Yin demanded to know.

Scared that they might have enraged their superiors by lying about what transpired last night, Yin had to own up.

He glanced at Zachary, and then at Suna.

Both of them nodded.

In support of letting Yin tell them the truth.

"T-The truth is, we went out into the night to train. There were no wolves, I snuck out first and both Suna and Zachary followed, I should be punished for it!"

Yin exclaimed.

"And you are revealing this to us for what reason?"

Gavin asked with a stern look on his face.

"A-Aren't you mad that we lied? To the point that you are going to stop training us?"

Suna responded with a question of her own.

"Nah, not really, besides, we already knew what you guys were up to last night, anyway, so even if you still had not told the truth, it was still kind of useless."

Gavin said with a chuckle.

"So why would today be our last training session, then?"

This time, it was now Zachary's turn to ask.

"It is totally unrelated, Zach boy, come on, man, you really think we are that petty?" Luken laughed.

Everyone was still silent, waiting for him to reveal his explanation.

"Well, Gavin has received a message from the Emperor himself earlier this morning, information regarding the Angels have been uncovered. It is supposed to be something of utmost importance, it is so important, in fact, that they refused to write it on carrier pigeons, they feared the information might be leaked to the public."

Luken said.

Gavin coughed in order to clear his throat.

He did so while covering his mouth with a handkerchief.

"Basically, they invited every S rank Slayer and above for a meeting at the palace. Additional details about the briefing are classified, but we are set to leave tomorrow morning. Who knows when we will be back here again? If we are not back here in a month, then we will send out proxies to take Yin and Zachary on conquests, you are free to come if you would like Suna, see it as a practice drill in preparation for the Slayer tournament to be held six months from now."

Gavin's length explanation came to an end.

"Oh, and guys, try not to die. Even if I say this or not, I know you will survive. You are the new young core of the Six Blades, we chose you for a reason, and the Six Blades never chooses those who do not have the potential to be truly great Slayers serving their country and mankind. Do not disappoint us."

Luken said.

The trio of Yin, Suna, and Zachary stood up and bowed their heads.

"Yes, sir!"

A couple of hours after breakfast, they all met up outside the hideout, where they trained for the past couple of days.

Gavin approached Zachary.

"How are you finding the place so far?"

He asked.

"It has been good. I've learnt a lot."

Zachary responded.

"Is your heart still set on vengeance, Zachary?"

Gavin followed his question up.

Zachary did not respond.

He was silent.

"I am not one to tell you how to live your life, it is yours and nobody else's words should sway how you wish to live it, but having revenge as your primary motivator is a slippery slope. Trust me, me and Luken know full well how dangerous it is."

Zach reluctantly just nodded.

"In about a week, your Fire grimoire will be arriving, work on your Anima affinity spells, you got that?"

Gavin said.

"Yes, sir."

Luken gave each and every one of them clear and concise lectures about what they lacked, what they should do, and other tips in becoming an elite Slayer.

The sun went down just as swiftly as it rose up to the sky above, now it is setting far below.

Luken and Gavin bid the trio farewell.

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