Thanatos System

Chapter 54 - Hope

"No matter how you look at it, the Inferno Garden is the most potent organization against these hives, and these Angels as well. Ignis said, caressing his chin. "We're the top one organization for a reason, after all."

"Is that all you have? The power to burn these hives to the ground? You really think you can take these Angels head on if they ever were to awaken from their deep slumbers?"

An unfamiliar voice stepped in.

It was unusually deep.

Thunderously rich was the baritone voice which made every Slayer turn their heads towards the person speaking.

Walking out of the crowd's cover was a tall person.

A strange, ebony colored, long-haired man revealed himself. His features indicated he was of oriental and Asian descent. He wore a black vest with a white shirt underneath it, finished up with clean, black shoes and equally black khakis.

"Oh boy, I knew gathering all the weirdoes and cynics in one place would be a bad idea." Gavin said. "Why is he here? I thought he hated meetings and briefings."

Ignis had an annoyed expression written on his face.

His brows lifted up, forcing a smile, but it never came.

"Faust Keisuke, did you have something else you wanted to say? Something of value perhaps, something that might add to the already disclosed information by the Specter, or are you trying to ruin my time on the stage?"

Ignis wore an indescribable face, it was a mix of being repulsed and pure, unadulterated rage.

The Emperor sighed.

He was far too tired to contain the personalities clashing in this meeting.

"I came here as the representative of the Primal Hounds." The man known as Faust said. "What's with you sabotaging this already unpleasant meeting all of a sudden?! You annoying sack of trash."

"Come and say that to my face, you lowly lapdog. Also, do you not find it the least bit ironic that you are the one sabotaging me right about now?"

Ignis grinned.

"Alright, alright. Settle down, you all."

Luken spoke up.

Faust's eyes lit up.

"Greetings, Commander Luken!"

He bowed down.

Luken sighed heavily.

"You can't just disturb someone's proposal or when he's speaking during a meeting Faust, you know that already." Luken said. "You could have raised your hand or something, probably wait your turn."

"I know that, but this cretin thinks he and his organization are the strongest there is, I take insult to that."

Faust's brown eyes glinted with fury.

"Yeah, yeah, I know how you feel, Faust, but man, you have got to cool it. Seriously. We can slander Ignis afterwards, but we should at least hear what he's thinking. I am sure you don't want to stay here all day, right? Let's just get on with it."

Luken said.

Gavin was innately surprised.

He was shocked that Luken was the one playing conflict resolution himself.

Gavin was more used to Luken being the center of the conflict rather than the one solving it.

Faust backed down and went back to his spot in the crowd.

"Right. If I may continue, sire?"

He asked permission from the Emperor.

To which Emperor Nicholas nodded justly.

"I, Ignis Silva, would like to lead a group of Slayers towards the location of the nearest hive. I know I've gone through this earlier already, but rest assured that I will come out on top and bring positive results."

Gavin raised his hand.

"Yes, Serpent Summoner, you'd like to ask something?"

"And what of the risks? For all we know, the hive could no longer be there, perhaps the Angels have already accumulated their incubation stage and have started to fly around the place. I honestly do not like this mission. It is far too risky. I also do not trust your judgment in and out of combat, word of your latest conquest has spread far and wide, Ignis. It was truly impressive, believe me, but you still brought a B Rank rookie with you. That's questionable."

Gavin's haunting stare seemingly confronted Ignis.

The Slayers present wanted to know as well.

"If the hives are empty, then we can just take out the Angels ourselves. So, you think Hector was in any danger at all?"

Ignis asked while wiping his glasses off with a clean cloth once more.

"I for one, do not know. You tell me."

Gavin stood his ground.

"Well, why don't you ask him yourselves?!"

Ignis exclaimed.

A faint knock was heard on the door.

"Who's there?"

The guard stationed by the door asked. Lifting his heavy spear in advance.

Another knock, this time, louder.

"Oh, for the love of God, just open it."

Ignis said.

With all eyes on the door, it opened slowly.

A young boy walked through.

He looked to be two years younger than Yin.

This boy had rounded, yet driven eyes, it darted around the room for a bit. His thick, albeit short eyebrows rested gently on his face.

"Hector! Why don't you introduce yourself!"

Ignis exclaimed once more.

"Greetings. I am Hector Incendium, B Rank Slayer from the Inferno Garden. It would be a pleasure to work you all."

Hector placed a clean salute from where he stood.

He wore the same white cloak that Ignis did.

"What is the meaning of this, Ignis? I thought I had made it clear in the letters that only S Ranked and above Slayers should be present! This is not information that should be freely disclosed to the public as of yet!"

The Emperor got up from his seat and confronted the SS Rank Fire Slayer.

"I brought him here because he will be accompanying me on the reconnaissance journey. That's why."

The outcries and protests by the Slayers were followed with laughter and mockery aimed at Ignis and Hector.

Ignis Silva clapped his hands once to get everybody's attention, the Emperor was still dumbfounded.

"You may laugh all you want. It does not change my decision. I'm bringing the boy with me."

He declared with utter certainty.

"You're bringing a B Rank Slayer with you to a freaking Angel hive? Not to mention the fact that Hector Incendium's records show that he is only 17 years old and is only a Rookie Slayer. Have you lost it?!"

Another one from the crowd shouted.

"No, I am as sane as I ever will be." Ignis responded. "If Hector ends up dying, or is injured in the line of combat, then that is on him. The Inferno Garden does not care nor have the need and interest for weaklings. Hector! Do you hear me!?"

Ignis shouted to the boy.

"Yes, Ignis!"

The boy responded with pride.

"If ever you die, Hector, who's fault would it be?"

"The fault would be mine and mine alone, sir. My own weakness and aversion to strength, my own fault for being powerless. My own remedy for the disease called 'fragility' would be death itself. And I would gladly embrace it with pride, as it is the only cure for a life of not being strong."

Hector stomped his foot and aimed his salute at Ignis.

Everyone went silent.

"This kid's far too gone."

Luken whispered to Gavin.

"Yeah, tell me about it. Ignis Silva has brainwashed him to be a Fire Slayer under the insignia of the Inferno Garden, from the moment Ignis recruited him, he has ceased becoming a human being, and have been rendered as nothing more than Ignis' weapon in the battlefield." Gavin responded while shaking his head. "How vile."

The Slayers present knew just how rigorous the training in the Inferno Garden was.

Reports have been written about children, even adults, dying while under Ignis Silva's wing.

"Remember, Hector, if you are ever on the brink of dying, galloping between the thin line of life and death, you shall have nobody else to curse but your own. Curse your own powerlessness for placing you in that situation. The Inferno Garden does not have a place for babied pushovers only to become fodders in this great war that humanity currently fights!"

Faust clicked his tongue in disgust and disdain for Ignis Silva.

"How detestable…"

Vale walked back to the stage and drew a rough sketch of the Outer Gates map.

She sketched where Niflheim was, and where the nearest hive was which she saw while traveling back home after her mission.

"It is here."

She circled the northeastern part of the map.

"This is where the nearest hive is located in. Although I am sure it will not be left unguarded. The first hive that Dunham and I burnt to the ashes serve as humanity's hope. We can still win and conquer the outside world, start from the beginning, repopulate mankind and take back the planet from these winged harbingers!"

She rallied the Slayers who were also pumped and fired up.

The Emperor, who was still on his feet, turned towards Ignis once more. "Very well, I accept your request for a mission. However, I have several conditions that you must meet before I give this scouting or exterminating mission the green light."

The Grand Castle was swallowed up by the sound of Slayers clanging their weapons and clapping.

This was the start of mankind's all out retaliation.

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