Thanatos System

Chapter 61 - Faust Keisuke

Faust wanted to disclose what he had to say when they were at the safety of their rooms.

Both Luken and Gavin had an idea as to why.

Yet they were both still quiet.

After walking up a flight of stairs, they were close to arriving at the Six Blades quarters in the Grand Castle.

Faust was the one taking the lead. Galloping excitedly, as if what he was about to say was good news.

"You seem to be much happier and more hype today."

Gavin said.

"That is right, sir! I will not deny that."

The Primal Hounds second in command was gleefully grinning.

"Do you mind telling us why that might be?"

Gavin pressed on.

"Nope! We have got to wait until we get somewhere safe."

He retorted, still maintaining the cheerful smile he had painted on his face.

They finally got to a wooden door engraved with the words 'The Commander' and 'The Serpent Summoner.'

Faust Keisuke's eyes glinted in amazement.

"We have these in our quarters as well!"

He exclaimed.

"I think every Slayer present in the meeting currently staying in the Grand Castle has their names and such placed in the doors like us."

Luken answered.

"Exactly! That is what makes it cool! It means we are the strongest Slayers of our generation right about now!"

He claimed.

Faust's energy and aura was seemingly contagious, even Gavin got caught up in it.

The Serpent Summoner let out a chuckle.

"Well, I guess we should not argue with that."

Luken took out his keys from his pocket.

He stepped in front of the door and opened it after unlocking it.

The Commander playfully waved his right arm in a pointing manner, imitating a butler or a coachman.

"Make yourself comfortable, Faust."

He said.

"You really are the best, Luken!"

The S Rank Earth Slayer happily let himself in and sat down on a chair.

Their quarters were a bit tight, something that you would expect from two people living in it.

A bunk bed, two desks, and two windows.

Luken and Gavin have not spoken to each other ever since their altercation from earlier.

It was clear that they were ignoring each other.

"What has gotten into you guys? You had a fight or something?"

Faust asked.

"N-Nah. Not really."

Luken answered.

"I am sorry to be rushing you like this, Faust, but what is it that you wanted to tell us in private?"

Gavin asked him with a deadpan voice.

"W-Well, I, uhm…"

Faust stuttered.

"Agh, I guess it would be better to have you read about it for yourselves, right?"

He took out a mailed letter out from his vest pocket.

"We are not supposed to disclose this type of information as of yet, only the ones chosen would have been told this early."

Faust said.

"What do you mean?"

Luken stood up from his bed.

"I came across Ignis earlier. You guys do know how much I hate that intolerant and condescending asshole's guts, right?"

He asked them.

To which both the Commander and the Serpent Summoner simply nodded in agreement.

Faust then handed the letter to both of them.

Gavin read it first.

His eyebrows simply raised up and he then nodded to himself.

After reading it, he handed the letter to Luken, without a single word spoken between the two of them.

Faust was keen on knowing what the Commander's reaction might be.

Luken scratched his head slowly.

"This is going to be one hell of a drag."

The letter read as follows:

'Faust Keisuke, S Rank Earth Slayer and second in command of the Primal Hounds, you have been chosen as one of the Slayers to be deployed on the Operation Phoenix months from now. Give it your all and offer your life for mankind. Attached to this letter are the names of the others that have been chosen by Ignis Silva, captain of this operation and leader of the top ranked organization – the Inferno Garden.'

Written below were names of Slayers that Ignis chose.

It only had ten individuals on it, including Ignis and Hector Incendium.

Gavin Khalil and Luken Regalia were there. As well as the Specter, Vale Ashford. 

"I really though Ignis was going to give each of you a letter earlier, I saw him walk towards your direction, after all."

The Primal Hounds' second in command said.

Gavin had a slight realization.

"Hmm. I guess that was why he approached us earlier."

He said.

"We were not exactly approachable back then, but I think it was for the best. I would not want to entertain Ignis under those circumstances. I'd probably take my anger out on him or something."

The Commander said.

"That would have been a sight to see."

Gavin laughed.

Luken now began to break out a slight half smile.

"By the way, Faust, you seem to be overly joyous for someone handpicked by Ignis on this mission. I thought you hated the guy?"

Luken asked him.

"It really does not matter to me who chooses me in conquests or missions, as long as I can go out there and fight, I will gladly take every single chance I can get!"

Faust was amped up right now.

"Fight me, Commander! Let us have a friendly spar outside the Grand Castle. I will show you how much I have grown since I was still a rookie!"

"No thanks, I kind of want to sleep right now."

Luken answered with his voice absolutely being bored.

"W-We can do it after your nap! I swear I will make it worth your while. You have not fought a lot since coming back from the Outer Gates, right? I am not sure you even fought back then! Let's do it! I am going to wait outside the castle in about three hours!"

Without letting Luken interrupt him or even retort back, Faust ran to the door and vanished.

Luken groaned.

"Hey, Gavin, you want to fight him instead?"

Luken asked.

"I am going to have to pass up on that offer, besides, he would have a much better and fun time fighting against you in hand to hand combat, he looks up to you, you know that?"

Gavin responded.

"He was not like that back in his rookie days. Faust Keisuke was the weakest rookie in his class, believe me, he used to have absolutely no redeeming qualities to himself as a soldier."

Luken said.

"What happened? Was I not there? For as long as I can remember, the first time I saw him, he was already the hyper active Earth Slayer who just wants to have a fun time fighting for humanity."

"You were not. We were separated that time, you lead another conquest while I lead a separate one as well. Anyway, that kid used to be a scaredy cat. Think of Yin, but even more anxious and having little to no self confidence, that is how Faust used to be."

Faust Keisuke's sprint slowly turned into a slow walk to his quarters.

He remembered his first team, the very first conquest he was deployed into, when he was a D Rank Rookie Slayer back in the days. Luken was still not the Commander then, but he was chosen to lead this young squadron to conquer a distant town in the Outer Gates.

Faust stared at the sunlight until the white rays blinded his sight for quite a bit. He now reminisced his rookie days.

"Faust! What's with you? Will you stop shaking? Even if we're rookies, we have to pull our weight here! The people back at home are paying taxes for what we shove down our mouths every single day! We are not here to be scared, we are here to fight!"

Her friend held his shoulders.

"I-I am trying, believe me!"

Faust protested.

They were walking from the Outer Gates and were now close to their mission's location.

This group had to eliminate two Angels all on their own.

It was a combination of battle-hardened Slayers as well as a bunch of rookies and first timers.

"Leave him be. Every Slayer has had these moments in their first deployment."

Luken assured the shaking child.

"What is your name, boy?"

"F-Faust, sir! Faust Keisuke!"

He exclaimed.

"That is a neat name, your affinity?"

"I'm an Earth Slayer, sir!"

"Do you have family back in Niflheim?"

"Yes. My mother and sister."

"I see. Look around you, Faust, all this ruination. This death, it is horrible. None of us here wants to be outside the Outer Gates, right? But it is a job that someone is going to have to do. If you do not want to subjugate your family back in Niflheim to the horrors of the Angels and monsters, then you must fight. Even if you are shaking, even when you feel fear looming into you and numbing your senses. Fight. If not for you, then at least do it for your mother and sister."

Luken said.

Something had changed in Faust.

He was now much more focused and calm.

"I would gladly do that for them, sir."

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