Thanatos System

Chapter 63 - A Flashback From Long Ago 22

The battle raged on for another hour more.

An Angel that stood against the prodigy that is Luken Regalia was still unheard of during these times.

Whenever Luken lead a team into a conquest or a different mission, he always garnered great results and accolades.

But deep inside his mind, he knew. Luken definitely knew that this was his first time failing. Several rookie Slayers have died under his command, and this will not bode well for his image.

He was not caring about his image and his renown being tarnished, though. Luken was more worried about the families he had to talk to back in Niflheim. The thought of explaining to them that their sons and daughters were cut down by this newly revealed type of elite Angel, the Seraphim, weighed on his mind for the entirety of his fight.

Faust held the two children and hugged them.

He tried desperately to cover their ears from the loud clanging impact that the battle between Luken and the Seraphim were in, but it was useless.

Luken swung a kick at the Seraphim.

Its eyes flashed instantly, causing the visibility of Luken to drop for a second.

He was not at all expecting Sarathiel to pull this move out.

The Seraphim grabbed his foot mid air and threw Luken to the ground, front faced.

Groans of pain were heard all around the place.

"It was to my understanding and belief that you were to strike me down where I stool. That was what you told me, was it not, Luken?"

Sarathiel was mocking him.

Luken stood up, holding his chest, the nagging pain of his broken ribs was absolutely dragging him down.

He writhed in pain, gently pressing on the area of his chest.

Sarathiel walked slowly towards the injured Slayer.

Faust saw this, although he wanted to run up there and help him, he knew that it would be in vain. 

The Seraphim would notice his presence from a mile away. Heck, it even notices he is watching right now.

"S-So that means if Captain Luken fails and is defeated by that thing, i-it will come for us?!"

This thought was repeating inside his head.

Sarathiel was now closing in on Luken.

The Seraphim was pounding its fists together.

It waited for quite a bit before doing anything.

"To be human, means to be fragile. We are the hunters, the apex predators. While you lowly beings are merely fodder for our mission. Once we find 'him' we will discard of your existence altogether and leave this destitute planet behind."

Sarathiel's eerie voice rang through Luken's mind.

The Seraphim had leaned its head closer in order to incite fear in Luken's state, to cause further damage.

Luken placed his hands forward in a shooting manner, much like a gun.

In that instant, a piercing flow of water flew out from the tip of his fingers and hit Sarathiel in the eyes.

This made the Seraphim scream out in anger and annoyance.

Faust, due to his extraordinary senses, knew someone else was there.

He felt the silhouette of someone who was fast, far too quick to be seen by the naked eye, that was for certain.

But there was no mistaking it, someone was coming.

"Who was that? I sure did not call for backup, was it another Angel? No. I sensed a person who had overwhelming Anima cells, someone on par with the Captain himself…"

Faust was dumbfounded and continued to watch the battle unfold.

"I get that you're the first instance of an Angel who is able to communicate and all that, but you talk too much."

Luken said while he was smirking in a smug manner that seemed to enrage Sarathiel even more.

"How long are you going to wait around, Artorias?"

He remarked ecstatically. 

His words had confused the blinded Seraphim. 

That small window of confusion was more than enough.

A faint green slash was the last thing Sarathiel was about to see for a few hours, if it had not slashed his head off, anyway.

Faust was absolutely dumbfounded and surprised.

He could not believe his eyes.

It was the SSS Rank Slayer – Artorias Khalil. Also known as the Basilisk Slayer. 

"I-Is this for real?! This person is the only Slayer who can go toe to toe against The Reaper, Adam Rosa!"

He exclaimed.

"What the heck took you so damn long, man?!"

Luken had a hint of impatience in his voice.

Artorias wore a darkish green heavy armor. The texture was scaly, much akin to a snake. He also had a helmet on which covered his whole face up, his eyes glowed green on the narrow holes for vision.

He pushed his helmet's visor upwards to reveal an expressionless man with golden, dark skin.

"What seems to be the matter here, the 'prodigious' Slayer of the century as touted by many is having trouble against a single Angel?"

Artorias slightly mocked Luken.

His English accent was palpable and pronounced.

This person was indeed Gavin's brother, he had the same snake-like eyes.

"Cut me some slack, Artorias. This thing right here is not your typical run of the mill Angel, it can speak.

Luken said.

"Fascinating. I take it that this creature should probably be 'stronger' than the average Angel, yes? Seeing as how sorry your state currently is."

Artorias responded.

"Man, you look more and more like Gavin each time I see you. Or could it be that Gavin looks more like you? You know, since you are older than him."

Luken responded back.

"Is that really something you wish you could have said?"

The Basilisk Slayer had a glint of disappointment in his eyes.

"Nevertheless, seeing as how this 'Seraphim' as you call it has given you this much trouble, it might actually be worth my while."

Artorias stretched around and pulled out his massive broadsword from the ground.

Sarathiel was waiting for its eyes to recover and heal up.

"Oh, sorry about that. I did not know Luken damaged your eyes already, if I had known, I would have aimed for another spot."

Artorias said.

"How arrogant. Tell me, human, would it not have been better if you were to strike me dead in the state that I am right now? Rather than waiting for my eyes to heal? This might end up costing you both your lives. Take it as a warning."

The Seraphim Sarathiel communicated with Artorias and Luken through their minds once again.

"You were not lying, Luken. This thing really is able to speak. Well, its voice is a bit weird, but it is understandable."

The Basilisk Slayer turned to Luken and said that.

"Are you sure you do not just want to finish it off right now?"

Luken asked him.

"No. There is no honor in exterminating damaged foes, so much more if they have sustained significant handicaps. That just makes it a non-battle, it would be – boring."

Artorias' words enraged Sarathiel even more.

"Fool! You will regret giving me the chance to-"

Before the Seraphim could finish transmitting its words to their brains, Artorias was already behind it.

"I just want to make sure you do not run off when the fun part begins, Sarathiel."

After saying those words, the Basilisk Slayer cleaved through and clipped the Seraphim's wings.

Bones crackled at such a loud frequency that Faust had to cover his own ears.

Luken did so as well.

"There. Once your eyes heal, that is the time wherein I will strike. No flying away, alright?"

Although he wore a helmet, the Seraphim knew what expression was painted on his face. It was a smug grin.

"You are merely human! You do not have the right to speak to a higher being in that tone! Very well, I shall fight you to the death."

Sarathiel said to them telepathically.

"Hey, Art, come here for a second."

Luken gestured Artorias to approach him.

"What is it?"

Luken was panting.

His breathing has gotten faster and faster.

"Do you have those, err, healing snakes or something that Gavin could summon?"

He asked.

"You know, Luken, for a prodigal Slayer, as the people might call and proclaim you as. You are a bit stupid."

Artorias responded back.

"That is a bit harsh, man. I was just asking you!"

Luken pouted.

"Do I look like a Summoner to you? By the way, how is Gavin nowadays? Why are you not with him?"

"No, you look like an asshole, and you most definitely are! Gavin and I were assigned to lead separate teams on separate missions today. I think he's in the Eastern part, if I recall correctly."

Luken said.

"I see."

The Basilisk Slayer sat down next to Luken and observed the Seraphim slowly emanating steam trying to heal its eyes.

"Don't worry about Gavin, he's a hell of a lot more capable than me! He's pretty smart as well."

"Idiot, I am not worried about him."

"Isn't he your brother or something? Why shouldn't you be?"

"Precisely. He is my brother, so I have nothing to worry about."

Artorias said with a smile.

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