Thanatos System

Chapter 65 - Bloodlust

The battle between the powerhouse Slayer of the Khalil family ended with him emerging victorious.

Luken and Artorias made their way towards where Faust and the other two Slayers were.

There were only four survivors in the totality of this team, including Luken.

It was definitely his first time having team members die on him like this on that scale.

Faust's eyes were that of a sorrowful gaze.

His brown hazel pupils stood firm as he saluted Luken and the Basilisk Slayer.

Luken pat his head and forced a smile.

"You did good, Faust. You really did, believe me."

The prodigy Slayer said to him.

"I-I am sorry I could not do anything to aid you in your fight against the Angel, sir."

Faust apologized and looked down.

"Hold your chin up, Faust. Let this be a reminder that being strong comes with added responsibilities. My responsibility was supposed to be to protect all of you, but I did not expect Sarathiel to emerge from the ground and catch us with a surprise attack. That is on me. Their deaths are something that I will forever carry, not you. Do you get that?"

Luken responded.

Faust had tears rolling down his cheeks, as well as the two children he held tightly in his arms.

"This happens every single time in battle, kid. Do not sweat it. We risk our lives every single time we venture out in missions and conquests to claim back the land that humanity lost. To be able to do that, one must know his own limitations and strengths. I was sure you would have been a burden towards Luken had you jumped in and helped him in his battle from earlier, judging from the Seraphim's strength, I can tell you that much. That is good, that you know your own limitations. Life is fickle, try to find meaning in the littlest of things. Just look at me, fighting gives me a rush, and I embrace it wholeheartedly."

The Basilisk Slayer placed his hand on Faust Keisuke's shoulder.

It did not stop him from crying, it worsened it.

Faust was now bawling his tears out.

"Had you decided to help Luken, I doubt these kids would have made it if there were additional reinforcements. You did well for a rookie. I will be expecting great things from you, Faust."

Artorias said.

"Luken, I will be heading back to the Grand Castle as quick as possible, my memory is not as good as my brother, so I am going to report it back and write down what happened before I forget about it."

"Seriously, how do you even forget about something like that? Did you not say that Sarathiel the Serpahim was one of the toughest foes you have had to face for quite a bit now?"

"I say a lot of things like that to my enemies, would not want them to die feeling they were only pests and were no match for my might."

He smirked.

"I know I have said it before, Luken, but you really did well. Just keep this between us, but I have spoken to Adam Rosa about two weeks ago, and he said he has his eyes on you. Well, not just you, both you and Gavin."

The Basilisk Slayer said.

"F-For real?! Are you serious!?"

Luken was back to his happy cheerful self once more.

"Adam Rosa? Isn't that the one that the Basilisk Slayer keeps competing in the top spot against? He is also the de facto leader of the Six Blades, another top organization along with the Inferno Garden and Primal Hounds, right? These two keep going back and forth each month, taking the top two and the top one place in the Slayer Rankings all the time. The disparity between top two and three is honestly something that is known in the Slayer Corps by now."

Faust Keisuke thought to himself.

The people right in front of him were definitely on a whole different level than him as he was right now.

"But know this, brat, I will never lose the drive to be the strongest Slayer ever documented in mankind, not to you, not to Adam Rosa, not to anyone…"

Artorias said.

"I will be catching up to you soon, be careful, Art. If you focus only on Adam, I might just blow up in the ranks one of these days and overtake both of you."

The blue haired Slayer grinned.

Faust felt the atmosphere change swiftly.

"A-Amazing. Even after fighting that new type of Angel, which was obviously stronger than the ones we have fought so far, they both still want to talk about being as strong as possible."

He said to himself.

"I am looking forward to that. Now then, I shall be taking my leave." He shook Luken's hand. "It is nice to meet the three of you. Farewell." Addressing that to Faust Keisuke and the other two survivors before walking into the sunset back towards home.

Luken scratched the back of his head and let out a chuckle.

"He is a bit cynical, but he is a good guy."

He said.

"Y-Yeah, you are right, sir."

"Artorias the Basilisk Slayer does not really take the time of his day to ask for rookies and their names, Faust, that means he sensed something within you, an untapped potential, perhaps. He is expecting a lot from you. But do not be pressured or anything, just take it easy!"

Luken told the D Rank Earth Slayer Rookie.

"H-How can I take it easy after what you have just told me, sir?!"

Faust exclaimed.

There was a glint of hope in his eyes.

"So, what do you want to do?"

Luken asked.

"I am going to mourn my fallen teammates and allies when we get back. As well as my own powerlessness. After that, I am going to train. I will catch up to you guys, mark my words…"

Faust looked up to the sky as he said that, seemingly announcing his intentions and aspirations to the world.

He closed his eyes and opened it instantly.

Faust was now back to the present day.

"I still have a long way to go before I can even get to stand on their level, but I am adamant that I can do it."

Faust Keisuke said to himself while he lay on his bed.

He looks at his brown watch situated in his wrists.

"Hmm. It seems it is almost time for my fated sparring against the Commander."

Faust made his way outside of his quarters and quickly jogged down the Grand Castle's hallway in order to arrive at the gates.

By now, Luken was lighting up a cigarette by the window in his room.

"Luken, are you not meeting up with Faust ten minutes from now?"

Gavin asked him.

"I am, do not worry, I have not forgotten about it."

Luken smiled.

"I just thought about how quickly the passage of time makes its way in our lives. A couple of years ago, we faced the first ever Seraphim humanity has encountered. That was also the last time. I have not seen their kind for years now. It makes me a bit anxious thinking about it, you know?"

Luken said.

"Yeah, my brother told me what had happened that day a couple of years back. He also said that you were as much of an ass as ever, and that you let the people's praise go to your head."

Gavin quickly shut him down.

Luken chuckled sarcastically.

"By the way, Luken. Wasn't the original plan supposed to be that you guys were to capture Sarathiel the Seraphim back then? What happened?"

Gavin asked.

"It was your brother, you know how much he loves a duel and fighting as a whole, right?"

Luken responded.

Gavin nodded and waited for what Luken was about to say.

"Well, let us just say that he got carried away."

"Meaning what?"

"It was really scary, believe me, his green eyes lit up underneath his mask as if he was reveling in the bloodlust, you know it is frightening if even I got scared."

Luken answered Gavin's question.

Gavin let out a sigh.

"That is why he does not want to join an organization. He is at the top right now in terms of individual rankings, but he has no team with him. The higher ups coddle him by appealing to his requests of being deployed solo every single time."

Gavin clenched his jaws and made a fist.

"Not being in an organization is not so bad. I mean sure, it might get lonely, but I just do not see your brother as the type to regularly interact with other people, I am sure you know that more than I do. You are probably worried about him, right?"

"I did not say that."

"You do not need to. Just remember, Gavin, he is at the top for a reason. Even without someone else watching his back out there, he'll still emerge victorious. That is how strong Art is."

"Yeah, I guess you are right.

Gavin smiled.

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