Thanatos System

Chapter 68 - The Dragon

"Woah, would you look at that…"

A voice from the woods nearby was heard.

This prompted the three of them to assume battle stances.

Oliver was also quick to draw out his weapon, the famed bamboo shoot.

"Who goes there?!"

Zachary asked with urgency.

A figure walked out from the cover of the tall trees.

"Yo. I am not here to fight, by the way. You can rest easy, believe me."

He said just before the sunlight uncovered the shadows and revealed his features.

This man was young, probably in his early twenties. His skinny and generally scrawny figure would lead you to believe he is not a Slayer.

But the insignia of the Inferno Garden disproves that instantly.

He had long and red auburn hair which he wore slicked back, some stray strands of it were in front of his face, though.

The man wore a white fur coat covering his body fully.

Underneath it was a red undershirt paired with black trousers with chains, finished off with equally black boots.

"Why is an Inferno Garden Slayer supposed to be here? In a hidden hideout occupied by the Six Blades?"

Suna stepped in front to confront the shady person.

"There is no reason, really. I am just here for a quick adventure! Why don't you and your friends just ease up a bit? Is this how the Six Blades treats another Slayer? How rude."

The man exclaimed while smiling with his tongue out, revealing a metal rod in the middle of it.

His slanted eyes were calm and relaxed.

"Let us say that might be the truth, that still does not allow you to trespass in our hideout and come over without sending a message via your carrier pigeon or for good reason! Identify yourself!"

Yin shouted back.

The red haired Inferno Garden Slayer reached for his pocket slowly.

Yin, Zach, and Suna were all anxious.

"What is he doing?!"

They all thought to themselves.

A laughter came out from the man's already smiling face.

He pulled out a worn leather wallet.

"It is just my wallet, what are you kids so worked up about? I really do not get it."

The man opened it and flipped it back towards the Six Blades rookies.

It was his Slayer License.

Suna squinted.


She saw his name.

After seeing the young man's rank, she immediately told the others to back off a bit.

She whispered something to Yin and Zach.

Their eyes widened with surprise.

"Yeah, that is me! Kai Xin."

Kai revealed his name.

"Is my birth name honestly that bad or scary? Why did you back up? I am kind of hurt, really."

He said playfully imitating a crying motion.

"What is your organization – the Inferno Garden's intention here, sending an S Rank Fire Slayer in another top ten organization's hideout area?!"

Zachary asked Kai.

"I already told you, didn't I? I am just sightseeing, honestly! Wait. I was told there would only be two members at home. Hey, you! The tall one! Who the heck are you, kid?"

Kai answered Zach's question with another question directed at him.

"The name's Zachary Lancaster. I am a rookie in training under the Six Blades."

Zach retorted back at Kai.

"Let us see. I would like to guess that you are a Fire Slayer, am I right?"

Kai guessed.

"H-How did he know that?!"

Zach turned to both Yin and Suna.

"I have no idea. One thing is for sure, this guy is shady as hell…"

Yin sad.

"Yeah, he is ridiculously strong as well. I honestly do not think we can take him on in a fight."

Zachary said.

"Open your eyes, Zach, he just came here unannounced for no other reason than to 'sightsee', if that is not a load of lies then I do not know what is. For now, we should just assume that he is here for a fight, I have no reason to back that up, but I just feel it."

Suna told them.

The four of the Six Blades, including Oliver, huddled up and talked it out, leaving Kai to stand his ground and wait.

"What are you guys talking about? Can I join in?"

Kai Xin still had that devilish smile etched into his face.

"I am getting kind of bored being left out of here, guys. I would really appreciate it if you let me join in on whatever it is you are talking about."

Kai crossed his arms and moved his point finger up and down signifying his impatience.

"What should we do, Suna. You were the one that Gavin entrusted us with, right? Make the call and I will follow it."

Zach told Suna.

"Our actions will be determined by your decision, Suna. We will trust your judgment."

Yin said to her as well.

"Let us just wait a little bit for now. We will see what his actions will be and I'll make the call based on that, just be ready for a fight. Got it?

Every single one in the huddle nodded, even Oliver the baby panda.

Kai Xin sighed.

"Ugh, fine. I will tell you what I was really instructed to be here for, I have not got the time to spend all day here watching you guys glaring at me..." Kai slicked his hair back with his hands. "To put it in the simplest of terms, I am here to fight!"

His grin made a come back right in that instant.

"I should tell you for what reason, really. But that can be told later on. Now, you Six Blades brats, come at me with everything you have got! If you hold back, I will know it. I can sense your fighting spirits; it gives me the chills…"

Kai was definitely not holding his excitement back.

"There we have it, he is here to kill us. Great."

Zach said nonchalantly. 

"Focus, Zach. Yin, can you fight in your condition?"

Suna was still worried about Yin.

The Nix Eyes activation was most definitely the cause for his weakened state.

Oliver was pulling on Suna's feet.

"It is okay, Oliver, we will protect you."

The baby panda shook his head but Suna failed to notice this.

"My condition is irrelevant, Suna. It does not matter. I will fight alongside you guys, I could bear to live with myself if I just watched you and Zach from the backlines.

Yin said as he readied his gauntlets.

"Tch. Just focus on not being a hindrance and bringing our rhythm down in the fight."

Zachary quickly said.

"Was I even talking to you!?"

Yin exclaimed back.

Oliver once more pulled Suna to get her attention. It was as if he had something to urgent to show them.

"Guys! Focus!"

Suna shouted.

In the midst of their conversation, Kai Xin had vanished into thin air.

"C-Crap. Was this what Oliver wanted to show me?! I was too careless!"

Suna thought to herself.

"Watch your surroundings, eliminate the areas where he might hide in, make sure your form has no blind spots!"

The three of them formed a circle and rotated around, having their backs against each other.

Zach had his grimoire out and ready to go.

Suna was slightly hopping up and down, warming herself up.

[ Quest : Exterminate the Dragon ]

"What? I do not see a dragon anywhere?!"

Yin exclaimed.

This confused Suna and Zachary.

"I keep telling you to focus, Yin!"

After she said that, she sensed a silhouette coming from up above.

"Everyone, scatter out!"

Suna tried to warn the two of them to scatter out because the surprise attack was going to come from above, not in front of them, but Kai was far too quick.

He kicked Zachary's grimoire out of his hands as he landed and then threw a punch at him, sending the rookie Fire Slayer flying to the side.


Suna shouted.

As she turned her attention towards Kai, he already had his hands on Yin's neck.

His smile which was so prevalent from earlier, was now gone.

All that was left was pure strength and focus. Kai's red eyes immolated like a bonfire left unchecked.

"How do you know my moniker, boy?"

Kai held Yin up with his hands.

"I-I-I do not know!"

Yin responded back.

Oliver desperately slapped Kai's legs with his bamboo shoot, it was not doing anything whatsoever to stop this.

"Yin! Hang on!"

Suna dashed forward towards them, but Kai had already sensed her presence getting closer and closer.

He threw Yin's body at the dashing Suna with no hesitation.

Both of them were on the ground.

Slowly, the three of them got up.

Zachary flipped through the pages of his grimoire until he could find the page with the Whirling Fireball spell.

Zach casted the spell and aimed it directly at Kai, who just stood his ground and watched him.

"Interesting. You really are a Fire Slayer. I suppose the Commander has chosen all-rounders this time around, huh?"

His deadpan gaze slowly regressed back to his joyful demeanor.

"You kids are not worth taking seriously. I doubt you're even worthy of carrying this organization's name."

He bluntly said.

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