Thanatos System

Chapter 70 - The Creator

Yin desperately looked around, but all he could see was pitch black darkness.

He heard someone's voice.

"So, you really are the System's holder? You do not seem strong at all. In fact, your strength is nonexistent."

A man's soft spoken voice told Yin.

"Who goes there?!"

Yin shouted.

"Tell me, boy, how were you even compatible for receiving the Thanatos System? I mean just take a long hard look at yourself."

The voice said while laughing hysterically.

"Show yourself, then! I will beat you to a pulp!"

Yin said.

"The way that you are right now, Yin. You are not even worthy of breathing the same air as me. That is how insignificant you are. I saw your life back when you were still working as a farm boy, nothing has changed. You are the same as you were back then. Just cattle to hungry monsters outside."

"Do not ever talk to me like you know me! You are just some voices from the System. Another one of those annoying voices trying to tell me what I can't and can do! Let me out of this place, I have to go help my friends out. Or is this some kind of power or skill that you have casted on me, is that you, Kai Xin?!"

He responded.

"It does not matter who I am. What matters right now is you. What is it that you want to do, Yin?"

"I-I want to protect my friends and everyone else in Niflheim from the Angels and monsters outside the gates, that is what I want to do!"

"Those are honestly big words, boy. Big words for someone who went into a mental shock from almost killing another person with his System powers."

Yin clicked his tongue.

He wanted to move and go to the source of the voice.

But he could not, his hands were bound behind him, he sat in a dark room with little to no lighting.

All he could ever see or hear was the voice of this man coming from a door which was slightly opened.

The voice belonged to someone who could be seen with glimpses as sitting in the room with the slightly opened door. Flowers were on the room's floor, now decayed and withered away.

It was far too dark and blurry to be able to see the man's build and appearance, though. Yet what was in front of him was clear – a piano.

The man was not playing it, however.

He had his whole body faced towards Yin from the slight peek from the doorway.

Yin was enchanted.

It was as if his frustrations and stresses were nonexistent here, wherever this was.

"A realm inside the System, maybe?"

He thought to himself.

Yin could not explain it, but he felt like he had been here before.

He felt as if he was home.

Until suddenly, he remembered Zachary and Suna, how Kai Xin was taking them down one by one.

"Let me out of here! I have to go help them!"

He exclaimed once more.

"And what, you come back out there and turn that guy into ashes? What do you think would happen if you could not control your powers once again? If it runs amok like it did earlier, you will end up killing the person as he does not know what your capabilities at all are."

Yin looked down and bit his lower lip.

He tried to move and get out of the area he was bound in, but he could not, no matter how hard he struggled.

"Deep inside, I know what you want to be and what you want to do, Yin."

"If you think you know so much, then what is it?!"

Yin exclaimed back.

"For someone who wants to be a hero who shields everyone from harm's way, your powers are the opposite of it. It is destructive, cataclysmic, even. Your powers reek of death, yet you wish to take the high ground and claim yourself to be a hero. It takes a strong person to deny the true nature of what he is. Even if it is laid out in front of him."

The voice said with the equally soft enunciation of words it has done for quite some time now.

"Yet the strength of willpower alone cannot carry over to one's actions."

It added.

Yin knew he was correct.

"I can fix this problem of yours right now, Yin."

Yin's eyebrows raised for little.

"Oh yeah? How are you supposed to do that? You're just a voice in the System. A voice residing in my head, you have nothing you can do to help me. You get nothing from it, you are probably reveling in my suffering right this moment."

"Trust me, Yin Sohaya. I really am. You talk big, you really do. Is this the extent of what a hero is able to accomplish? Just standing idly, shaking, as his friends are knocked out one by one? Some 'hero' you are."

Yin clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Are you going to tell me what it is you wish to do that will help? Or are you going to sit there, visible only with a small crack of the door, talking smack at me and hurling insults!?"

"Heh. Very well. Lend me your physical body, I will control it myself. Just think of me as some kind of 'System Enhancer' if you may."

"L-Lend you my body? What does that even mean?"

"I have already told you. Once you lend me your body, I will be able to control it. And we can eradicate this Kai Xin guy, well, I do not know about beating him, since your body is pretty weak, even after all of the daily quests and training you have partaken in. There is also a chance I might fail and end up losing, but that should be attributed to your weak body frame and structure, not mine, got that?"

"No way! I am not lending it to you. You do not even trust me enough to tell me your name, how do you suppose I would react if you told me that you wanted to use my physical body in the real world? Are you out of your mind?"

"I understand there is some confusion as to what I am and exactly who I am. I will only say this much, I am the sole reason this System was created for. Think of me as one of the two creators of the Thanatos System. Once I am in control, the System powers heighten and will render you stronger for that very moment. That is all that I am willing to disclose. Are you letting me switch with you or not?"

"Let us say I do, what if you do not give control back to me?"

"Well then, you are going to have to gamble on it."

The voice chuckled as it said that.

"G-Gamble?! Be serious for once!"

"Oh, but I am serious. If I decide to keep using your body, you will not be able to do anything about it, you will take my place in the System and sit around, at my mercy if I ever would want to switch back."


Yin was silent.

"Let's do it, then."

He said.

"Wait, did you even hear what I just said to you?"

"Yeah, I did. If that was really your plan all along, you would have sweet talked me into it. Disclosing your plans and it being as sinister as that really does not add up. You could have done that without telling me."

The voice laughed louder than it did earlier.

"You're interesting, Yin Sohaya."

"Just shut up and get on with it, Creator."

"Fascinating, is that what you will be calling me from now on? Very well."

The figure sitting in that room, only visible by the smallest of openings on the door, slowly got up and opened it.

What's behind him was blindingly bright, Yin could not make out his features, nor his face.

The blinding rays of light slowly enveloped the room and expelled the darkness covering it.

Kai Xin turned around to see Yin, still on the ground shaking.

"Are you just going to wallow around there and let your friends go down like this? Pathetic."

He said.

Silence plagued the air.

Yin did not respond.

Kai kicked his feet off and was now in front of Yin in the blink of an eye.

He was absolutely the real deal.

Oliver was trying to shield him by extending his arms around Yin, forming a shield of some sort.

Little did he know, Kai was already behind him.

Kai just ignored the baby panda.

"I was talking to you, white haired brat. Are you as rude as your friends as to not even respond when someone is addressing you?"

Kai lifted his hand up and was going to knock Yin out unconscious once again, the same as he did with Zach and Suna.

But Yin was different this time.

His pupils were glowing white underneath the masquerade which seemingly manifested out of nowhere.

He blocked Kai Xin's hand and held it.

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