Thanatos System

Chapter 8 - Rizako Village

"The Outer Gates are still a few towns away."

Said the coachman.

He was a tall, calm man in his mid fifties.

You could tell he has been a coachman for the majority of his life just by looking at him.

After all, it is the main way of transportation across Niflheim.

The four of the Six Blades were now riding the carriage.

The carriage was enormous.

It was larger than most.

The brown exterior paint coupled with the gold-plated Slayer logo was truly extravagant.

Yin's eyes were filled with awe.

It was the first time he got this far outside of the farm he used to work in.

"I had no idea Niflheim was this huge."

He said as the carriage passed by another range of mountains.

The piercing peaks met with the clouds up above.

They were going to stop by a tavern once they were halfway the journey.

"Now, there will be other Slayers joining you guys in the hunt. But truthfully, I think the Higher Council are just using them as bait. To send B class Slayers, even lower, to exterminate an Angel is basically a death sentence."

Luken warns Yin and Suna.

Gavin pulls out a map of Niflheim.

He points out at a spot still far away from the right-most edge.

"This is where we are now. Once we pass by the chilling Mountains of Madriel, we will arrive at the small village of Rizako. We'll be stopping at a tavern to sleep and prepare. You guys should definitely train once we get there."

Gavin said.

The four of them gazed at the sunset.

"By the way, Commander. I wanted to ask why the Slayer corps sent this luxurious carriage to transport us."

Yin asked.

"Hah, the Commander of the Slayer corps would have nothing short of extravagance, boy!"

The Commander exclaimed proudly.

"Didn't you basically beg and grovel to the Higher Council to let us use this particular carriage for transportation?"

Gavin once again ruined Luken's moment.

Suna, with her head turned towards Yin asked him.

"Aren't you scared, Yin? Even though I've been to several conquests, I still haven't faced an Angel yet. And I'll admit it, I'm feeling kind of terrified."

"I'm scared as well, Suna. I'm scared to death. But something is different this time, I'll be fighting alongside you now. I can fight. Just know that once we're in the battlefield, I'll always have your back."

A reassured Suna cracked a smile.

"And I have yours as well."

Yin knew that there was no shame in being an essential citizen, someone who did not possess Anima cells was only given the work that would suit society. Like farming, cloth-knitting, building houses, etc.

But this time, he was prepared.

The coachman called Gavin's attention.

"We'll be stopping now. Rizako village has a tavern with rooms. We'll wait by the carriage first thing in the morning."

To which the four waved a respectful farewell before they disembarked and went straight to the tavern.

They still have a few hours to kill before dinner, Yin and Suna decided to spar outside.

Yin told her to wait for a bit, he started to do his daily quest.

After a grueling experience of doing 300 pushups, 300 sit-ups, and 300 curl-ups, Yin looked like he was going to fall at any second.

[ Daily Quest Completed : 300 pushups, 300 sit-ups, 300 curl-ups. ]

[ EXP gained : 500 ]

[ Experience Points : 500/3000 ]

[ Current Level : 3 ]

Suna hastily ran towards him.

"I thought you were just going to stretch? Why did you overdo it?"

"Because I have to get stronger, Suna. I have to level up."

Suna was now a bit puzzled by his choice of words.

"No matter, give me a few minutes to catch my breathe and we'll start sparring."

Loud blows could be heard across Rizako.

Meanwhile Luken and Gavin were preparing their rooms.

"Luken, if one of them is at the brink of threat of death, I'm helping them."

"As will I, Gavin."

"The High Council may have given the order for only the two of them to be the combatants from our organization, but I am willing to disobey orders if a Six Blades member is in trouble and I am forced to stand idly and do nothing."

"Then we're on the same page."

Both of them shook hands as though they struck a deal.

"Tell me Luken, do you wholeheartedly believe that Yin and Suna plus other low rank Slayers can take out an Angel without us?"

Gavin asked him wearing a worried expression.

"No. They'll probably die."

Luken responded with a blank face.

"What's the Emperor even doing? Does he know about this absurd conquest those old fools in the council are instructing us to partake in?"

"He probably doesn't know. Those on the council are trying to get rid of Yin. They're afraid of what they don't know. I mean come on, a kid awakening his Anima cells eight years after this tenth birthday is unheard of. But shouldn't we study that? The reason why civilization has stopped improving is because of these outdated ways of thinking!"

Gavin was now obviously infuriated.

Luken places has hand on Gavin's shoulder.

"Let's just believe in them, alright?"

Yin and Suna's spar was interrupted by the Commander.

"Hey, you guys!"

"We're going to eat somewhere, change your clothes and take a bath or something!"

To which the pair responded with hungry expressions.

"Yes, sir!"

After a change of clothes and a fresh shower in their separate rooms, the pair went outside to meet up with the Commander and Gavin.

Rizako was a small village that prides itself in the transportation of livestock.

All of Niflheim relies on Rizako to provide them with meat.

Every alley had different animals, from pigs to cows.

They walked through Rizako until they set their eyes on a humble diner restaurant.

It was small-sized yet the aroma of freshly cooked food drew their hungry selves inside the door.

"Welcome to The Silver Spoon Diner!"

The waiter greeted the four of them and escorted them to their respective seats.

He was a well-kept man in his early thirties.

A wonderfully pleasant slicked back hair and gloves as white as sheep wool.

His white shirt coupled with a black tie really gave the restaurant a touch of sophistication and class.

The waiter pulled out a pen and paper.

"So, what would you like? I recommend the sirloin steak we currently serve for a discounted price-"

His words were interrupted shortly by Yin, Luken, and Suna.

"W-we'd like the steak, please!"


The waiter's eyes glinted in happiness.

He turned his attention towards Gavin.

"How about you, sir?"

"I'd like one serving of salad and another serving of salmon. Thank you."

"I'll be on it, sir."

"Woah, I didn't know this small village served sirloin steak!"

Yin exclaimed.

"Weren't the animals outside a dead giveaway already, Yin?"

Suna asked with an obvious hint of sarcasm.

"Well, Rizako is known for its livestock. These essential workers fuel the society inside the gates of Niflheim, they might not have Anima abilities, but they still do what they can to be productive members of society and to cater to its needs."

Gavin explained.

Suna's stomach was now grumbling.

"Don't worry guys, this meal is on me."

Luken said in a proud tone.

To which Suna gleefully slapped the table in excitement.

"Awfully generous, aren't you?"

Gavin said to the Commander.

"Hey now, the kids have earned it."

Both of them smiled whilst looking at Yin and Suna's salivation waiting for their steak to be served.

"So, Commander, since you guys aren't allowed to help us, where will you be?"

"Me and Gavin will be somewhere near where can see the action. Don't go relying on me all the time, Yin-boy!"

"I-I'm not. To be honest, I am quite excited. I know I basically finished off a weakened Angel at the farm. Without your help, I would have died. But now, I'll use my own strength."

Yin said with a composed look.

"Don't forget about me!"

Suna said to the Commander.

"Alright alright, just make sure you guys make it out alive, okay?"

Their conversation was interrupted by the delicious scent of steak.

The waiter proudly served it to their tables, which prompted them to tear up in happiness.

"Please pardon their reactions."

Gavin quickly assured the waiter who thought there was something wrong with the food he served. And that the three were just that excited to see steak.

The waiter then went back and served Gavin's order.

The steak was cooked medium well.

Its juices oozed out as the trio violently stabbed it with their forks.

"Seriously, you guys act like you haven't eaten in days."

Gavin said.

His words fell on deaf ears as the three of them munched and gobbled up the food into nonexistence.

He could not help but feel the warmth of seeing them enjoy a meal.

Luken asked the waiter how much the group ordered for expenses.

"That is five thousand zennies, sir."

Yin was pretty sure he heard the Commander choke.

Shortly after finishing up, Luken whispered something into Gavin's ears.

"Hey, so I told them it was my treat, right? Do you mind lending me a few zennies this time around? I'll pay you back soon, alright?"

A sad sigh escaped Gavin's mouth.

"Seriously, I thought I only had two children to take care of."

The group bid farewell to the waiter and the diner's owner after everyone was full.

As they made their way to their rooms, Luken tapped Yin's head two times to signal for his attention.

"In battle, some sacrifices are necessary to win."

Without giving Yin the time to retort back, the Commander went to his own room.

Still piecing together what Luken meant, Yin went to sleep with a troubled mind.

Tomorrow was the day.

A couple hours on the carriage and they would be at the Outer Gates.

Then, morning came.

The Six Blades were now en route to the Outer Gates.

Outside Niflheim, the Barriers no longer protected them. All sorts of monsters could pounce at any minute and they would be left to their own devices.

The four of them waited as the coachman signaled them that they have arrived.

"We have arrived at the destination, sirs. The Outer Gates."

It did not look different from inside Niflheim, the forests were still lush and green, the world was still itself.

At least that's what Yin thought.

Several Slayers were at the location already, Luken's face slowly turned dark.

The Commander was now clenching his jaws in anger.

These Slayers...

They were sent to eradicate an Angel?

He could not even recognize any of them.

They had to be below rank B if he were to assess them on the spot.

"G-Gavin. What's happening? Why's the High Council doing this?"

Gavin, who knew nothing could say nothing.

"They're all going to die."

Luken clumped his fist as he states the obvious.

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