Thanatos System

Chapter 94 - Home At Last

The luminescent brightness of the moon gave light to the night skies.

The trio of Six Blades rookies were still going hard at practice, even though it was fast approaching midnight.

"I just got word from Gavin!"

Suna shrieked.

Both Yin and Zachary immediately approached her.

"So, what happened?! Was their top secret mission a success?"

Yin asked.

"You should know that we technically have not been informed about their operation at all. We only know because we have pestered Kai into telling us some details. I suggest we act surprised the first time they tell us about it.

Zachary added.

Suna opened the letter from the Serpent Summoner.

Her eyes skimmed through the letter. It was fairly short.

She then gave it to the others for them to read.

Oliver was fast asleep, he had a makeshift hammock in the living room.

Of course, Suna was not thrilled to be the one who cleaned up after Oliver's fur shedding.

Thus, the rookies made it some sort of exercise as well, to see who could clean the baby panda's fur the fastest, alternating participants in between days.

"It seems like they will be arriving after midnight of some sorts. You guys want to stay up and wait for them?"

Yin asked.

Suna and Gavin nodded.

"I am just going to go check on Oliver for a bit, I will be back." Suna stood up.

"Hey Yin." Zach called out to the white haired Slayer. "Your powers, where did you really get them from?"

Zachary asked him out of the blue.

Yin was adamant in staying silent, fearful that telling other people about the unknown origins of his powers might cause confusion and such. Specially since the Angels were interacting with him in a strange way back at the farm.

"I-I don't…"

Yin stammered on his words.

He could barely surmise what the whole schtick about his powers actually were, what the System was, and who made it. But the brief memory of the sobbing Angel stuck to him deeply.

Yin had also asked the Creator about the origins of the System, but the latter was keen on keeping his mouth shut even tighter than he did.

"Forget it." Zach responded with a faint smile which was rare for him. "As long as you are on our side, on humanity's side, it does not matter where you got it. You might be an annoying simpleton but at least your will is in a good place."

Yin was awfully surprised.

"W-What did you even want to say? On the rarest of occasions that your unpleasantness is not on full display, you still find the time to call me names or something. Seriously."

Yin did not know how to react.

"I am not losing to you, though. No matter what kind of abilities you might have, there is no way I am losing to you."

Zachary said as he stood up from where he sat.

"The same goes for me as well, you know? I will be the strongest Slayer ever recorded. I will actually make a difference in this world, just wait and see. You are free to tag along, but make sure you do not slow me down, Zach."

Yin said with clear conviction.

The intensity in his eyes mirrored his iron will.

His moment was interrupted by the creator, unbeknownst to Zach.

"Big, big words coming from someone like you."

The Creator whispered into his ears.

Zach clicked his tongue.

"Kai Xin told us not to tell the Commander and Gavin about his presence here, make sure you do not forget about that."

He said.

"Yeah, yeah, I will not."

Yin responded.

Although their relationship was still pretty rocky, it was slowly turning into a much more solid one. The rookies' understanding of each other's strength as their training went on was getting more and more deeper.

They were now able to coordinate synchronized attacks using each other's strengths while covering their weaknesses.

But one thing was bothering Yin for quite some time now.

The fact that he had not heard from the System itself after he turned level twenty seemed off. He tried asking the Creator but as always, he merely gave no knowledge that was viable whatsoever, just light banter and insults.

It finally hit Yin, he had heard about the traitorous SSS Rank Reaper conducting several experiments and readings about the old gods and such. Yin knew that he had to ask and inquire about it to his seniors when they came back.

Suna finally went outside and sat down.

"Why are you guys so tense? Come on, training is over, we could just enjoy the night sky while we wait for them to come home. Do you think those two would like Oliver?"

She asked.

"I mean who would not want an adorable fluffy baby panda like Oliver? Of course they would!"

Yin said with a grin.

"Sir Gavin has definitely had his fair share of summoned creatures, he would love Oliver, trust me."

Zach replied.

"Thanks guys."

The three rookies shared the night just lazing around and laying on the grass outside, the cold breeze brought upon by the climate made them go back inside, however. No amount of winter clothes would ever beat the heat this time of the year.

"Hey Zach, can you light the hearth over there?"

Yin pointed out.

Zachary took out his grimoire and casted a mild fire, using his fingers as some sort of lighter.

He used a paper to light it up at first, and then focused it on the firewood situated in the hearth.

The blue flames turned into the normal red ones after he left it alone.

Suna looked at the fire in amusement.

"Blue flames really do cool pretty cool, right, Yin?"

"Tch. Whatever, they probably do, I don't know."

This prompted Zachary to grin and stare at Yin.

The latter did not reciprocate the same energy, however.

"I am getting really sleepy. I might just crash here in Oliver's hammock; you guys can wake me up when they come around."

Yin lifted the baby panda ever so gently, careful as to not wake him up, after getting into a position he was comfortable in. The baby panda let out a soft and gentle squeal which melted everyone's hearts.

The white haired System holder was now asleep on what was supposed to be the panda cub's sleeping place. Oliver was demoted from his hammock and is now snoozing on Yin's belly. He did not protest though.

"Say, Suna."

Zach called out to her.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Are you nervous about the Slayer Tournament? It is fast approaching you know, you better represent the Six Blades with your full might."

"I know that." Suna smirked. "Once I finally get to the A Ranks, you both better catch up soon."

"Heh. What other choice do we really have?"

Both of them snoozed off while waiting for Luken and Gavin after about thirty minutes of chatter. Zach was asking Suna how to improve his fighting stances and such, while Suna was curious about how it felt to cast spells from one's own grimoire.

And just like that, it was as if all the training they did finally caught up to their hyperactive bodies.

It was now about 2 AM early morning, Yin's snores were far too annoying for Zach to deal with, he had awoken from it, after all.

He covered him up with some sheets and rags.

"Why can't you just sleep like a normal person for god sake, Yin?"

The Fire Slayer said mentally to himself. 

He decided to go upstairs to his room, but a knock stopped him in his tracks.

The knocking was getting louder and louder, signs of an impatient visitor, or perhaps Luken?

Zachary opened and was greeted by the Commander and the Serpent Summoner.

"Yo! What are you guys doing here sleeping and stuff?"

Luken's loud voice jolted Suna awake.

"Ergh. Can't you keep your voice down, Commander? You could have woken us up like a normal human being, you know?" Suna said groggily. "Did you guys bring food or snacks or food?"

"It is nice to see you as well, Suna." Gavin replied while unpacking his things. They had turned pale white because of the coldness. "Hey, Zach. The fire's out, light it up again, please."

Zach had a smirk on his face.

He wanted to show off to both of them. They were to ones who recruited him to the organization so it would only be fair, according to Zach, that they see his strength and worth as a Slayer.

The Fire Slayer took out his grimoire and began casting the same spell as he did to ignite the fire from earlier.

His fingertips lit up with the blue flames.

Gavin was shocked. Luken, on the other hand, had a greedy, devilish smile on his face.

"What do you guys think?"

Zach asked with the grin still on.

"I think you three truly are something else."

The Serpent Summoner said with a smile.

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