Rain land, casino rain feast.

Klockdar waited a day without waiting for news from Robin, but waited for an invitation from King Kobra of Alabastan.

“Goohahahaha, it seems that a third-party force has been inserted in!” Klockdar looked at the invitation in his hand, his face becoming more and more gloomy.

No need to think about it, Robin must have been controlled, and as for Von Kray, who was under house arrest in the palace, Kobra may have cooled down.

Navy or pirates?

Klockdar thought that his actions in Alabastan were not obvious and would not attract the attention of the world government, but now the situation seems to be a little unexpected.

If the world government discovers its small move, it will not receive a simple invitation, but an admiral of the Navy.

Klockdar is well aware of this.

Then it’s a pirate!

“President, just now the latest news came from below, Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, was killed.” MR1 Daz walked in with a calm face.

“Straw Hat Luffy is dead?” Klockdar was slightly surprised, it was not unexpected that a small pirate who went to sea in an inconspicuous mountain and a watertight port was killed, this kind of thing happens every day on the sea, if it were not for the Straw Hat Pirates disrupting his plans at Whiskey Peak, this small character would not have entered his sight at all.

“Do you know who did it?” Klockdahl asked, immediately realizing that he had asked a silly question.

Daz nodded first, and then immediately shook his head again: “According to the informant, a man and a woman had a conflict with the Straw Hat gang, but they didn’t know the identity of the other party. ”

Klockdar waved his hand, signaling Daz to step down, he wanted to sort out his thoughts, Robin can’t lose it, he has been planning for so long, he is about to succeed, he can’t give up easily, no matter who the other party is, he wants to let the other party understand that the name of Qiwu Hai is not called in vain!


“Your Majesty, the gold has been sent to His Highness Salros.” Ikalem was sad, as the great steward of the kingdom, he also had some understanding of those things at the top, and there was generally no good fruit to eat when involved with the Draco, and those guys couldn’t communicate with words at all.

Hearing this, Kobra nodded, it had only been two days, and he felt that he was living like a year now, and he didn’t feel so painful when he was under house arrest in the first place.

I hadn’t heard that this guy Salros liked such things as gold and silver jewelry.

However, Kobra was very knowledgeable, he was very clever and did not ask, but just searched for the treasures in the palace as much as he could to send over.

“In addition,” Ikalem hesitated for a moment, “In addition, Klockdar has also sent a letter saying that he will see today’s dinner. ”

Kobra: “…”

At the same time, in the corner of the palace, Salros looked at the gold that disappeared in front of him, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The transaction is very simple, and it can be easily completed with the help of the heavens, in addition to getting a booklet, Salros’s “credit limit” in the space has also increased by ten points.

“Chakra?” Salros muttered, flipped through it cursoryly, and then set it aside.

This kind of introductory thing is not very interesting to him, but as a tentative transaction, he can learn it when he has nothing to do.

The shadow-level power of the fire shadow plane is not worth mentioning at all in the pirate plane, the combat power of the late fire shadow plane collapsed, and the sky was shattered, that is the power of those in the six realms, there are very few, but in the pirate plane, there are many people who surpass the shadow.

“It’s really a door-picking, and the gifts are all C-grade ninjutsu. But it’s practical. ”

“Tuk tuk”

A crisp knock on the door interrupted Salros’s thoughts.

“Your Highness, Klockdar promised to come over tonight.” Stussi glanced around, surprised not to see the imaginary picture, “In addition, His Majesty Kobra, through your inspiration, has taken out the historical text hidden in the royal cemetery. Say it’s entrusted to you to hand over to the world government. ”

“It’s clever!” Salros sneered, and then pointed to the pamphlet on the table, “I’ll copy a copy and take a look at it later, and practice according to the instructions above.” ”

“Chakra…” Stussi was stunned for a moment, when His Highness also began to study ninja things.

As the chief intelligence officer of CP0, Stussi is well-informed and naturally knows that there is a profession called ninja in the world, and they believe that chakra can be extracted from the body and used to perform ninjutsu.

Although there were some doubts in his heart, Stussy remained silent, and it was enough for His Highness to do what he ordered.

“Nicole Robin’s things don’t talk too much.” Salros rested his head on Stusssi’s lap, his eyes narrowed slightly, and enjoyed the massage of his small hands.

He believed that Stussy could understand what he was saying.

Nicole Robin is the main culprit of the world government’s bounty, and in some ways, more dangerous than many pirates.

Stussy didn’t speak, but the force on his hand was softer.

PS: I was also drunk, I didn’t write anything, I changed it limitedly, and I didn’t know what mistakes I made.

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