“That kid is finally willing to come back?”

In the conference hall, the rulers of the world government, the five old stars gathered together and talked about the recent events on the sea.

“Come back, it won’t be long before you come to us!”

“Lord Im didn’t say anything either, and didn’t seem to care about what Salros did!”

The old man wearing a white Taoist robe and holding a sharp sword in his hand leaned against the windowsill, his dark eyes swept over the scenery outside the window, and then turned his head and said, “It’s already here!” ”

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive!

“Fast enough!”


Looking at the magnificent building in front of him, Salros took a deep breath.

To be honest, he didn’t want to come to this ghost place at all, the atmosphere was too depressing, and he couldn’t raise any interest in the face of five old men who were about to die.

But when it comes to your future planning, you have to come, it’s really nerve-wracking!

Walking into the hall, the five old stars either stood or sat down, it seemed that they had long known the news that they were coming to “visit”, and there was no surprised expression on their faces.

Salros is not at all surprised by this, if they can’t even do this, the world doesn’t know what the chaos has become.

In the face of the nominal world’s highest power, Salros is not at all daunted.

The world government is nominally under the jurisdiction of the Draco, but only in name, not all Draco have the power to summon the five old stars. Besides, those five old guys are Draco themselves!

The once naïve Salros even thought that he could make the world revolve around him as soon as he opened his mouth, but unfortunately he was later slapped hard by reality.

“Salros Saint, can the Hades construction drawings be transferred to the world government.”

“Of course, it’s not for you to sacrifice your gains in vain, you can choose anything in the library, or the world government specially allocated 10 billion as your loss!”

As soon as Salros sat down, someone was impatient to talk about the ancient weapon Hades.

Salros sneered.

“It doesn’t matter if you have money or not, the drawing can be given to you a copy!” Salros said.

Drawings are not such a thing as specificity, holding a copier, how much you want.

“But in exchange, I want to set up a new naval department!”

When Salros said that he could hand over the Hades drawings, the five old stars even showed a hint of surprise on their faces, as if they couldn’t believe that things were so simple.

Sure enough, there is also the back hand.

“New Navy?”

“What’s the problem?” Salros sat up straight, “Don’t worry, you don’t need your budget, I won’t take up the funds of the current Navy!” ”

The five old stars glanced at each other, a little confused about Salros’s routine.

“Why?” The middle-aged strong man in a crimson suit said in a muffled voice, “The current navy is large enough, there is no need to rebuild a force. If you want to command someone, don’t you already have CP0 in your hand? ”

Salros shook his head and counted: “Far from enough, CP0 is just a spy agency, it’s okay to do some dirty work that is not in the flow, but it is a little difficult to make further moves!” ”

CP0 is full of not a thousand people, although they are all elite soldiers, but you can’t expect these elite soldiers to go around the world, if that’s the case, who has time to collect intelligence for themselves.

“In addition, I want to reform the heavenly gold system!”

Salros again threw a bomb.


The old man in the green suit stood up at once.

“Heavenly gold is not only the activity fund of the world’s nobles, but also the main source of income for the world’s government, if no one can afford this aspect except for the mistake, this matter is not said!”

Although the other four did not speak, Salros already knew the answer from their facial expressions.

“As far as I know, Heavenly Gold is mainly provided to the Draco, as an expense for them to eat, drink and have fun, I have no objection, after all, I also like this system!” When Salros said this, his face was already gloomy, and Ragnarok slowly condensed in his hands.

As if sensing the change in the atmosphere in the hall, the white-robed old man holding the sword placed his right hand on the hilt.

Salros can’t be treated as an ordinary person, he is not a wine bag, in Alabastan can press Klockdar to beat, how can it be a simple thing.

“The World Government has nearly two hundred allied countries, most of which are in the Red Earth Continent, and a few are in the sea.” Salros has done in-depth research in this regard, “The member country pays ten billion Bailey in heavenly gold every year as a joining fee, regardless of whether the country is prosperous or not, and the population is small!” ”

“Could it be that you don’t think there’s something wrong with this?”

One country has 10 billion Baileys, the world government has 170 countries, and the funds for Draco consumption are 1.7 trillion Baileys a year, which is simply an astronomical amount!

PS: One, two, three, four, five, codewords are so hard!

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