Headquarters of the Navy, Malinfodo.

Since the news of the imminent establishment of the criminal army, the entire navy has been shaken and talked about endlessly.

There are those who disdain, and there are those who admire.

It can be described as a variety of beings.

However, everyone felt a sense of urgency that a black cloud overwhelmed the city, and the entire naval headquarters was enveloped by this strange atmosphere.

When Salros stepped into Marinfodo, he instantly felt many strange eyes on him.

After entering the conference room, the anxious atmosphere became even stronger.

“Salros Saint is coming, and it is far from welcome!”

Admiral Sengoku said in a loud voice, not humble or silent, and there was no emotion at all visible from his expression.

Salros looked around, several of the highest combat power of the navy were gathered here, as well as many famous vice admirals.

Hehe, the battle is really big enough!

Eventually, Salros’s gaze rested on the gray-haired naval hero Karp.

Coincidentally, Karp was also observing him.

“His Royal Highness Salros is really young, I was still a naval soldier when I was so old, and sure enough, people can’t compare with people!” The yellow ape tilted his head and said.

Although the yellow ape’s words are decent, with the slightly disgusting action, it directly gives people a feeling of ridicule.

“Please pay attention to the tone of your speech, General Yellow Ape!”

Before Salros could react, the red dog sitting next to the yellow ape quickly spoke up, and the tiger’s eyes flashed with a trace of dissatisfaction.

“Hmm!” The yellow ape screamed strangely and raised his hands upwards.

Salros looked coldly at what was in front of him, and did not make a sound, but came directly to the main seat.

As a naval marshal, Sengoku had to find another seat.

“You should have seen the list?” Salros said.

In the past few days, he has roughly browsed the so-called elites in the navy and selected some people who he values more, although it will bring some trouble to the navy, but the impact will not be too great.

“Former Admiral Zefa! Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit! Navy Colonel Tina…”

Every time the Warring States pronounced a name, the faces of those present darkened a little.

Although Salros did not want many people, many of them were trained by the Navy as a backbone.

Although the black wrist Zefa has long retired and worked as a training officer in the naval training camp, no one will question his strength!

Peach Rabbit, although known as Lieutenant General, is known to be a candidate for a general.

“I refuse!”

Sengoku’s words were not finished, and a light drink came from the corner.

Salros followed the voice and looked at it, and a cold and cold general wearing a cloak of justice was staring at himself with a look of displeasure, looking like he wanted to eat people!

Oh, it’s really a little pepper!

The green pheasant dragged his chin into a state of false sleep, the yellow ape was holding the mentality of watching the excitement, and the red dog frowned, seemingly dissatisfied with the behavior of the peach rabbit.

“Refusal is invalid!” Salros withdrew his gaze and said lightly.

A small lieutenant general still wants to rebel against the orders of the world government!

“Your Highness Salros, if you think that the navy is the same as your family, I still advise you to die of this heart, besides, I am not the delicate aristocratic ladies around you!” Peach Rabbit said coldly, “It’s impossible to expect me to serve people!” Even if I am removed, I will not compromise! ”


“Wonderful declaration, Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit really deserves to be a strong woman in the new era, really different!” Salros was also not annoyed either, and even applauded in appreciation.

“But it’s a pity, I don’t care about what you say, if you give up your navy identity, I naturally won’t stop it!”

To be honest, when everyone knew that there was a peach rabbit in the candidate list of the criminal army, many people knew that there was a lively thing to watch.

Peach Rabbit’s contempt for the nobles of the world is not a day or two, because of her attitude problems, it has also become an obstacle to the promotion of generals.

“But in that case, I think a wanted warrant will appear soon!”

“Former Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit stole important confidential documents of the world government and then defected! A bounty of 500 million Baileys! ”

As soon as the words fell, the conference room suddenly fell silent.

They know that this kind of thing, Salros can definitely do it!

“The Navy is still pirates. You can only choose one of these two identities! Salros shrugged his shoulders, “After all, there aren’t so many good things in the world, are you?” ”

“You…” Peach Rabbit was speechless by this sudden change, she never expected that Salros would use such a despicable and shameless method.

“Gion, sit down!” Lieutenant General Tsuru glanced at Salros and then said to Peach Rabbit.

Salros, however, has no intention of ending the topic.

“Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit, the criminal army will be promoted in three days, and the target will advance into the city, if after three days, I can’t see your shadow on the warship, then, I’m sorry, you are already a pirate!”

Hearing this, Peach Rabbit’s pretty face was red and white for a while, and finally snorted coldly, turning his head not to pay attention to Salros.

Seeing Gion’s reaction, Salros sneered in his heart.

He chose Gion for many reasons.

In the top of the Navy, the proportion of female roles is very small, and there are not many people who can make Salros look at it, and besides, this famous vice admiral is still a beautiful woman.

In addition, Gion is also a serious “dissatisfied” of the world government, and if she does not let her personally feel the beatings of society, she will never understand how cruel the world is!

PS: I always feel that there are not many active readers, and the bigwigs who read this book squeak, let me not be too weak.

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