Sitting on a bench with a high backrest, Vivi was a little cramped.

Obviously, this is my own home, but there is a feeling of being a guest, which is very uncomfortable.


Taking a long breath, Princess Vivi gave herself a breath, nothing, just an ordinary dinner party.

Having said that, Princess Vivi felt her calves and stomach tremble so badly that if she hadn’t sat on the chair, she might have collapsed to the ground.


Inside the kitchen, Yamaji looked at the bloody carcass of the reindeer in front of him, and his expression changed slightly.

“This is today’s main course, and it took Princess Vivi a lot of effort to hunt it from the mountains and forests.” Violet pointed to the carcass of the reindeer and said lightly.

“It’s still a fawn, and the meat should be very tender.” Yamaji took a sharp kitchen knife and cut through the flesh and blood that lay out on the board.

“Of course!” Violet shrugged his shoulders, then continued, “I hope Mr. Yamaji has a lot of care.” ”

Yamaji spat out a smoke ring and said lightly: “Naturally! ”

This is the last dish I made myself in this sad country!


Night, finally here!

Salros walked slowly into the banquet hall with a leisurely pace.

In the empty room, there was no other color than some beautiful red candlelight.

“It’s beautiful, I love it!” Salros looked up and down at the beauty in front of him and praised.

“Don’t be so nervous, I won’t eat you again!” Salros chuckled, and then he didn’t know where to find a necklace, and the workmanship was very exquisite.

“It goes well with your skin tone!” Salros’s palm passed over Princess Vivi’s headlights without a trace, causing goosebumps in the latter.

“Thank you, Your Highness!” There was a faint feeling of coolness on her neck, which made Princess Vivi wake up from her distraction.

“If you like it!” The corners of Salros’s mouth grinned, “Today’s dinner party is specially prepared for you, I think it will definitely impress you!” ”

I don’t know why, Princess Vivi always felt that Salros’s performance today was a little abnormal, but she couldn’t say it.

Watching Salros sit in the seat opposite her, Princess Vivi was slightly relieved in her heart.

The long table between the two was three meters long, and this distance gave her a sense of security.

“Today’s chef is something I have put a lot of effort into preparing for you, and I have heard of this chef’s skills a long time ago.” Salros raised the champagne in his hand and toasted Princess Vivi, but the latter was in a state of confusion and did not react at all.

“His Highness Lao is bothered!” Princess Vivi felt that her palms were sweaty, and her voice was trembling.

At night, it is getting deeper and deeper, and you can already see the endless starry sky outside the window.

“The dessert has been eaten, and it’s time for dinner!” Salros wiped his mouth with a napkin.

Hearing this, Princess Weiwei’s heart twitched.

“Snap!” Salros clapped his palms, “Tell the back chef that it’s time to serve!” ”

After that, Salros walked around the dining table and came directly to Princess Vivi, reaching out and hugging the other party’s thin waist.

With Salros’s movements, the muscles in Princess Vivi’s whole body instantly tightened.

“Take it easy, Your Royal Highness.” Salros said softly.

Not long after, a sound of footsteps came.

Dressed as a maid, Stussy carries a huge dinner plate in one hand, covered with an insulated lid made of gold.

“It tastes delicious, the chef has a heart!” Salros took the plate, then placed it in front of Princess Vivi and opened the lid.

Princess Vivi sniffed her nose, and also had to admit that the main dish in front of her was bright in color and had a long taste, and before she tasted it, it made the population water.

“Taste, this is specially prepared for you!” Salros sat back in his place.

Picking up the dinner knife, Princess Vivi carefully cut a fat and lean piece of meat from the main dish, chewed lightly and swallowed, and then picked up the spoon and took a sip of the soup.

Every move is in line with the standard etiquette of the royal family, which Salros is a little ashamed of.

“How does it taste?” Salros seemed to be looking forward to Princess Vivi’s evaluation of the main course.

“It’s delicious.”

“It’s delicious, you can eat more!” Salros smiled happily.

Hearing this, Princess Vivi continued to eat the main dish in front of her with apprehension, and in a short time, it had already gone down for a small half.

“I’m sorry, it’s so delicious.” Princess Vivi was rarely embarrassed.

“It’s okay!” Salros didn’t mind at all.

“Since I was a child, I have never eaten something so delicious, just from the mountains…” As soon as she was halfway through the words, Princess Vivi suddenly froze in place.

“Say, why don’t you say it, I’ll listen!” Salros spread out his right hand and motioned for Princess Vivi to continue.


Salros did not speak, but his face became more and more gloomy.

“You let go of the remnants of the straw hat!”


With a crisp sound, the dinner knife in Princess Weiwei’s hand slammed to the ground.

“Actually, you guessed right, tonight’s chef is exactly the name you didn’t say just now!”

“Sanji, right!”

Princess Vivi felt that her whole body was trembling, trembling from her soul!

It was discovered! It’s all over!

However, Salros’s words are not finished.

“Your Royal Highness, the main course of today’s dinner can be praised by you, and I think the little reindeer will also be proud!”


Wait, I just ate reindeer….

“That’s right, that’s what you think!” Salros seemed to have completely seen through Princess Vivi’s thoughts.

“As I said, today’s dinner is specially prepared for you!” Salros grinned, the reindeer was just asking someone to find a random beast similar to Choiba from the mountains and forests, and it was not effective to deceive him.

PS: was reported, you can’t write Joba to death, hehe, you can only change it to a beast, that’s it!

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