On the way to the dance hall, Nami briefly explained the reason for her surprise.

“Thief?” Salros muttered softly, “Little thief cat, female fox, hehe, it sounds like a match!” ”

“That guy…” Nami sobered up from her memories, with a hint of resentment, “once left me alone in a pirate’s den!” This kind of person … Hum! ”

Nami obviously has a bad heart, even dissatisfaction, with this former friend!

“It seems that this Miss Karina washed her hands in the golden basin and changed her career to be a singer.” For Nami’s past, Bakara did not care, but only echoed.

The corners of Nami’s mouth twitched, cats eat fish, dogs eat meat, the habits developed for thousands of years can not be changed overnight, she does not believe that the female fox who is restless in her heart will wash her hands in a golden basin.

How tired is when Ge Ji is, every day he has to force a smile and serve others, and he has to endure the strange eyes of others and verbal flowers.

Nami doesn’t believe that the female fox can endure it, unless she has a bigger goal!


Nami froze suddenly, stunned to remember that this is the largest entertainment center on the sea, and there are countless rich people, and you can steal a lot of money by “working” casually!

For a while, Nami felt that she had guessed the female fox’s thoughts!

Everyone chatted about it, the car had stopped safely in front of a luxurious dance hall, looking at the flashing neon lights above, Nami almost thought that she had come to the vast continent.

However, the salty sea breeze clearly told her that this was still on the sea!

“Your Highness, the private room is ready.” How could Bakara not have made some preparations in advance, knowing that Salros was coming to the cabaret, he had already said hello in advance.

Hearing this, Salros nodded slightly.

The lights are red and green, and all kinds of men and women cross together, giving Salros a feeling of being separated from the world.

The bar in the past life was basically like this, but the painting style here is more daring, the girls are dressed more coolly, and there is nothing else to see except the fabric used to cover the shame.

“Is Karina performing tonight?”

Sitting on the sofa, Salros took a sip of black tea, he personally did not like to drink, only occasionally drank a cup.

“Yes, Miss Karina will sing three songs tonight, and also perform a dance!” Karina looked at the program list in her hand, and handed over Karina’s information after speaking.

For the special hobbies of this highness, anyone who knows a little about it knows it.

Tezzolo was naturally no exception and told his subordinates about the situation.

For the city lord’s plans, Bakara did not know very well, and the city lord trusted Mr. Yamanaka more than himself.

Bakara doesn’t feel bad, and sometimes a little distance is a good way to protect yourself.


“Hee-hee, according to the report, he is watching the performance in the dance hall!” Mr. Yamanaka hid his smile, as if he had seen Salros indulge in the performance and unload all the seeds.

Tezzolo played with the gold ring on his finger and grinned.

“Have they all been covered with gold dust?”

This is Sea Casino No, this is also its own empire!

Here, he is king!

Mr. Yamanaka nodded: “I really look forward to the expressions of those big people in the Holy Land when they see the golden Salros Saint.” ”

He had already learned from Tezzolo’s mouth that the high-level had acquiesced to the action, and the fear in his heart naturally dissipated.

“But we still have to be careful, he has always had a vice admiral by his side, well, now he should call the general of the criminal army to protect, it can be said that he is inseparable.” Mr. Yamanaka added.

“It doesn’t matter, even the admiral has to give me an honest lie on my stomach here!” Tezzolo is very confident.

The Devil Fruit has awakened, and he has his own proud capital!

“Dispose of it too!”

Since they have all made up their minds to kill Salros, what is a general of the criminal army!

The gold ring was instantly ejected by Tezzolo with his fingers and nailed to the solid wall.


“I’m really young!”

Looking at the girl performing stage, Salros commented.

Men’s orientation towards women has always remained the same, young, beautiful, and in good shape!

Salros is not a saint and naturally will not be an exception!

Over the years, he has also been through hundreds of battles, and he has lived in the flowers without leaving a name.

Nami, who was sitting next to Salros, showed a gritted look of teeth the moment Karina came out.

At that time, Karina’s “betrayal” almost lost her life, she poured well, took all the treasures, lived a good life, and completely forgot about this partner!

Salros noticed the change in Nami’s demeanor and chuckled.

“Want to take revenge on her?” Salros pinched Nami’s smooth chin, who was very submissive.

Get you back?

This thought was fleeting in Nami’s mind.

She knew that the life and death of her “partner” was likely to be between her own thoughts, and if she opened her mouth, Karina would definitely suffer a prank from Salros.

But let it go, when nothing happens…

Nami still can’t do it!

Salros seemed to see Nami’s entanglement and snapped his fingers.

Bakara half-crouched and fell low.

For the beautiful scenery presented in front of him, Salros only glanced at it faintly.

“Directly let Miss Karina perform the dance in the private room in a while, I prefer to watch it up close, after all, I can interact with the dancers!” Salros patted Bakara’s cheek.

“No problem, Miss Karina will be there soon!” Bakara smiled.

“Don’t reveal my identity, then the game won’t be fun!” Salros said, “Nami, in order to prevent embarrassment, you first go to the small private room next door for a while, when I think you should come out, you are showing your head!” ”

Peach Rabbit, who had been standing at the door, couldn’t help but sneer in her heart, even if she used her toes to think, she could roughly guess what trick the bastard in front of her wanted to play.

These days, as a personal guard, Peach Rabbit has also seen a lot of big scenes, this bastard is not at all taboo about the presence of this “outsider”, I go my own way, and directly regard myself as a transparent person!

“Girls who worship money, although they are cheaper, they can easily get their hearts!”

As Bakara and Nami left the private room, Salros opened the box containing Bailey on the coffee table, and the green bills looked so charming in the light.

The power of money is really great!

PS: Normal update will resume tomorrow, and the revision is basically over, hey! _

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