However, it didn't take long for them to come to the back door of a huge conference room and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, Su Jin saw the pure white long table with ten people sitting.

And in that seat, is the subordinate of Aizen who subdued in the virtual circle - Ten Blades.

Compared with the plot, the current Ten Blades are basically the same group of people in the plot, that is, most of the people have a little bit of emptiness on their faces. It seems that the power of Bengyu is not enough to make them surpass them more completely. Racial limits.

After entering the door, Aizen took the first step and sat down on the main seat. Ichimaru Gin and Toxian stood behind Aizen like attendants.

At this moment, Aizen tapped the pale long table.

Directly opposite him, at the end of the long table, a white chair slowly emerged.

At the moment when the chair was raised, most of the Ten Blades swept their gaze to Su Jin.

Clearly, this chair was clearly intended for the newcomer.

And the position directly opposite Aizen, this position that covers the equivalent meaning, can't help but let these false guesses that have gained some people's hearts.

At this time, Aizen used his usual smile and said to Su Jin:

"The place is shabby, I hope you don't mind."

"Come on, you are too thoughtful and full of lies. It's strange to believe you."

Su Jin said bluntly, sat down in the opposite position, and then faced Shiren's wandering gaze, swaggeringly looked at them:

"It's not bad, at least 9 people add up to enough Aizen to beat you with one hand."

This sarcastic remark made the conference room quiet.

Tenblade Stark yawned, and he was not among the nine.

The twentieth blade Bailegang showed obvious dissatisfaction, but suppressed it, but it was obviously somewhat hostile to Su Jin, but I don't know why it didn't happen.

Thirtieth Blade Tia Halibel's chest is too big, Su Jin can't see the expression, but the muscles are quite firm, and the wheat-colored skin looks good in the hand.

The fortieth blade, Ulquiora, seemed to have no emotions.

The fiftieth blade, Neutra, licked her tongue, her eyes a little like she wanted to slash.

The sixtieth blade Grimmjow was very unhappy, but he gritted his teeth and looked a bit like a vigilant wild dog, but he seemed a little shy.

The seventieth blade is disgusting, Su Jin doesn't even want to see it, the eightyth blade looks like a pervert, and has been looking at him curiously.

The ninth blade couldn't see his face. As for the tenth blade, he was very upset, but he didn't move.

Well, from one to ten, no one dared to attack in front of Aizen, which made Su Jin show a dull expression.

Pretending to force no one to sing, it's like walking in a brocade at night. He can't stand even if he wants to stand up. It's really boring.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but took out the pocket watch given by Shiroyasha, looked at it, and found that the hour hand was already pointing to 2.

Obviously, showing his face on the side of the Ten Blades, his influence on the world has obviously increased a lot.

This made Su Jin wonder if all the ten blades would be killed, would the hour hand point to the value of 3.

However, he quickly gave up.

Ten Blades didn't offend him, and he didn't have the mood to kill people indiscriminately.

In contrast, Su Jin wanted to save Ten Blades' life to see if he could increase his influence.

After all, you can only shave the wool once for killing, but if you are alive, you can depilate them every day. No matter how you look at it, the value of the ten blades alive is higher.

Thinking of this, Su Jin naturally looked very open and smiled, looking like an ordinary sunny youth.

However, he didn't know that his whole body had no spiritual pressure, and if he hadn't looked directly at him, his presence was completely air-like, and many people in the Ten Blades had already been shocked.

This elusive feeling, like a dimension apart, they have only seen in one person.

That is the current king of the virtual circle - Aizen.

Only he can give people such a dimensional gap.

Aizen didn't care about the little friction between Su Jin and Shiren.

As if he started a conversation, he said in a normal greeting:

"There is only one reason to gather you. After seeing Su Jin, you must also understand the reason."

Shiren didn't answer, although Aizen gave them the right to speak freely, but they still didn't want to speak.

The time for Su Jin to become stronger is very short, so he didn't know that when he was in a uncertain mood, the strong maliciousness that made Shiren couldn't help but want to vomit was permeating all around him.

Except for the tenth blade, everyone was on alert to guard against the sudden attack of the 'monster' on the other side of the long table.

At this time, although they paid attention to Aizen's words, they also paid more attention to Su Jin's movements.

This is the natural vigilance behavior of beasts when faced with stronger beasts.

At this time, Aizen, who was sitting in the main seat, put his hands on the long table, folded them together, and dragged his chin:

"Starting today, Su Jin has joined our Xuye Palace as a collaborator."

"As for his status, you can regard it as—"

Aizen's ordinary glasses reflected light again:

"—Equal to me."

Chapter 0017 Who dares to stand tall

The Ten Blades party soon ended.

It seems that Aizen's purpose in calling them is really just to let them know Su Jin.

However, it does.

Aizen's purpose is really just to let Shiren get to know Su Jin.

Su Jin also knew this.

As for the pretended declaration of 'equal to me', it is actually just an ordinary declaration.

Only when Su Jin really saw Aizen Suoyousuke did he understand what it meant to be a force between the lines.

This man, who looks like a flower in the mirror, has deep meaning in his every move, as if he is calculating something all the time.

Therefore, Su Jin complained about Aizen's life is too tiring.

The hallway of the Xuye Palace.

Su Jin and Aizen walked side by side in the aisle, and behind them, Ichimaru Gin and Toxian followed silently.

"If I want to enter the corpse soul world, should I need some means?"

After figuring out the role of some influence, Su Jin naturally wanted to go to the world's main stage, the Soul World, and continue to expand his achievements.

However, according to his impression, whether it is a virtual or a human being, entering the corpse soul world needs to undergo a certain transformation process.

And this kind of technology, Su Jin naturally doesn't know, but isn't there Aizen beside him?

That's why he asked Aizen directly, because politeness was just a waste of time in the eyes of the two of them.

"That's right."

Aizen didn't ask Su Jin why he went to Soul Soul Realm, but nodded and admitted:

"Whether it's virtual or human, if you want to enter the corpse soul world safely, you need to go through the treatment of spiritualization technology to ensure that it will not have adverse effects on the corpse soul world."

Hearing this, Su Jin frowned slightly:

"There is no adverse reaction between the virtual circle and reality?"

"Not only that, there are no adverse reactions in hell." Aizen said with a smile.

Hearing this, Su Jin laughed: "So, this is the speciality of the soul world?"

Reality, virtual circle, hell, soul world, these are the major 'worlds' in the world of death.

And here, the other three do not need transformation rituals, only Soul Soul Realm needs it.

It's not obvious that there is a problem with the Soul Society!

Aizen also smiled when she heard this:

"More precisely, it is the speciality of the Spirit King."

Hearing this, combined with his own impression of the world of death, Su Jin couldn't help whistling:

"Yo, the artificial world?"

There is no problem with the three worlds, why is there a problem with the problem of the dead soul world?

The reason is because His present posture is man-made.

This is probably the truth of the soul world.

A small world made by people.


The smile on Aizen's face gradually subsided, revealing a bone-chilling indifference:

"The so-called corpse soul world is nothing but a world built on deception."

Hearing this, Su Jin couldn't see through Aizen's hostility to the Spirit King, but he didn't care, just said with a smile:

"Because of the Spirit King whose limbs were chopped off and his internal organs dug out to make a human pillar?"

"Of course." Aizen said indifferently, "There is no need for a **** who doesn't even allow himself to exist."

Su Jin laughed: "I think you're just unhappy with the spirit king, right?"

The Spirit King is known as the only **** in the four worlds of soul, phantom, reality, and hell.

The 13th Division of the Guardian of the Jingling Garden, the 0th Division of the Throne Special Agent, and the 46th Central Room are all institutions born to protect the "Spirit King".

To put it bluntly, they all claim to be the lackeys of the 'Spirit King'.

The Spirit King, on the other hand, is a 'mummy' that was cut into a pillar, sealed in a crystal, even his internal organs were hollowed out, and his self-awareness was limited.

This is subtle.

Is the Spirit King a **** or a prisoner?

Is the Zero Squad who protects the Spirit King an **** or a guard?

The major orders of the Soul Society are all issued by Team Zero in the name of the Spirit King, but the Spirit King cannot think for himself. Who gave the order?

The door to door here almost made Su Jin laugh out loud.

Isn't that what the island nation does?

The emperor is supreme, the nobility is eternal, and the pariah is always the pariah.

In the name of the Spirit King, untouchables must kneel on the ground and beg for divine grace.

And interestingly.

Aizen Soyousuke is also a 'untouchable'.

He probably couldn't get down on his knees, so he wanted to kill the Spirit King and overthrow the so-called Soul Soul Realm.

This arrogant man will admire the strong, but he will not admire a puppet, let alone obey those monkeys who can control the puppet (Team Zero).

Thinking of this, Su Jin smiled and said:

"I think Aizen will be very interesting for you to become the Spirit King."

"I think so too." Aizen Suoyousuke changed his indifference and responded with a smile.

This man who thinks he is a god, thinks that when he comes to power, he must do better than the King Spirit.

Unfortunately, Su Jin thought so too.

Ichimaru Gin and Toxian, who walked to the back, looked at the two people in front of them with trepidation.

The artificial world and the soul world caused by the spirit king are special, a world built on deception.

Aizen wanted to replace the Spirit King, but Su Jin, who appeared out of nowhere, actually agreed with this idea.

The communication between the two involved is too terrifying, and you don't have to think about how terrifying it will be.

However, even so, these things were still casually said by Su Jin and Lan Ran.

This had to shock the two of them.

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